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This means that you force someone/something to do something for you.



Don’t make her cry.

📕The teacher made him work hard.

Why do you make them (your parents)worry so much about you?



📕This means that you allow ( = let, give permission to do something) someone to do something or you allow something to happen.



📘She let the kids stay up past midnight.

📕I let the chicken burn in the oven.

Why did he let this happen?



This means that you help ( = assist) someone (to) do something. This structure is most often used without ‘to’.



Milk can help you fall asleep.

📕Could you help me carry my bags?

I don’t see how this helps them understand the lesson.

English idioms about clothes.

English learners
Foxes – Friends In The Corner
We were younger then
We were half the age
We could see it all through a careless lens
My friend

Was it all an act?
Was it just pretend?
Does it hurt to see how our smiles have changed?
My friend

I took it all for granted
I lived it like a dream
I was always the first person you'd call when you needed me
Everything is changing
And this is how it's gotta be but
How can something so beautiful leave me so desperately?

All of my friends in the corner
Everybody's looking like they need someone
Together we're not getting older
But everybody's looking like they need someone

All of my friends in the corner
Everybody's looking like they need someone
Together we're not getting older
But everybody's looking like they need someone

So let's misbehave
These are troubled days
When my home was yours, we were always safe
My friend

I took it all for granted
I lived it like a dream
I was always the first person you'd call when you needed me
Everything is changing
And this is how it's gotta be but
How can something so beautiful leave me so desperately?

All of my friends in the corner
Everybody's looking like they need someone

All of my friends in the corner
Everybody's looking like they need someone
Together we're not getting older
But everybody's looking like they need someone

Do you need someone?
Do you need someone?
Everybody's looking like they need someone
Do you need someone?
Do you need someone?
Everybody's looking like they need someone

All of my friends in the corner
Everybody's looking like they need someone
Pretending we don't fear the morning
But everybody's looking like they need someone

Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you?
Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you?

Friends In The Corner

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IELTS Grammar |
The Most Common Reason People Fail IELTS Writing.

‍ ‍ What’s the difference between the conjunctions" when and "while?
📘تفاوت while and when.

"In some sentences "Generally, if you want to focus on an action that has a duration being in progress," use a while + a progressive tense.

ما while را برای زمان حال ادامه دار استفاده میکنیم یعنی چیزی ک الان اتفاق میافتد ، ولی when را با زمان حال ساده ک اشاره به زمان نمیکند .‌

📕While I was washing the dishes, my wife came home.

📘وقتی داشتم ظرفها را می شستم همسرم آمد.

 📕So Washing the dishes has a duration, " and it's in a progressive way ..

📘" So we use when in a simple tense.: but while in continue tense "

"When it started to rain, we went inside.:
📕وقتی باران شروع شد ما رفتیم خانه .

 "So the action that started is short; it is not something in progress".

Use a Progressive Tense with While to Show Focus:"

"While I was cooking dinner, the phone rang.
📘وقتی داشتم آشپزی میکردیم تلفن زنگ زد .

We use while to focus on an action happening" at a specific time.: Therefore, the most natural verb tense to use" is a progressive tense, which shows " that an action is in progress at a certain time."

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Media is too big
Get in someone's face

To provoke someone, to annoy or upset someone by behaving in a very direct or aggressive way.

📕📘Question tags are short questions at the end of statements.

They are mainly used in speech when we want to.
👉confirm that something is true or not, or to encourage a reply from the person we are speaking to.

📕Question tags are formed with the auxiliary or modal verb from the statement and the appropriate subject.

A positive statement is followed by a negative question tag.

Jack is from Spain, isn't he?

Mary can speak English, can't she?

📕A negative statement is followed by a positive question tag.

📕They aren't funny, are they?

📘He shouldn't say things like that, should he?

📕When the verb in the main sentence is in the present simple we form the question tag with do / does.

You play the guitar, don't you?

📘If the verb is in the past simple we use did.

They went to the cinema, didn't they?

She studied in New Zealand, didn't she?

📘Be careful when the statement contains a word with a negative meaning, the question tag needs to be positive

He hardly ever speaks, does he?

They rarely eat in restaurants, do they?

📕📘Some verbs / expressions have different question tags. For example:

I am - I am attractive, aren't I?

Let's - Let's go to the beach, shall we?

Have got (possession) - He has got a car, hasn'the?

📕When we are sure of the answer and we are simply encouraging a response, the intonation in the question tag goes down:

This is your car, isn't it?

(Your voice goes down when you say isn't it.)

📘📕When we are not sure and want to check information, the intonation in the question tag goes up:

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Improve your Writing:
Become a better writer in 6 minutes.

split your ˈsides (laughing/ with laughter):

to laugh a lot at somebody/ something

Ing or to + infinitive ?

✔️ I just managed to avoid hitting the car infront of me.
✖️ I just managed to avoid to hit the car infront of me.

✔️ I want to tell you a little about myself.
✖️ I want telling you a little about myself.

We use to + infinitive after the following verbs: ask, afford, decide, deserve, help, hope, learn, offer, prepare, promise, refuse, seem, want, would like.

📘 Summer seems to arrive later and later these days.
📕 Nowadays most people would like to have more money.

Learn how is also followed by to + infinitive.

I want to learn how to drive before I go to university.

After some verbs, we use -ing: avoid, carry on, consider, deny, enjoy, finish, give up, imagine, involve, keep, like, mind, practise, recommend, resist, suggest.

📕 I really enjoy watching movies at the cinema. (not enjoy to watch)

Look forward to is also followed by -ing.

I look forward to hearing your reply. (not I look forward to hear your reply)

We also use -ing after spend money and spend time.

We spent a lot of money buying CDs last month.

📘 She spent a lot of time looking for information on the internet.
📕 She spent over three hours looking for information on the internet.

📘Note that like can be followed by -ing or to + infinitive.

Phrases for job interviews .


کسی را دست انداختن ، شوخی کردن ، متلک

to tease someone, usually in a friendly way

📕For example

Mick loves to josh people, but he always does it in the right way. He doesn't make fun of people, or make them feel stupid, like some people do when they're fooling around.

Gary told everyone our company was going out of business and we'd all lose our jobs. It was only when Libby started crying that he said, "I was just joshin' you all. Ha! Ha! Ha!" Mick punched him hard in the stomach.

opposite words

legal ≠ illegal

legible ≠ illegible

literate ≠ illiterate 

logical ≠ illogical

legitimate ≠ illegitimate

liberal ≠ illiberal

moral ≠ immoral

perfect ≠ imperfect

possible ≠ impossible

mortal ≠ immortal

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  proper ≠ improper

accurate ≠ inaccurate

eligible ≠ ineligible

organic ≠ inorganic

sane ≠ insane

active ≠ inactive

audible ≠ inaudible

auspicious ≠ inauspicious

rational ≠ irrational

regular ≠ irregular

relevant ≠ irrelevant

religious ≠ irreligious

resistible ≠ irresistible

responsible ≠ irresponsible

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Letter Writing Style and Structures for General Task .

2024/09/24 10:30:25
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