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Why do we need good writing skills?
Why are these examples not good for academic writing?
Learning a language gets harder with age
Young people turn to crime because of the lack of employment opportunities
Most of the time, living in the city...
Overgeneralizationni nimaligini tushundikmi?
These problems
These qualities
What does it and this refer to?
Comments for the lesson.
Live stream finished (1 hour)
Here some tasks to practise the skills we have learnt today
Practice referencing skills
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This is another level Dilshodbek! A couple of days ago, we started the ‘Immersion course’ and Dilshodbek, one of our active members of the channel has completed the reflection part and shared it in an audio format. This is what we can call reflection! There many English learners, especially among Uzbek students, who think reflection is just repeating some of the facts given in the material, but, in fact, it must be your own summary and interpretation of the material that you have watched, listened or read. Thank you Dilshod! It’s true dedication to language learning
⚠️Endi Hayitov ELT kanalida o’tilayotgan live lessonlarni jonli darsda ishtirok eta olmasangiz, Hayitov Live classes📽 kanalida darslarni recordinglarini ko’rib borishingiz mumkin. Darsni ba'zi texnik jihatlariga hali ishlanishi kerak, lekin eng asosiy narsalar bu ekrandagi ma’lumotlarni aniq va tiniq ko’ra olasiz va ovoz sifati ham yaxshi. Join:
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Speaking 8.0 #bandscore_Breakdown. Very close to 8.5, and with the potential of 9.0. Is it worth trying?🤔
🔔Hurmatli kanalimiz azolari avval aytganimizdek “LISTENING MARATHON” ni 15- yanvardan boshlaymiz va bunda menga yordam berish uchun eng yaqin shogirdlarimizdan, teachingda yaxshigina salohiyatga ega bo’lgan Toshpo’lat yaqindan yordam beradi va qatnashmoqchi bo’lganlar alohida yopiq kanalga qo’shiladi va nazorat qilinadi
Qatnashish uchun @Toshpolatt ga yozing va yopiq gruppaga qo’shiling
“LISTENING MARATHON” @Insight_Englishdan yangi yil sovg’asi 🎁
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2024/09/29 13:30:12
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