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Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
Offline darslarga ko'proq o'rganganman. Online darslarda birinchi marta svidaniyaga chiqqan odamday his qilyabman o'zimni) to'gri tushunasiz xali o'rganib ketamiz
Haliyam xavotir bor. Kechagi online dars o’quvchilarimizga manzur bo’lganini kommentlarda ko’rib, online darslarni davom ettirish, bu sohada ko’proq o’z ustimda ishlash va ko'proq insonlarga yordam berish istagi kuchaydi. Lekin hali to’la moslashib ketishimga vaqt kerak. Bugungi darsga tanlangan topic va essay question ham oson emas. Qo'llab quvvatlab turasiz! Kechagi darsimiz kabi bugun ham siz bilan barcha essaylarda kerak bo’ladigan 4 narsa;
1 Anaysing and understanding the task
2 Idea generation
3 Planning
4 Analysing sample essay

bo’yicha ishlaymiz.

Bugun ikkinchi svidaniyam ) siz bilan 20:30 da ko'rishamiz.
⚡️Darsimiz boshlanishiga 30 daqiqa vaqt qoldi.
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Asosiy darsni boshlashdan oldin shu link👉 bo’yicha kirasiz man aytgandan keyin.
Username: bekzodkhayitov423
Register degan joyini skip qilasiz va 2 ta savolga javob berasiz, Ok guys, boshladik.
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Art based subjects
Words to describe art based subjects
Compulsory nima degani?
academic performance nima?
What is the general topic of today's essay?
General topic va specify nimaligini tushundizmi?
Topic: Some educationalists argue that non-exam subjects, such as music and drama, art and craft, should be compulsory in the secondary-school curriculum. They believe that activities such as these can improve overall academic performance.
Educationalists – education experts
Compulsory – if sth is compulsory, you have to do it.
Academic performance – studying subjects, taking exams.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Is it correct if we …
write only about art?
Is it correct if we …
write only about children and academic performance?
Is it correct if we …
Write about all ages?
Essay topic tushunarlimi?
Put A for agree arguments
D for disagree arguments
1 Money needs to be spent on resources
2 Improves self-discipline
3 Teaches teamwork
4Takes up too much time
5 Seen only as a fun
6 Broadens general knowledge
jot down nima degani?
2024/09/30 09:32:22
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