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Dr Zakir Naik fi Sheikh Yusuf Estes
Jarri shanan asii gaditti gartan kun warra Great Britain. Makkaa irraa ka'aniitii miilaan Kilo Meetira 547 Sa'aatii 185 guutuu lafa yaa'aanii Madiinaa dhaqan.

Jaalalti Nabii (Saw) Onnee tee gaafa baqeysitee seente, Dhiiga qaama kee keessa yaa'uu wajjiin yoo wal makatte waan hedduu isaaniif jecha godhuu dandeessa.

Jaalala Sayyidinaa (Sallallaahu aleyhi wasallam) nuuf haa kannu Jaliil

Gaafiin akkanaa nama duchisiifti, miira keessa nama galchiti. Keessattuu biyya teenyatti namni iimanni isaanii jabaaturraa gaafiin garii yoo kaate if too'achuu hin danda'u.

Ani deebisaa gaafii tanaq kannuu barbaadeetii miti. Wanni nuti hundi hubachuu qabnu Page'iin kun kan waan hawaasni fedhuu fi jibbu kaasuudhaan hordoftoota guddifachuu qofarratti xiyyeeffateedha.

Warra kana durirraan hordofaa ture. Kaayyoo isaanii waanuma namni aarew yookaa gammadee like fi comment akkasuma share itti baay'isu laalanii, xiinxalanii maxxansan.

Waan facebookaa kana dallanuun dura gadi fageenyaan nama waa maxxanses adda baafachuun gaariidha.

Gaddi kiyya kan si gaddisiisu, gammachuun kiyya kan si gammachiisu, iddoo guddaa gahuun koo yoomuu kan si hawwisiisu

Ati qofa ❣️ Maamaa tiyya 🤍

Rabbiin kiyya akka Umrii kee naaf dheeressun kadhadha🤲

Love Ur mom cuz U'll never get another
ILU ❤️ Mom @Hakaan1
Barattoonni keenya kan baruumsa biyyoolessaa kutaa 12ffaa qabxii keessan edana eeggachaa jirtan marti firii gaariiin akka isin qunnamun isiniif hawwa. @Hakaan1
Nama tokko jaalattee jaalattee ifitti himtee if amansiistee isa/isii malee jiraachuu hin dandahu jettee ofumaaf murteeyfatta. Rabbiin garuu waan ati murteeysiteen faallaa murteeysee si fattana. Nama saniin adda baatee akka jiraachuu dandeeysu si agarsiisa. Garuu hoggaa dura balaan sun sitti buutu abadan hin dandahamu jettee waywaatuu keetiitu mala. Akkaatuma amalaa fii sabrii namaa wal dhabduun waywaachi wal dhaba.

Duniyaa tanarra abbaa fedhe san isa/isii malee jiraachuu hin dandahu jettee hin yaadin. Rabbiin qadara isaa qabaa abbaa fedhe saniin adda na baasa ja'ii if amansiisii jiraadhu gaafa musiibaan adda bahinsaa dhufte siif laafa.

Namni ati adda baatuun jaartii/jaarsa tahuu dandaha, Ilmoo tee ykn haadhaa fii abbaa kee tahuu dandaha, waahila kee tahuu dandaha, hunda isaaniitiin gaafa tokko adda ni baata yoo jireechaan adda hin baane du'aan adda baata.

Jireenyu dhugaa jiraadhu. Dhugaa ifitti himanii jiraachuun gadda adda bahinsaa namarraa salphisa.

Ustaaz Jaafer beyaantu barreesse
《Yaa Rabbi Qalbii teenya diinirratti Sabachiisi》🤲 @Hakaan1
Silaa danda'amee bakka kee ana hidhaatti tortorsanii, ati sababaa qajeelloo namaa baay'ee taatee. Ani bakka kee haa hidhamu.

فك الله اسرك 🤲
Jireenya kana walakkaa isaa osuma waan hin beeyne osoo eeynuu dabarsina
Sofiyaa fi Ismail baga guyyaa kana geessan. Baaralallaahu lakumaa wabaaraka aleykumaa...!
Namni kennachuu hin beeyne dhugumatti jiraachuu hin beeku
Dubartiin garii dhiira Online irratti argan akkanumaan jaalatan. Namni isaan jaalatan sun isaan hin beeku. Isaan innaa jaalalaa akka innitti haasawutti haasawu, jecha inni fayyadamu fayyadamu, kakuu inni kakatu kakatan.

Dhiirti akkasiitis hin dhabamtu. By the way nama si quba hin qabne jaalachuun kabbaadii
Jireenyi fuula lama qaba. Fuulli tokko fuula gaariidha, gammachuudha, fuula gaarii kana itto kabajamta.

Fuulli tokkko fuula hamaa, fi gaddaati. Fuula kana ammoo irraa baratta. Waa lameen kana beeynaan yoomuu gammachuun jiraatta
Namni gariin hiyyeessa xiqqeessuun waan durummaa isaaf dabaltu itti fakkaata. Ni dogoggoran!

#Hiyyummaa #Durummaa lameenuu qooda Rabbiiti @Hakaan1
Wallaahi dargaggummaan Ibidda. Yoo sirnaan itti fayyadamuu baatan keesaatti gubatan. Yaa moowlaa kiyya dargaggummaa tana sirnaan itti fayyadamuu naaf laaffisi
Dhugaadha namni gariin taaja mataa kee gubbaati. Garuu na amani namni tokkollee soolii kophee keetiitii gadii miti. Kanaaf nama hin tuffatin

Ganama Gaarii
Barreffama Moonira Abdulmenan Waa'ee Hijab irratti ingliffaan barreessite dheeraa kana dubbisaa

Liberal girl + Living Islam
Jemal Sheikh Bakri:
When I was doing my BA at AAU, people used to think I am a high school kid. So, they don't hesitate to initiate a small talk. The blue and white Addis minibusses were a stage to many discussions. Many begin with asking me which grade I am in or the likes. When I answer them that I am a university student, the most natural thing proceeding is asking which department I am studying. Booom! with the chitchats, Philosophy at a college level is a shock by itself. And for “a girl like me” it’s definitely something else.

People react in many ways, for now, let me just bring the comments concerning #Hijab

-How come you are a philosophy student while you are dressed this way?
-I mean you are a hijabi. You are kidding, right?
-Are you telling me you study philosophy but didn't take off this thing (hijab)...

My template answer was- I cover my body + hair, not my brain!
Philosophy deals with the mind, not a hair or a body for that matter... I don’t really know why people tend to think it's almost impossible for me to engage myself in such departments being the way I am.

And again I don't know why people choose to believe girls with freedom, knowledge, choice or modernity need to drop their hijabs... Alhamdulillah, I have a very liberal family, nobody ever ordered me and my sisters to wear a hijab let alone brainwashing us or forcing. They provided us the necessary educations concerning our religion and everything we need in life then we just made a conscious decision to obey Allah on a daily level, we chose to Answer the call of our Lord to obey him in a visual manner.

As anyone who followed my comments section on social media can see, I am a bit kinda mitmita, who always have hard comebacks. I am a very sociable person who never hesitates to state her mind and stand for what she believed in. A..n..d this is also too much for a hijabi girl. ''You just don’t seem a Muslim woman, you have too much freedom'' is the common remark towards the way I live.

Again, as anyone who knows me in person can observe I am a very confident woman who can do whatever needs to be done by herself and again people find that difficult to believe. I remember when I and my sister decided to take part in The great Ethiopian run in 2010 or 11 with our full hijab (loose clothings with a headscarf) the way we dressed was an issue the whole course of the event.

Many thought we are crazy or stupid to exist in that arena with loose skirts, loose shirts and long sleeves with a headscarf on it. We well know what we were heading to, we ain’t fools to have uncomfortable clothings to the event. But, the problem, many just can't swallow the idea of us existing anywhere we need to exist in our own ways.

I remember the responses we get from our Muslim bros and even sisters were also negative. Some people try to pretend hijab protectors yet, what they really want is not seeing us in a public sphere. we just need to stay home for 'the good women' do so. I shall not mention the cases in Stadiums for it will need pages and pages...

In intellectual seminars, conferences or anywhere people want to intimidate your presence due the way you are dressed.

once I went to a government office to authenticate my documents since I need to do so to process my scholarship, there was a very long line to wait to get done with the authentication. In the middle, a guy came and tell "those of you who have educational documents line here..."
I followed his instruction and a girl standing beside me automatically said ''you guys need to line there Enatu'' I was like, who are the we guys? she replied ''you are traveling to the middle east, right?'' precisely. Yes for her I am all about my abaya, I only have to be someone who will be traveling to the Arab Hager...

I can mention thousands of stereotypes...

And the stereotypes of our own Muslim brothers and even from some Muslim women are crazy!! My people, I hereby announce you Hijab won't make us uniform people.
2024/09/24 15:33:08
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