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Endi menga ruxsat berasiz. Ukamiz Toshpo‘lat ustoz vaqtini yozda mazmunli o‘tkazsin deb, ajoyib bir kitobini sovg‘a qilib ketdi. O‘qimasam bo‘lmaydi.

Hozirda men o'tkazib turadigan, Buyuk Britaniya universitetlariga barcha xarajatlari qoplanadigan grantni yutishimda asosiy faktorlardan bo'lgan 'Smart Readers' loyihasini dastlabki toshlarini ham aynan Toshpo‘lat bilan birga qo'yganmiz.

Yaqin orada u bilan birgalikda kanalda yaxshi loyihalar boshlashimiz mumkin. Hozirda Webster universitetida "teaching" bo‘yicha tahsil olayotgan bu ukamiz bilan, ishonamanki, ingliz tilini o‘rganayotganlarga ko‘p foydali ishlar qilamiz.
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What do you like most in this video?
Volvo trucks 1️⃣
Acting by Jean Claude Van Damme 2️⃣
Soundtrack 3️⃣
All of them 4️⃣

💬How would you describe the commercial in no more than three words?
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Darsimiz boshlanishiga 20 daqiqa vaqt oldi
Forwarded from Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
IELTS WRITING TASK 2 (online class)

✍️Essay type: Cause and effect

📅Date and time: July 13, 21:00

Bugungi darsdan keyin xudo xohlasa, cause and effect essay turi bo’yicha sizda ortiqcha savollar qolmaydi.
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My voice?
1 What is the problem with this food?
What is the problem here with this man?
What is the problem here?
darsga qatnashmayotgan o'quvchilar shu savolga javob topib turing. Savol: ' nechta jo'ja arslonni o'ldiradi?'
word yaxshi ko'rinyabtimi?
Topic: All over the world, societies are facing a growing problem with obesity. This problem affects both children and adults.
What are the reasons for this rise in obesity? How could it be tackled? what is the general topic?
2024/10/01 19:19:26
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