Telegram Night Mode Ambient Telegram gives you an option where you can select who can see your last seen time. To configure this, go to “Settings”, “Privacy and Security” and then tap on “Last Seen & Online”. You can share it with everybody, or people in your contact list, or nobody, or add exceptions like “never share with” XYZ. Edit Sent Messages Telegram Messenger Tricks
RELATED: Your smartphone is the main hub of your private information. You may be sharing a lot of information with your family friends and anyone other using a messaging app. To lock your messages, go to “Settings”, “Privacy and Security” and tap on “Passcode Lock”. You will be asked to set a four-digit passcode and confirm it. Once you do that, you will find additional options to “unlock the app with fingerprint” and “auto-lock” it after a specific duration. To mute a chat in Telegram, head over to the chat in question. Next, tap the name at the top and then hit the mute button.
Polls and Quiz Mode While it’s great to set a nice profile and win praise from your friends and loved ones, there are times when you might want to hide your profile from certain people. Fortunately, Telegram offers you the needed control over the visibility of your profile. This is a handy feature for users who want to save disk space. To access it, go to the “Settings”, “Data and Storage”, and then tap “Storage Usage”. You will find four options: keep media on your device for three days, one week, one month, or forever. Turn Off Notifications for Individual Contacts 1b Telegram Messenger Tricks
Locate users near you Enable Auto-Night Mode 2b Telegram Messenger Tricks
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