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I'll give you causes and you'll give effects in the comments.
Cause: You forgot to eat breakfast.
Cause: You missed some of your English lessons. effects?
Cause: I set my alarm clock to PM instead of AM. Effects?
Cause: Everybody throws away their rubbish onto the ground. effects?
cause:I thought it is a good idea to teach my cat how to use the toilet. effects?
warm -up yaxshi bo'ldimi?
Topic: Obesity in children is a serious problem in a number of countries.
Obesity – semizlik
A number of = many
The number of = … soni
What are the causes of obesity in children?
Discuss the possible alarming effects of this problem in the future.
Alarming- xavotirli
bugun darsimizda shu 5 ta bosqichni ko'ramiz Five stages in the essay
1 Analysing and understanding the questions
2 Idea generation
3 Planning
4 Writing
5 Proofreading
Topic: Obesity in children is a serious problem in a number of countries.
What are the causes of obesity in children?
Discuss the possible alarming effects of this problem in the future.
Analysing and understanding the questions
General topic: ????
Can you see my screen?
what are the causes of obesity in children?
The effects the obesity can bring???
bullying nima degani?
is idea generation clear?
two ways of organizing cause and effect essay structure
linking words for the causes
One of the causes / The reason is that / Because / Since
One of the causes of obesity is that children are having sedentary lifestyle
Due to this / Because of / Owing to / Lead to
Due to (tufayli) heavy rain, the football match had to be cancelled.
As a result / Lead to the problem / Can attribute to
linking words for the effects
•Consequence of…. / As a result of … / Because of… / Due to …

•Make / Create / Change / Effect / Affect / Result / Risk of … / Leading to …
Some children are bullying other children. This situation is creating unhealthy atmosphere in the classroom.
1 _______ it is important for their career and education. 2_______ many people want to learn English.
2024/10/01 09:20:55
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