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Imagine life without music
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
π’ Join our live English practice session tonight at 7:30 pm on @Insight_English! Everyone's welcome! Let's have a lively conversation and improve our speaking together. π£π¬ Don't worry, the questions will be interesting and not too difficult. See you there!β¦
A small number of people we had here in the chat today were fluent speakers of English. I believe we benefited not only from the opportunity to speak our ideas, but also by listening to other candidatesβ responses, which were interesting and diverse. Now I am sure you can discuss the topic of music better than anyone else. πͺ
Xorijiy tillarni o'rganishga bo'lgan qiziqish pasaymoqda. Buning asosiy sababi sun'iy intellektning kirib kelishi bilan izohlanmoqda. Amerika universitetlarida xorijiy tillar yo'nalishiga hujjat topshirish bo'yicha 2009 yildan beri 29% lik pasayish kuzatilgan. Batafsil maqoladaπ.
We May Have to Rethink Foreign-Language Classes
As quick AI translators proliferate, 'something enormous' is being lost, writes essayist
Cucumber π₯ shu so'zni talaffuz qiling π£ Keyin lug'atdan talaffuzingizni to'g'riligini tekshiring. Birinchi urinishdayoq to'g'ri talaffuz qilgan bo'lsangiz kommentda 1β£ belgisini, to'g'ri talaffuzni lug'atdan eshitib o'rgangan bo'lsangiz 2β£ belgisini qoldiring.
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
Cucumber π₯ shu so'zni talaffuz qiling π£ Keyin lug'atdan talaffuzingizni to'g'riligini tekshiring. Birinchi urinishdayoq to'g'ri talaffuz qilgan bo'lsangiz kommentda 1β£ belgisini, to'g'ri talaffuzni lug'atdan eshitib o'rgangan bo'lsangiz 2β£ belgisini qoldiring.
Shu postdan keyin so'zni lug'atdan tekshirib ko'rgan, faqat kommentga yozishga hijolat bo'lganπ subscriberlar bo'lsa bitta like π bosib qoysagam bo'ladi.
Bugun iftorlikdan keyin bitta π£Online speakingπ£ qilamiz. qatnashuvchilardan bitta π bo'lsin.