Improvements for Everyone Telegram will now send login codes through email addresses to the users who log out and log in frequently. Users can also Sign in with Apple or Sign in with Google. The company has also added new interfaces and fun animations to Telegram iOS app. The option to automatically save media to Gallery is back with renewed vigor: saving media can now be enabled and disabled separately for chats with users, groups or channels.
Telegram allows you to manage the device storage: you can choose to delete media (photos, videos, and other files) shared on the app. All files will be deleted from your device after the specified duration, but they will stay in the Telegram cloud forever, so you can re-download them when you need them again. There is also an option to delete the cache and local database. Display large emojis To do this, choose the items you want to send and tap on the three-dot menu. Now select “send without compression”, and you are good to go. Under the App Icon section, you should see a handful of pre-defined app icons such as Aqua, Sunset, Mono Black, Classic, Classic Black, Filled, and Filled Black. Now, choose a suitable app icon and you are all set!
This is a handy feature for users who want to save disk space. To access it, go to the “Settings”, “Data and Storage”, and then tap “Storage Usage”. You will find four options: keep media on your device for three days, one week, one month, or forever. Telegram API: lets you create your own customized Telegram clients. You can read Telegram’s open-source code to know how the platform works. You can use this to, for example, keep your personal and professional lives separate on Telegram without having to use another messenger app. How does Telegram work?
Digital Stickers allow you to express yourself better and in a more fun way. Since they are bigger, more detailed, and frequency animated, they make up for the expressiveness and gesture that can get lost in text conversations. “Keep-Alive Service” ensures that you don’t miss any important notifications. It keeps the messaging app running in the background for reliable and up-to-date notifications. This is useful for people who use ‘Cleaner’ apps and frequently delete system cache and junk files.