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Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0
Sevib qolishingiz kerak. Yaqinda zakovat bilimdoni Furqat akani o'quvchilar uchun Master Class qilib berishga taklif qilgandim. Shunda Furqat akadan qanday qilib bugungi insonni chalg'itadigan ishlar va tashvishlar ko'p davrda hayotingizda balans topish mumkinligi haqida so'radim. Xaqiqattan ohirgi paytlar ish, oila tashvishlari, ijtimoiy tarmoqlar hayotimizni katta qismini egallab qo'yayotgani tashvishli ko'rinayapti. Savolimga Furqat akani javobi shunday bo'ldi: 'Hayot qiziqarli bo'lishi uchun sevib qolishingiz kerak'. Sarkazmga boy insondan yana qanday javob kutasiz)). Buning ma'nosi sizga oiladan, ishdan va ijtimoiy tarmoqlardan chalg'itadigan siz sevadigan bitta mashg'ulot kerak degani. Bu mashg'ulot sizga sizdagi boshqalarga o'xshamaydigan individuallikni saqlab turishga yordam berib, miyani butunlay kunlik tashvishlar va ijtimoiy tarmoqlardan bo'shatishi kerak. Bundan siz faqat dam olishingiz emas, challengeni ham his qilishingiz kerak. Bunday mashg'ulotlar ertalablari yugurish, raqsga tushish, trenajor mashqlarini bajarish, futbol o'ynash va boshqa o'zingiz qiziqqan va challengeni his qiladigan activitylar bo'lishi mumkin. Vaqti vaqti bilan ovozingiz boricha baqiring. Muhimi miyadagi va qalbimizdagi o'y va tashvishlar chiqib ketishi kerak.
Model for great teaching!πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ«πŸ§‘β€πŸ«πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ« πŸ”ΈIf useful, share it with other teachers!
Darslarga tayyorlanishga yetarlicha vaqt bor. Xotirjamlik.
This video has been resulting in many arguments and discussions so far.

Half of world listens it Yanny, compared to half listens LaurelπŸ˜…

It is funny, isn’t it?

The time to post a comment what you listen!
#Experiment #science 'Moving a can without touching it'. This was the experiment we did with my students a couple of days ago. The activity cost me 2 cans of fanta and 1 can of coke which I had to buy and consume during my breakfast to bring empty cans to the classroom. The experiment was conducted on purpose to introduce the topic 'Amazing science' from the course book. It worked quite well. We did the experiment successfully and had some fun🀠
πŸ“š Attention all Smart Readers! πŸ“š
🌟 We're thrilled to announce the return of the 'Smart Readers' contest! 🌟
After diving into the enchanting world of 'The Secret Garden', our talented students showcased their skills in a series of exciting tasks inspired by the story. 🌺
πŸŽ‰ But that's not all! We had the honor of hosting Mrs. Katherine Rick, an esteemed English teacher from British Management University in Tashkent, as our guest judge. Her insightful speech emphasized the invaluable role of fiction books in our lives. πŸ—£οΈ
Stay tuned for more updates and inspiration from the world of literature! πŸ“–βœ¨
#SmartReaders #LiteratureContest #Inspiration #TheSecretGarden
🌟 Happy International Women's Day! 🌟
Did you know⁉️
πŸ“… International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8 every year.
πŸ’― It originated over 100 years ago.
🌍 The United Nations officially adopted International Women's Day in 1975.
πŸŽ‰ It's an official holiday in dozens of countries.
πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ It's celebrated alongside Mother's Day in several places.

Share this post to spread awareness and celebrate the amazing achievements of women worldwide! πŸš€ #InternationalWomensDay #March8 #EmpowerWomen.
Mening nazarimda Aksentlar ziravorlarga o'xshaydi. Bitta ovqatga xar hil ta'm berish mumkin. Asosiysi qanday ziravor qo'shilmasin, ovqatni mazali qilsa bo'ldi. Ingliz tilida Aksent bilan gapirishdan uyalmang. Tildagi aksentingiz dunyoga ovozingizni eshittirishga to'siq bo'luvchi chegara bo'lmasin.
Shu 'EASY' breakfastni tayyorlashga qancha vaqt ketsa?
2024/09/29 07:20:50
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