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2) Which group of people should be discussed?
Children? Adults? Or both?
Zerikib qolmadizlarmi?
O'zim yozib beraymi yoki tashlab qo'ysam tugata olasizmi?
The stages of writing
1 Analysing and understanding the task
2 idea generation (main ideas are extended with supporting statements and examples with the help of ‘and so’?
3 planning (general outlay of the essay)
4 writing stage
5 Post writing – Proofreading after you finish your essay. Read quickly to notice mistakes in grammar e.g. articles, prepositions, spelling, punctuation
Obesity serious problem. Both children and adults affected. Let’s take look at causes and solutions.

Body 1
Main idea / Central idea Cause: The change in eating habits
Adults – busy with work or studies and so? what it means? no time for cooking healthy meal. And so? More consumption pre-packaged / frozen or fast food
Children: less traditional healthy food at home and school canteens. High intake of junk food e.g. hamburgers, chips, and fried chicken
Adults: government; increase the sales tax on junk food / encourage healthy lifestyle e.g. by campaigns
Children: more healthy food at home/ strict control of school canteens And so? decreases the intake of unhealthy food
Body 2
Main idea 2 Inactive lifestyle. Modern facilities make us lazy. Too much time in front of the screen / less exercise outdoors. energy transfers into fat and so? leads to health problems
Body 2
Solution for the Main idea 2
Controlling the screen timing / exercising. And so? burn energy, keep fit and healthy. Also affects mental health

Obesity serious problem. Affecting all ages of people. Causes; are unhealthy food and inactive lifestyle. Solutions; making unhealthy food expensive and encourage healthy lifestyle.
Dars qaley bo'ldi?

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Media is too big
Mana shijoat, mana energiya! 🔥🔥🔥Qizim ikkinchi sinfni tugatdi. U anchadan beri raqs bilan shug’ullanadi va hozirda O’zbekiston komandasi bilan Gruziyada bo’layotgan Gran-Pri tanlovida ishtirok etayapti. Bu videoni menga o’sha yerdan jo’natishdi. Ochilish marosimida gruzin bolalari milliy raqslarini ijro etishibdi. O’ziyam yorvorishibdi!🚀

O’ylab qoldim, bu bo’shashib, tormozit qilib tuzuk o’qimay yuradigan bolalarga ham ozgina gruzincha raqs o’rgatish kerakmikana? Tasavvur qiling, orqa partada o’tirgan o’quvchingiz Nortoydan "UY VAZIFANG QANI?" deb so’rasangiz, u "XASSA!" deb sakrab turib, partaning ustiga chiqib, o’ynab, saltolar qilib, yoningizga kelib: "MANA USTOZ, UY ISHI!" desa, ajoyib bo’lardi!)
2024/10/01 09:30:38
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