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Maxxansa Journal paper bifa kanaan eegallee turre. Haala qindaa'aadhaan lafa qabsiifnee hojjechuu waan barbaadnuuf hirmaattota fedha qabaniin oduu aagaa jechuun.jaaladha.

Maxxansi journal paper keenyaa:-
1. Qoosaa/Baacoo
2. Walaloo
3. Xiinsammuu
4. Kalaqa
5. Diinagdee
6. Qeeqa
7. Ilaalcha siyaasaa
8. Ilaalcha Amantii
9. Saayinsii fi Teeknooloojii
10. Seenaa
11. Mul'ata
12. Mudannoo waa maraa
13. Muuxannoo
14. Oduu Baargamaa qindeessuu fi hiikuudhaan
15. Bu'aa bahii jireenya dhuunfaa
16. Seenaa jaalalaa
17. Aadaa hawaasaa
18. Falaasama
19. Icciitii icciitidhaan
20. Beeksisa

Waantotaa kanaa fi kana fakkaatan irratti yaada keessan gabaabsitanii suuraan deeggartanii yoo nuuf ergitan mirga abbaa qabeenyummaa keessanii eegnee isiniif maxxansina.

Nu quunnamuuf:
Facebook: Ifargan Guddataa
Maxxansa gaazexaa Gaaddidduu Addunyaa akka haaraatti Fuula 1 jennee eegalleerra. Yaada itti kennaa!

Jireenya koo keessatti namoota gowwaa gamna fakkaatanin sodaadha. Namoonni kunneen waan baratanii digirii yookaan maastersii qabaniif, waan aangoo qabaniif yookaan waan maallaqa qabaniif qofa namoonni akka gamnaatti isaan ilaalu. Sababii kanaaf isaanis beekaa fi gamna godhanii of fudhatu. Haa ta'u malee waanti isaan dubbatan, waanti isaan hojjetan, yaadni isaan maddisiisan, ilaalchonni isaan qaban, akkaataan deddeebbii isaanii gowwummaan kan guutee fi namoota isaan faana jiraatan akka malee kan aarsudha.

Yeroo danuu namoota akkasii kaabinoota aanaa fi gandoota keessaa curcur jedhan keessaa argattu. Daldaltoota, barsiisota fi duukaa buutota amantii keessas guutan.

Namoota akkasii haasawa yookaan gochaa isaanii si'a tokkoonuu adda baasuun hin danda'ama. Waan hundaa anatu beeka jechuu, of tuulummaa, fakkarsa, oduu fi falmii baay'isuu, namootaan walitti bu'uu baay'isuun amala namoota akkanaati.

Ani jireenya koo keessatti namoota akkasii irraa fageenyakoo eeggadheen jiraadha. Yoon abbaa dhimmaa ta'ee lafa wayiitti na quunnamemmoo, gorora koo goggogsee liqimseen isa keessa kootii afaanii fi funyaanshee wal jala dabarsiif naan jedhuu of keessatti gadi ittisee dhimmakoo raawwatadhee deema.

Addunyaan kun hoo'a dhabeettii kan taatee fi duubatti deeminsi biyyoota duubatti deemtota danuu sababii namoota akkanaatiini.

Waanti hundarra nama gaddisiisu garuu bakkee danuutti abbaan aangoo fi abbaan qabeenyaa hundi isaanuma.

Kutaa macaafa qulqulluu keessaa macaafa fakkeenyaa keessatti mootichi Solomoon waa'ee gowwaa ta'uu dhabuu waan danuu haasa'a. Jecha gowwaa jedhu si'a 52, jecha gowwummaa jedhummoo si'a 11 fi jecha gowwuma jedhu si'a 8 dubbaterra. Isaan keessaa warreen danuu na dinqan:-

“Gowwaa akka midhaaniitti moonyeetti yoo tumte iyyuu, gowwuma isaa isa irraa hin baaftu.”
— Fak. 27:22

“Nama gowwaa gowwuma isaatti jirutti dhaquu irra, amaaketa dhaltuu ilmaan ishee jalaa butatamanitti dhaquu wayya.”
— Fak. 17:12

“fakkeenyi afaan gowwaa keessaa ba'u, akka miilla naafatee rarra'uu ti.”
— Fak. 26:7

“Namni gowwaan ogeessa akka of hin seenetti, akkuma goowwuma isaatiitti deebii kenniif;”
— Fak. 26:5

“Gowwaan ogummaa dubbii keetii sababii tuffatuuf, ati isatti hin dubbatin!”
— Fak. 23:9

Animmoo osuu luqqisii tokko itti dabali naan jedhanii (hin danda'amuuf malee), "Gowwaan jecha kee waan hin hubanneef kaballaan mangaagaasaa wal jala dabarsii cal jedhi jedhiin" kan jedhun dabala ture.

Hundaafuu nama akkasii isinirraa haa qabu. Isinimmoo gowwaa hin ta'iinaa, Ogummaa argachuuf dhama'aa malee. Ammayyummaa wajjin deemuun, jaalalatti amanuun, namoota kabajuu fi leellisuutti amanuun, gad of deebiftanii namootaaf hojjechuu barachuun ogeessa ta'a.

Waan obsaan dubbiftaniif galatoomaa. Ana ilma keessan Ifargani.

Yoo barruu kana jaalattan #share gochuun namoota akkasii biraan naaf gahaa, irraa haa baratanii!

Kopheewwan magalaa garaagaraarratti gurguraman rakkoo lama qabu. 1ffaa... kophee isin hin madaalle, kophee guyyaa guutuu miilla isin gubaa oolu, kophee bushaa kanatu guute. 2ffaa... Kophee 1ffaa kana hin barbaadu jettanii kophee sadarkaasaa eeggate yoo bitachuu barbaaddan immoo suuqiirratti gatii qaalii itti fe'uun kiraa manaa isin kaffalchiifatu.

Amma furmaanni jira. Kophee Dirree Dawaa, kan qulqullina isaa eeggate group kanarra seenuun ajajachuu dandeessu. Gatii madaalawaadhaan kophee mimmiidhagaa bakka isin jirtanitti isin qaqqabsifna isiniin jedhu. Ajajadhaa!
68.7 KB
Useful English informal phrases to be practiced. 😍
Advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning have revolutionized the way we learn and access information. With the emergence of AI language models such as GPT-3, it is now possible to get personalized answers to any question in a short amount of time. This has had a significant impact on academic life, making it simpler, more productive, and more efficient.

In the past, students relied on traditional methods of learning, such as textbooks and lectures, to understand complex concepts. However, these methods can be time-consuming and may not provide a complete understanding of the topic. YouTube videos became a popular alternative to textbooks and lectures, but they may not always be sufficient, as they can be limited and may not provide the depth of knowledge required.

With AI language models, students can now get personalized answers to any question they have, no matter how complex. These models use natural language processing to understand the context of the question and provide an accurate answer. This means that students can learn at their own pace, without the need to rely on external sources.

Moreover, AI language models can provide a wealth of information beyond simple answers to questions. They can provide detailed explanations of complex concepts, offer insights into related topics, and even suggest further reading. This means that students can gain a deeper understanding of the topic and explore related areas of interest.

Another advantage of AI language models is that they allow students to ask consecutive questions, refining their understanding of a topic as they go. For example, a student may ask a follow-up question to clarify a concept, and the model can provide a more detailed explanation. This iterative process of learning can help students gain a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Additionally, AI language models offer the ability to store notes and information for later review, making it easy to reference important concepts and ideas. This means that students can build their own knowledge base, which they can refer to throughout their academic career.

The field of computer science is making great strides in creating an improved and more productive world. AI language models are just one example of how technology is changing the way we learn and access information. As these models continue to evolve, they have the potential to transform education by providing personalized and efficient learning experiences.

In conclusion, AI language models have had a significant impact on academic life by simplifying and improving the learning process. They provide personalized answers to any question in a short amount of time, offer detailed explanations of complex concepts, allow for iterative learning, and enable the storage of notes and information for later review. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect AI language models to play an even greater role in shaping the future of education and knowledge acquisition.

I am really happy to be a fellow of this discipline. It simplifies each and every doubt of my life. I appreciate if students practice it for best understanding of their academic journey!

@ifargantech @ifargantech
Sagalee: Dugo Gadissa
Seenessa: Marga Angasu
@ifargantech @ifargantech
A broad classification of machine learning algorithms into regression and classification algorithms, along with a brief discussion of each:

✍️ Regression Algorithms:

1. Linear Regression:
This is a simple and widely used algorithm that models the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables using a linear equation. It is commonly used for predicting numerical values.

2. Polynomial Regression: This is an extension of linear regression that models the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables using a polynomial equation. It can capture non-linear relationships between variables.

3. Ridge Regression: This is a regularized version of linear regression that adds a penalty term to the objective function to prevent overfitting.

4. Lasso Regression: This is another regularized version of linear regression that uses L1 regularization to encourage sparse solutions.

5. Support Vector Regression (SVR): This is a regression algorithm that uses support vector machines to find the optimal hyperplane that separates the data into different classes.

6. Decision Tree Regression: This is a non-parametric regression algorithm that models the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables using a tree-like structure.

7. Random Forest Regression: This is an ensemble learning algorithm that combines multiple decision trees to form a strong predictive model.

8. Gradient Boosting Regression: This is an ensemble learning algorithm that iteratively adds decision trees to the model to correct the errors of the previous trees.

✍️ Classification Algorithms:

1. Logistic Regression:
This is a widely used algorithm that models the probability of a binary outcome using a logistic function. It is commonly used for binary classification problems.

2. K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN): This is a simple and non-parametric algorithm that classifies new instances based on the majority class of its k nearest neighbors in the training set.

3. Decision Tree Classification: This is a non-parametric algorithm that models the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables using a tree-like structure.

4. Random Forest Classification: This is an ensemble learning algorithm that combines multiple decision trees to form a strong predictive model.

5. Gradient Boosting Classification: This is an ensemble learning algorithm that iteratively adds decision trees to the model to correct the errors of the previous trees.

6. Naive Bayes: This is a probabilistic algorithm that models the likelihood of each class given the data using Bayes' theorem and assumes that the features are conditionally independent.

7. Support Vector Machines (SVM): This is a powerful classification algorithm that finds the optimal hyperplane that separates the data into different classes.

8. Neural Networks: This is a family of algorithms that are inspired by the structure and function of the human brain. They are commonly used for complex classification problems and can learn non-linear relationships between variables.

Yeroo ammaa kana odeeffannoon waa'ee Artificial intelligence hammaan ol fagaachaa jira. Keessumaa AI language model kan dhaabbanni OpenAi GPT-3 irraa kaasee eegale faana dhahuudhaan dhaabbileen hedduun model isaanii ifa gochuutti jiran. Isaan keessaas Google bard, Microsoft bing, Quora poe fi kanneen lakkaa'amanii hin dhumnedha. Kan nama ajaa'ibu baay'een isaanii akkaataa itti model sun 'coded' ta'erratti garaagarummaa qaba malee data(corpus) isaan fayyadaman kanuma GPT-3 ti. GPT jechuunis Generative Pre-trained Transformer jechuudha.

Ammammoo torbee kana keessa suuraan dureessicha beekamaa fi abbaan kaampaanii spaceX, Twitter, Boring Company fi kkf, addunyaa kana irratti nama teeknooloojiitti fayyadamuun dorgomaa olaanaa ta'e Elon Musk haadha manaa Robot oomishate, ishee waliinis jiraata, Qaama ishees password isaa cufee bana jedhanii fi oduuwwan baay'een deddeemaa jiru.

Ani akka dhuunfaatti maddeewwan garaagaraarraa adda bafachuuf yaaleera. Elon Musk waanta raawwatu hunda dursee Twitter isaarratti barreessa. Dhimma Robot wife kanaan wal qabatee garuu waan barreesse tokkoyyuu hin qabu. Maddeen danuus akka soba ta'e dhaamu.

Animmoo adda baafadheera.

DALL-E2 beektuu jedhee kanin eegales waa malee miti. Amma ammaatti odeeffannoon isin qabdan AI model kan language qofa yookaan immoo odeeffannoo barreeffamaa qofa kan generate taasisu qofa jettanii yaaduu dandeessu. Haa ta'u malee moodeloonni danuun kan suuraa fi video generate taasisanis danuudha.

Isaan keessaa kan dhaabbanni OpenAi chatGPT faana waltarree dhiyeesse DALL-E kan jedhamu AI image, suuraa haaraa generate gochuudhaan beekama, Model kun akkamiin hojjeta yoo jenne, jalqaba fayyadamtoota irraa prompt barreeffamaan fudhata. Ibsa guutuu erga qindeeffatee booda isarratti hundaa'ee suuraa abbaan sun barbaade kalaqaaf.

Kanaafimmoo moodelichi suuraawwan danuu barreeffamoota suuraa sana ibsan waliin bifa qindoomaan kan leenjifame, suuraa fi ibsa danuu of keessaa qaba. Yeroo fayyadamaan prompt haaraa dhiyeessu beekumsa isaarratti hundaa'ee suuraa namni sun barbaadu kalqaaf. Link kana ( tuquun seentanii ilaaluu dandeessu. Akka chatGPT garuu tolaan osuu hin taane $15 irraa kaasee kaffalchiisuun hojjeta.

Suuraan Elon Musk kan model akkasiin hojjetu ta'uusaa haala salphaan adda baafachuu dandeessu. Kanaafimmoo link ani siniif kaa'e sana jala seentanii suuraawwan DALL-E kanaan hojjetaman ilaaluu dandeessu. Dabalataanis google irratti "AI generated images" jettanii ilaaluu dandeessu.

Model kana malees kanneen akka StyleGan, Pix2Pix, CycleGAN, Progressive Growing of Gans illee suuraalee isin feetan siniif maddisiisuu danda'u.

Maal suuraa fi barreeffama qofaree? Model danuun isaaniimmoo kan video isniif dalaganis ni jiru. Jalqaba Robot barbaaddan filattu. Dhiira, durbaa fi color isaa. Achiin booda barreeffama keessan laattuuf. Robot sun facial expression barbaachisu mara fayyadamuun video keessan siniif dalaga. AKka fakkeenyaatti ( fudhachuun ni danda'ama. Website kanas seenaa ilaalaa. Kana qofaa miti. DeepFake, SimGAN, Video GPT, TecnoGAN, DeepArt fi kkf ilaaluu dandeessu.

Akka walii galaatti maal jechuu barbaadeenii? Yeroo ammaa kana suuraawwan, barreeffamaawwan, sagaleewwanii fi viidiyoowwan moodeloota AI n hojjetaman parsantii olaanaadhaan dhugaa fakkaatanii waan mul'ataniif namoonni keenya akka salphaatti amanuu fi ittiin gowwoomfamuu irraa akka ofeegan dhaamuun barbaada.

Erga amma kana dubbiftanii dhumarratti oolmaa tokko akka naaf ooltanin barbaada. YouTube channel baneen dhimmoota Technology akkasii irratti dhiyeessuu barbaada. Irratti hojjechaan jiras. Kanaaf Link ( ) kana tuquun seentanii Subscribe naaf gootanii akka baatan kabajaanin isin gaafadha. Dhiimma Technologyn kan walqabatus gaaffii barbaaddan yoo na gaafattan siniif deebisuu nan danda'a.
Kitaabotakoo hundasaa

Namoonni kitaabilee PDF eessaa argannaa jettanii na gaafattan, kitaabileen ani barreesse saddeet Website koo irra isiniif kaa'eera. Kunoo link kana tuquun seenaatii tab, My books jedhu jakaa argattu.

Osuun computer programming hin baranne ta'ee silaa gammachuun achi keessa jiru homaa natti hin fakkaatu ture. Amma garuu ergan computer programming baradhee as, osuun hin baratiin hafeera ta'e waanti guddaan tokko akka na jala darbettan fudhadha. Baay'ee dhaadhessuu barbaadee osuu hin taane waanuma jedhamuu qabudha.

Steve Jobs, CEO Apple akkas jedhee ture. "Everyone in this country should learn how to program because it teaches you how to think”.

Amma garuu qaccee koo carraa kana hin argatiin osuun waan xiqqoorraa kaasee kaka'umsa keessatti uumee gaarii ta'a kutannoo jedhun qaba.

Kanaaf:- Ganna kana Adoolessa 01 irraa eegalee namoota fedha qaban bilisaan haala salphaa ta'een, Afaan Ofiisaaniitiin, computer programming barsiisuuf karoorfadheen jira.

Namoota 10 hanga 20 ta'an fayyadamuun guyyaatti saatii tokkoof, torbeetti guyyaa sadiif karaa google meeting yookaan zoom dandeettiiwwan computer programming sasalphoo leenjisuuf yaadeen jira.

Isaan kunneenis:
⓵ web page development
Inni kun website kalaquu yoo ta'u static page irraa hanga dynamic page ijaaruutti kan barannu ta'a. Kanaaf:
▷ Javascript
▷ MySQL - database ta'a.

⓶ Language yeroo ammaa kana xiyyeeffannoo guddaa argataa jiru, python, ni baranna.

⓷ C++, Java fi kkf

Kanaaf namoonni fedha qabdan ammarraa kaasuun odeeffannoo keessan isa sirrii form qophaa'e irratti guutuun galmaa'aa.

Hub: Software isin barbaachisu hunda isin gargaaruun isiniif nan fe'a. Kanaaf rakkoon isin mudatu hin jiraatu.

▷ Laptop fi WiFi yoo qabaattan filatamaadha.
▷ Seerota jiran kabajuun dirqama.

2024/06/26 21:31:35
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