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Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
📢 Join our live English practice session tonight at 7:30 pm on @Insight_English! Everyone's welcome! Let's have a lively conversation and improve our speaking together. 🗣💬 Don't worry, the questions will be interesting and not too difficult. See you there!…
A small number of people we had here in the chat today were fluent speakers of English. I believe we benefited not only from the opportunity to speak our ideas, but also by listening to other candidates’ responses, which were interesting and diverse. Now I am sure you can discuss the topic of music better than anyone else. 💪
Xorijiy tillarni o'rganishga bo'lgan qiziqish pasaymoqda. Buning asosiy sababi sun'iy intellektning kirib kelishi bilan izohlanmoqda. Amerika universitetlarida xorijiy tillar yo'nalishiga hujjat topshirish bo'yicha 2009 yildan beri 29% lik pasayish kuzatilgan. Batafsil maqolada👉.
Complete the sentence: If I had a chance, I would start learning .... language because ...
Cucumber 🥒 shu so'zni talaffuz qiling 🗣 Keyin lug'atdan talaffuzingizni to'g'riligini tekshiring. Birinchi urinishdayoq to'g'ri talaffuz qilgan bo'lsangiz kommentda 1⃣ belgisini, to'g'ri talaffuzni lug'atdan eshitib o'rgangan bo'lsangiz 2⃣ belgisini qoldiring.
Bugun iftorlikdan keyin bitta 🗣Online speaking🗣 qilamiz. qatnashuvchilardan bitta 👋 bo'lsin.
Girfriendni polite versiyasi ekan
Live stream scheduled for
📅 Today's Online Speaking Class Details

🎙 Topic: What we Can Learn Online

🎯 Goals:
•Raise students’ awareness of the topic
•Enhance the level of vocabulary related to the topic
•Boost students’ confidence in expressing their ideas

👨‍🏫 Teacher: Bekzod Khayitov (IELTS Speaking 8.0)

Time: 19:40

🔍 Looking forward to seeing you in the class! @Insight_English
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Match the words with their definitions
Live stream finished (10 minutes)
2024/09/29 15:33:01
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