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#Just_fikrlar Ko’p narsalar o’zgardi. Ko’p stereotiplar sindi. Bizgacha va bizni davrimizdagi (2000-2010 yillar) maktab, litsey va universitetda o’qigan avlod vakillarida yaxshi baholarga o’qisang, intizomli va tartibli bo’lsang hayotingda maqsadlaringa erishaverasan degan g’oyalar singdirildi. Asosan ‘O’zbekiston’ va ‘Yoshlar’ telekanalini ko’rib katta bo’lgan avlod uchun serquyosh va demokratik vatan haqida illyuziyalar yaratib, unga insonlarni ishontirish ish berib keldi. Ammo internet hammasini o’zgartirdi. Google va Youtubega o’xshagan platformalarning keskin rivojlanib ketishi ko’p narsalarni o’zgartirdi. Bugun maktabga yoki universitetga ko’p talabalar qiziqish va ishtiyoq bilan borishmayabti. Ularda serquyosh o’lka haqidagi illyuziyalarni shakllantirib bo’lmayabti (Faqat o’zbekiston kanalini ko’rayotganlardan tashqari). Endi sun’iy intellekt degan bir ajoyib va allambalo bir narsa paydo bo’ldi. Ko’p sohalarda bundan buyog’iga oliy ta’lim o’zi kerakmi yoki yo’qmi degan savol juda ko’p berilsa kerak endi. Siz nima deb o’ylaysiz?
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
Hozirda ingliz tili darajam
Intermediate darajadagi o'quvchilarimiz ko'proq aktiv bo'lishibdi surveyda👍 Bugun aynan kamida intermediate va undan yuqori bo'lgan o'quvchilar bilan iftorlikdan keyin bitta 🗣ONLINE SPEAKING🗣 tashkil qilamizmi⁉️Xohlovchilar komentda 🖐 belgisini qoldiring.
🌟 Ever heard of the word "underemployed"? 🌟
You're probably familiar with being ‘employed’ or ‘unemployed’, but what underemployed? It's when someone's working, but not using their skills and qualification for their job. ↘️
🔍 A master's degree holder in engineering selling burgers at a fast-food joint.
✏️ A talented and qualified graphic designer working part-time at a local café.
Live stream scheduled for
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
Live stream scheduled for
📢 Join our live English practice session tonight at 7:30 pm on @Insight_English!

Everyone's welcome! Let's have a lively conversation and improve our speaking together. 🗣💬

Don't worry, the questions will be interesting and not too difficult. See you there! 👋
Live stream started
Words to describe music
Match the words with their definitions
The answers
Live stream finished (1 hour)
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
📢 Join our live English practice session tonight at 7:30 pm on @Insight_English! Everyone's welcome! Let's have a lively conversation and improve our speaking together. 🗣💬 Don't worry, the questions will be interesting and not too difficult. See you there!…
A small number of people we had here in the chat today were fluent speakers of English. I believe we benefited not only from the opportunity to speak our ideas, but also by listening to other candidates’ responses, which were interesting and diverse. Now I am sure you can discuss the topic of music better than anyone else. 💪
2024/09/28 17:22:04
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