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Telegram is one of the feature-packed messaging services out there, armed with some neat perks that can put rivals like WhatsApp and Signal to shame when it comes to functionality. While basic Telegram features like the ability to edit messages after sending them are well known, here are some lesser-known, yet incredibly useful things the app can do that could come in quite handy. Display large emojis If you want to use Telegram in a region where it's blocked, you'll appreciate the Telegram function that allows you to connect via a proxy server. Most of the time, it's better to use a VPN on your phone, but a proxy can still help you get around regional restrictions.

Take Advantage of Telegram Chat Tools Chat background Improved External Sharing on iOS However, if you haven't moved beyond the basics, you're missing out on a lot of the best Telegram functionality. Below, we detail some lesser-known features of Telegram that you may have overlooked until now.

Telegram Night Mode Ambient App Customizing Options and Themes The platform offers three kinds of polls: Lock Your Chats

Use Hashtags to Organize Your Chats To access this feature, swipe right on the homepage and tap on “Saved Messages”. This is your personal space, where you can send as many files as you want to store on Telegram Cloud and then access them from any device, including Mac, PC, and Linux computer.

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