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You've never seen this day before so, enjoy every second of it.

امروز را هرگز قبلا نديده بودید، پس از هر ثانيه اش لذت ببرید.

means  ​

📕 noun
BrE /miːnz/
NAmE /miːnz/

توانایی ، دارایی ، استطاعت ، وسایل ، وسیله ، وسائل ، توانائی ، درامد ، دارائی ، 


means (of something/​of doing something)
an action, an object or a system by which a result is achieved; a way of achieving or doing something


📕Television is an effective means of communication.

📘Is there any means of contacting him?

📕Have you any means of identification?

We needed to get to London but we had no means of transport.

the money that a person has


📘People should pay according to their means.

📕He doesnʼt have the means to support a wife and child.

Private school fees are beyond the means of most people (= more than they can afford).

Are the monthly repayments within your means (= can you afford them)?

Try to live within your means (= not spend more money than you have).

a man of means (= a rich man)

46.1 MB

Watch the video to understand well to use who or whom

Where there's a will there's a way

اگر بخواهیم کاری و انجام بدیم ، انجام میدیم

If we have the determination to do something, we can always find the path or method to do it.

Picture dictionary .
States of mind .

🔔 Word Of The Day 🔔

Ways to say “For example

📕For instance
📘Pretend that
📘As proof
📕Let's say
📘To illustrate
📘As proof
📕Such as
📘Suppose that
📘To give you an idea
📘To show you what I mean

1 MB
Speaking Practice , Lesson by Cake English .
English is a piece of cake ....

Accent: American


📕📘📕Difference between
👉 A little and Little

Little (کم، اندک، کوچک)

همیشه با اسمهای غیر قابل شمارش همراه است و با اسم و فعل مفرد بکار می رود و عدم وجود چیزی را می رساند و معنی جملات با (Little) همیشه میل بطرف منفی دارد.

There is little water in the river.

📕📘📕 A little (کمی)

با اسمهای غیر قابل شمارش و با فعل مفرد بکار رفته و وجود مقدار چیزی را می رساند (مثبت) حتی اگر به مقدار کم باشد.

He has a little money in his wallet.

📕📘We use little with uncountable nouns.

I’m not very happy about it but I suppose I have little choice.

📕📘📕We use a little with singular uncountable nouns and as an adverb of degree

Mary said nothing, but she drank some tea and ate a little bread.

Forwarded from English learners
1.8 MB
📕50 grammar mistakes..
Have a look to them carefully.

🔔 Word Of The Day 🔔

🔻Five alternatives to say FAST🔻

Are you sure this is the quickest way?

We wish you a speady recovery.

We went for a brisk walk before lunch.

The disease is spreading at a rapid rate.

At full speed
No one can catch him when he’s running at full speed.

The officers pulled him over after a high-speed chase.

A blistering attack

Happy Nowruz holiday for all Persian people wish you have a best days ..

Cheeky _/'tʃiːki/_(British, Adjective)

گستاخ ، پررو

Meaning:used to describe someone who does something or says something sort of disrespectful and sometimes rude, but says it in a cunning way.

📘You’re a cheeky little boy!

Student says: miss, i like your sweat patches, i think they look nice against that lovely brown dress you are wearing today...

📕Teacher says: "dont be so cheeky"

Cheesy _/ˈtʃiːzi/_(American, Adjective)

📕Meaning: cheap and of low quality.

ارزان و بی کیفیت

I'm leaving for Tampa tomorrow to hang out with Florida friends and see the Pixies and ride roller coasters and stay at a cheesy hotel.’

I've seen people invest hundreds of dollars on a state-of-the-art graphics board, and then connect a cheesy monitor to their system.’


Short forms of some daily users..

Abbreviated 👇👇

📘 &=and
📕 2=two, to or too
📘 2DAY=today
📕 2MORROW=tomorrow
📘 BTW= by the way
📕 CU= see you
📘 B=be
📕 B4=before
📘 BF=boyfriend
📕 BRO=brother
📘 BT=but
📕 C=see
📘 D8=date
📕 F8=fate
📕 GR8=great
📘 L8=late
📕 L8r=later
📘 M8=mate
📕 PLS=please
📕 U=you
📘 UR=your
📕ASAP=as soon as possible
📘 CUL=see you later
📕 HAND=have a nice day
📘 HRU=how are you
📕 LOL=laughing out loud
📘 LTNS=long time no see
📕MU=i miss you
📘 IC=i see
📕 RUOK=are you ok?
📘 U4E=you forever
📕 X=kiss
📘 K= ok
📕 IDK= i don't know

Ways to say I'm so tired

📕I am worn out
📘I am dead tired
📕I am dog tired
📘I am wrecked
📕I am rundown
📘I am wiped out
📕I am popped
📘I am ready to drop
📕I feel like a bus ran over me
📘I am on my last leg
📕I am spent
📘I am knackerd
📕I am exhusted
📘I am zonked
📕I am burn out

خیلی خسته ام.

Some abbreviated words.


📕📘📕 Verdict ˈvɜːrdɪkt

📕Decision of a jury; judgment.

تصميم يک هيئت منصفه، قضاوت

The jury returned a verdict of guilty for the traitor.
✔️هيئت منصفه، حکم مجرم بودن خائن را استرداد کرد.

We were cautioned not to base our verdict on prejudice
✔️به ما هشدار داده شد که راي خود را بر اساس تعصب قرار ندهيم.

Baffled by the verdict, the prosecutor felt that the evidence had been ignored.

✔️داديار که از حکم دادگاه گيج شده بود، احساس کرد مدارک ناديده گرفته شده اند.


📕Some sentences about football ..


In this season rivals are stronger than ever

در این فصل حریفان قویتر از هر وقت دیگری هستند.

تیم دوم در یک تورنمت

Argentina was Runners-up in football World Cup 2014 in Brazil

آرژانتین در جام جهانی فوتبال 2014 در برزیل دوم شد.


The final score was 4 – 1

نتیجه نهایی 4 – 1 شد.

مسابقه نیمه نهایی

In the semi-final match, they beat their rival in the penalty shootout

آنها در مسابقه نهایی رقیبشان را در ضربات پنالتی شکست دادند.

Carlos Puyol has been the skipper of Barcelona since 2003

کارلوس پویول از سال 2003 کاپیتان بارسلونا بوده است.


نکته: کلمه soccer در انگلیسی آمریکایی استفاده می شود، در انگلیسی بریتانیایی برای فوتبال آن از کلمه football استفاده می شود.

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world

فوتبال محبوب ترین ورزش دنیاست.

کلمه football به معنی توپ فوتبال نیز می باشد.


There weren’t many spectators in the stadium because of the snow

به خاطر برف تماشاگران زیادی در استادیوم نبودند.


تعویض کردن، تعویض شدن

Most of the time when a player does not play well, he will be substituted

بیشتر اوقات وقتی که یک بازیکن خوب بازی نمی کند تعویض خواهد شد.
Throw in

پرتاب کردن (موقعی که توپ به بیرون می رود و یک بازیکن آن را با دست برای یاران خود پرتاب می کند)

Andres Iniesta threw the ball in to his teammate

آندرس اینیستا توپ را برای هم تیمی خودش پرتاب کرد.

دیواره دفاعی

The players made a wall as Cristiano Ronaldo wanted to shoot

بازیکنان موقعی که کریستیانو رونالدو می خواست شوت کند یک دیواره دفاعی تشکیل دادند.

برنده شدن

Real Madrid has a very strong soccer team and is likely to win the semi-final match

رئال مادرید یک تیم خیلی قوی فوتبال دارد و احتمالش زیاد است که بازی نیمه نهایی ا ببرد.

Yellow card
کارت زرد

He was lucky that the referee showed him only a yellow card in the beginning of the soccer match

او خوش شانس بود که داور در ابتدای مسابقه فوتبال به او فقط یک کارت زرد نشان داد.

2024/09/27 07:26:24
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