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20:30 da IELTS writing task 2 bo'yicha darsimiz boshlanadi. Bitta essay mavzusini olib essay yozish jarayonini boshidan oxirigicha tushuntirib, bitta essay o'zim yozib beraman.
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Username: Bekzodkhayitov423
Writingda Off topic bo’lishni asosiy sababi ko’proq general topicca yoziladi
Put A for the advantages of competitive sports
D for the disadvantages of competitive sports

A.reduce stress
B.improve their physical well-being
C.some people cannot perform as well as others
D.can help teenagers to focus more
E.waste of study time
F.can build confidence
G.some people don’t like sports
I.sports help teenagers learn team-building skills
J.may cause serious issues with confidence
Writingdagi asosiy muammo o'quvchilarda bu paragraph development, ya'ni main ideani ochib bera olmaslik
Shum bola filmini ko'rganlar bormi?
Darslar tushunarlimi?
To get 7 or higher, your opinion should be clear throughout the essay
The stages in the essay
Analysing and understanding the task
Idea generation
Writingdan nechchi olmoqchisiz?
Coherence nima?
Cohesion nima?
Introni vazifasi ikkita; 1 mavzuni tanishtirish 2 writer o'zini pozitsiyasini keltirish.
Essay yozish jarayonini tushundikmi?
Bugun writing yozish jarayonini tushunganingizni 5-10 shkalada nechi baholaysiz?
Offline darslarga ko'proq o'rganganman. Online darslarda birinchi marta svidaniyaga chiqqan odamday his qilyabman o'zimni) to'gri tushunasiz xali o'rganib ketamiz
2024/10/01 22:33:22
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