Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
Qanday holatda writing task 2da 4 ta paragraph va qachon 5 ta paragraph qilsak bo'ladi va buni writing scoreni ko'tarishda qanday afzalliklari bor. Shu bo'yicha bitta writing dars o'tib beraymi? Kamida 60 ta 🔥 yig'a olsak, bitta zo'r dars bo' ladi.
Shu 1-2 kunda kanalda aktiv bo'lolmadim. Lekin ertaga tepada aytilgan darsni o'tamiz nasib bo'lsa. Reaksiyalarniyam joni qolmabtiku. Qovun tarvuz arzonlashib reaksiyalarni narxi ko'tarilib kettimi?
Nimaga gipermarketlar va metrolarda eskalatorlar o'zi tepaga olib chiqayotgan paytda ham odamlar oddiy zinadan chiqayotganday yurib chiqishadi?
Nimaga gipermarketlar va metrolarda eskalatorlar o'zi tepaga olib chiqayotgan paytda ham odamlar oddiy zinadan chiqayotganday yurib chiqishadi?
Eng baxtli odamlar hozirgi kunda kimlar deb so'rashsa aytgan bo'lardim "eng baxtli odamlar bu uxlashdan oldin, va uyg'onishi bilanoq telefon titkilamayotgan odamlar" deb. Baxtlilar qoldimi o'zi?! 😊
"Bolla tayyormisila?! Bugun takoy, unikalni bitta dars bo'ladi writinga? Xali bunaqasi bo'magan!" 🤙 Postimni shunaqa boshlasam nimagadur o'zimni krutoy his qilyapman.
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
"Bolla tayyormisila?! Bugun takoy, unikalni bitta dars bo'ladi writinga? Xali bunaqasi bo'magan!" 🤙 Postimni shunaqa boshlasam nimagadur o'zimni krutoy his qilyapman.
Bugungi writing darsdan maqsad? "Ba'zan nima sovg'a berishingdan ko'ra, sovg'ani qay tarzda berishing muhimroq" deyishadi. Shu qoida IELTS writingga ham tegishli. Qanaqa argument berishingiz emas, uni qay tarzda readerga (examinerga) yetkaza olishingiz muhimroq. Bugungi darsimizda aynan qanday qilib writingda oddiy fikrlaringizni, readerga kuchli argument sifatida yetkaza olishingiz bo'yicha yaxshi texnikalar o'rgataman.
⏰20:30da ko’rishamiz. Ungacha esa 🔥👍 bilan qo’llab quvvatlab turamiz.
⏰20:30da ko’rishamiz. Ungacha esa 🔥👍 bilan qo’llab quvvatlab turamiz.
✍️Lesson aim: How to make strong arguments in the essay
📅Date and time: July 25
⏳Time: 20:30
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🕹 Name of the Game: ‘Name a Popular Person’
📜 First of all, you have to know there are five generations of people:
1️⃣ Veterans (Born before 1945)
2️⃣ Baby Boomers (Born after 1945)
3️⃣ Generation X (Born after 1965)
4️⃣ Millennials (Born after 1980)
5️⃣ Generation Z (Born after 2000)
📝 Game Rules:
I will say the generation, and you have to name one famous person who belongs to that generation.
📌 For Example: If I say Baby Boomer (Born after 1945), you can say Donald Trump.
🕹 Name of the Game: ‘Name a Popular Person’
📜 First of all, you have to know there are five generations of people:
1️⃣ Veterans (Born before 1945)
2️⃣ Baby Boomers (Born after 1945)
3️⃣ Generation X (Born after 1965)
4️⃣ Millennials (Born after 1980)
5️⃣ Generation Z (Born after 2000)
📝 Game Rules:
I will say the generation, and you have to name one famous person who belongs to that generation.
📌 For Example: If I say Baby Boomer (Born after 1945), you can say Donald Trump.
Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
🎮 LET’S PLAY A GAME! 🕹 Name of the Game: ‘Name a Popular Person’ 📜 First of all, you have to know there are five generations of people: 1️⃣ Veterans (Born before 1945) 2️⃣ Baby Boomers (Born after 1945) 3️⃣ Generation X (Born after 1965) 4️⃣ Millennials…
Generation X ( Born after 1965 ) Write one person ??? 🤔
Read the previous post to understand the rules of the game☝️
Read the previous post to understand the rules of the game☝️
Millennials ( Born after 1980) write one famous person ??? 🤔
Generation Z ( Born after 2000) Write a famous person ??? 🤔.
Yana 40 daqiqadan keyin online darsimiz boshlanadi.⏰
Nima dars o'tmoqchimiz o'zi? 🤔
Nima dars o'tmoqchimiz o'zi? 🤔
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