Telegram Sending Options Auto-download and Auto-play Media High-Quality Stickers
Telegram Premium users will now be able to add animated emoji status on the app. This custom status will replace the Premium Premium Badge in the chat list, in profile and in groups. Premium users will be able to choose from the seven standard statuses that change their color to match different Telegram themes – or choose from an infinite number of custom emoji. Telegram Settings Mute Specific Telegram Chats Telegram is a great all-around messenger, especially when you start using its best features and know everything it's capable of.
A further privacy blunder is that Telegram notifies your contacts when you join it — unless you don’t give it permission to access your contacts. The app doesn’t warn you it’s about to ping your contacts, and that’s a big caveat for those who want to use Telegram to keep a low profile. Set custom notification sound You can use this to, for example, keep your personal and professional lives separate on Telegram without having to use another messenger app. New icons are available that premium users can add to their Home Screen to better match their personality or wallpaper. Choose from a premium star, night sky, or turbo-plane.
Telegram API: lets you create your own customized Telegram clients. You can read Telegram’s open-source code to know how the platform works. Edit Sent Messages
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