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Jemal Sheikh Bakri:
When I was doing my BA at AAU, people used to think I am a high school kid. So, they don't hesitate to initiate a small talk. The blue and white Addis minibusses were a stage to many discussions. Many begin with asking me which grade I am in or the likes. When I answer them that I am a university student, the most natural thing proceeding is asking which department I am studying. Booom! with the chitchats, Philosophy at a college level is a shock by itself. And for “a girl like me” it’s definitely something else.

People react in many ways, for now, let me just bring the comments concerning #Hijab

-How come you are a philosophy student while you are dressed this way?
-I mean you are a hijabi. You are kidding, right?
-Are you telling me you study philosophy but didn't take off this thing (hijab)...

My template answer was- I cover my body + hair, not my brain!
Philosophy deals with the mind, not a hair or a body for that matter... I don’t really know why people tend to think it's almost impossible for me to engage myself in such departments being the way I am.

And again I don't know why people choose to believe girls with freedom, knowledge, choice or modernity need to drop their hijabs... Alhamdulillah, I have a very liberal family, nobody ever ordered me and my sisters to wear a hijab let alone brainwashing us or forcing. They provided us the necessary educations concerning our religion and everything we need in life then we just made a conscious decision to obey Allah on a daily level, we chose to Answer the call of our Lord to obey him in a visual manner.

As anyone who followed my comments section on social media can see, I am a bit kinda mitmita, who always have hard comebacks. I am a very sociable person who never hesitates to state her mind and stand for what she believed in. A..n..d this is also too much for a hijabi girl. ''You just don’t seem a Muslim woman, you have too much freedom'' is the common remark towards the way I live.

Again, as anyone who knows me in person can observe I am a very confident woman who can do whatever needs to be done by herself and again people find that difficult to believe. I remember when I and my sister decided to take part in The great Ethiopian run in 2010 or 11 with our full hijab (loose clothings with a headscarf) the way we dressed was an issue the whole course of the event.

Many thought we are crazy or stupid to exist in that arena with loose skirts, loose shirts and long sleeves with a headscarf on it. We well know what we were heading to, we ain’t fools to have uncomfortable clothings to the event. But, the problem, many just can't swallow the idea of us existing anywhere we need to exist in our own ways.

I remember the responses we get from our Muslim bros and even sisters were also negative. Some people try to pretend hijab protectors yet, what they really want is not seeing us in a public sphere. we just need to stay home for 'the good women' do so. I shall not mention the cases in Stadiums for it will need pages and pages...

In intellectual seminars, conferences or anywhere people want to intimidate your presence due the way you are dressed.

once I went to a government office to authenticate my documents since I need to do so to process my scholarship, there was a very long line to wait to get done with the authentication. In the middle, a guy came and tell "those of you who have educational documents line here..."
I followed his instruction and a girl standing beside me automatically said ''you guys need to line there Enatu'' I was like, who are the we guys? she replied ''you are traveling to the middle east, right?'' precisely. Yes for her I am all about my abaya, I only have to be someone who will be traveling to the Arab Hager...

I can mention thousands of stereotypes...

And the stereotypes of our own Muslim brothers and even from some Muslim women are crazy!! My people, I hereby announce you Hijab won't make us uniform people.
I am not supposed or expected to resemble the hijabi girl in your mind. I have my own personal choices, flaws, strength and every specific attribute to myself just like any other human being. The purpose of my life is not meeting your or anyone's expectations.

The famous line which gives me a migraine is- She did this and that... why don she just takes off her hijab...?
Really people? Hijab is not about you or the representation you like to put on it, at least for me. All your concern is the 'image of Islam' while never caring for your sister's life.

If you find her in a wrong path, bringing solutions to save her soul shall be your mission not defending a piece of fabric on her head.

Why are you even convinced she should stop wearing the hijab just because you think she is doing something wrong or sinning? Have you ever gave up on your Salah for doing wrong? have you ever compromised your fasting when you sin in something else?

Hijab is one form of worship, she doesn't need to stop it for doing something else wrong or the like and most importantly it's NOT about you!

No woman should start or stop wearing the #Hijab forcefully!! Never!

#TheStruggleIsReal #WorldHijabDay #StrongInHIjab

Moonera AbdulMenam
Namoonni ganamni isaanii osoo hin bareedin guyyaa bareeffachuu barbaadan if sobaa akka jiran itti dhaga'amuu dhabuun nama dhiba.

Ganama gaarii, lafa gaarii oolaa
Namootatti dhihaachuu kan qabnu bu'aa isaan irraa argachuuf qofa ta'uu hin qabu, isaan fayyaduufis yoo ta'e malee
Waa’ee namaa baruuf fii iccitii isaa baasuuf tattaafii kuma takka godhurra, waa’ee kee fii waan si fayyadu baruuf tattaaffii 1 godhuu irra siif caala.

Ati milkaawuutu irra siif caala malee abalu kufuu fii saaxilamuu moti. Milkiin tee abalu kufurratti hidhaa hin qabdu!

Milkaawaa namaa tahi kan waan isa fayyadurratti xiyyeefatu.

Ustaaz Jafartu barreesse
Imala if barbaaduuf taasistu keessatti namoota hedduu akka dhabdu nin beeka. Rakkoo miti. Karaa sirrii qabattee itti fufi. Isaan ati dhabdu san hundi si hin barbaachisan
ጀበሉዬ ❤️
This is my official Instagram, don't forget to follow me

I'm on Instagram as @jemalsheikhbakri. Install the app to follow my photos and videos.
Wanni qusatamuu qabu Maallaqa yookaa qabeenya malee jaalalaa miti. Jaalala qusannaan, siif hin barakhattu, Maallaqni qusannaan siif barakhata.✌️💯 @Hakaan1
Uffanni akkaan Ergamaa Rabbii (saw) biratti jaalatamaa ta'e Uffata adiidha.
#AdiiUffanna #AdiiDubbanna

Suuraan kan Adeerooti Rabbiin rahmata haa godhuuf
Warri har'a gurraacha Uffate warra kaleessa akka galaanatti dhiiga keenya calii calanqorratti, Aanoleerratti Yaase.

Warra Afaan Soomanaatiin Muslimoota Shantamii ol Gondaritti Duguuggaa shanyii irratti raawwate.

Warra kaleessa Afaanii fi kitaaba Isaaniitii Gaallaa fi Shaanqillaa nuun jechaa ture. Har'a Afaan Oromoo Afaan Faarfataa ta'uun gurraacha isaan uffachiise. Balaa gurguddoo Gurraacha isaan uffachiistu Rabbi haa fiduuf
"Adii uffannee, adii nyaannee, adii dubbannee, adiin waliin jiraanna." Hayyicha Sheikh Jamaal Aliyyii Abdullah
Fageenyi jaalala hin hir'isu. Namni akkaan onneen teenya jaalattu ija teenya duraa fagaatullee qalbii teenya duraa fagaatuun ni ulfaata ❤️
Yoo ilmii ilmii sanada qabdu, yoo qabeenyaa arjaa, yoo namoomaa, tajaajilaa hawaasaati. Yoo gorsaa isaa achi hin hafne. Hayyicha Sheekh Jamaal Aliyyii Abdullah

Baga keenya Taate
Namoonni hedduun nama isaaniif hubatu argachuuf dararamu. Jireenya keessatti nama siif hubatu tokko qabaachuun mataan isaa milkiidha
Halkan hin bariine, Guyyaan hin dabarre hin jiru waan ta'eeف baay'ee hin dhiphatin jaalo! @Hakaan1
If too'achuu danda'uun bilchina qaamaa osoo hin taane bilchina sammuu nama gaafata. If too'adhu.

Nama si miidhee biiluu itti qabatte miira kee too'adhuutii irra dabriif, Nama yeroo dheeraa jibbaa turte miira kee too'adhuutii jibbuu dhiisi.

If too'achuun Moo'amuu miti, moo'uudha malee ✊️
Akka qalbiin tee xumaaniinaa argattuuf, miila masjiidarraa fagaate san gara masjiidaa deebisi ○
Yeroo facebook fayyadamtu akkuma warra facebook fayyadamuuti taata, yeroo qu'attu/dubbistus akkuma nama dubbisuu taata.

Namni gariin hoggaa facebooka fayyadamtus akka ati dubbist/qu'attu ka sirra barbaadus hin dhabamu
2024/09/30 17:21:22
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