Telegram Web Link
Host Testing and evaluation
Host Provider: Krypt iON Specification: 1vCore | 2G RAM | 25G HDD Network: 500G@100Mbps Looking Glass: [100M Test File] DDoS Protection: No BGP Session: No $20/Monthly (S80ACTT2MI)
The performance is all right, and the disk has a cache. You can reach 100Mbps port speed within the SGP region. However, CMI is the only ISP. 性能还好, 硬盘有缓存. 在新加坡区域内, 可以跑到 100Mbps. CMI 单线.

Host Provider: Cloudean
Specification: 2vCore | 2G RAM | 30G SSD
Network: 4T out @ 250Mbps
Looking Glass:
DDoS Protection: No
BGP Session: No
€13.45 / Month
#投稿 [ Thanks to Yuntu ]
Host Testing and evaluation
Host Provider: Cloudean Specification: 2vCore | 2G RAM | 30G SSD Network: 4T out @ 250Mbps Looking Glass: DDoS Protection: No BGP Session: No €13.45 / Month #投稿 [ Thanks to Yuntu ]
streaming unblocked.
性能一般, 硬盘性能较好. 但除了移动直连外, 回程基本绕美走 level3. 去程三网直连. 过去的话 NewMedia 还行, 基本上走 NTT. 作为新加坡本地商家也都把当地线路都接上了, 位于 equinix HK 机房.
仅建议移动或 AS4808 / AS4809 用户.
[ 和 dediserve 香港同线, 性价比更高. ]
Host Provider:
Specification: 1vCore | 1G RAM | 40G SSD
Network: 30Mbps UP & 100Mbps Down
Looking Glass:
DDoS Protection: No
BGP Session: No
$3.39 / Month (疑似灵车)
Host Provider: 90VM
Specification: 1vCore | 2G RAM | 20G Disk
Network: 1T @ 100Mbps
Looking glass: [ 100M ]
DDoS Protection: 20G
BGP Session: No
¥24.99 / Month
Host Testing and evaluation
Host Provider: 90VM Specification: 1vCore | 2G RAM | 20G Disk Network: 1T @ 100Mbps Looking glass: [ 100M ] DDoS Protection: 20G BGP Session: No ¥24.99 / Month
看 IP 怀疑是标准互联的分销。性能差。Psychz 机房,线路瞎走。联通速度倒是能起来(白天)。
Might be a reseller of Pesyun, based on the IP address. Bad performance. Located in Psychz datacenter, routing is a mess. Speed to CU is good(day time).
tisparkle or gtt or ChinaTelecom -> CU | he or gtt -> CT | ntt -> CM
Host Provider: ZeptoVM
Specification: 2vCore | 2G RAM | 24G HDD Raid10
Network: 2560G @ 300Mbps
Looking glass:
DDoS Protection: No
BGP Session: No
$45 / Month
Host Testing and evaluation
Host Provider: ZeptoVM Specification: 2vCore | 2G RAM | 24G HDD Raid10 Network: 2560G @ 300Mbps Looking glass: DDoS Protection: No BGP Session: No $45 / Month
机器性能很棒, 硬盘带缓存, 带宽实际上也并未限制, 同样为 1Gbps.
回程电信联通走 RT, 移动走 iij. 适合非电信用户使用.
Host Provider: HKServerSolution
Specification: 1vCore | 2G RAM | 15G SSD
Network: 250Mbps Unlimited
Looking glass:
DDoS Protection: No
BGP Session: No
268CNY / Quarterly
Host Provider: 1984hosting
Specification: 1vCore | 1G RAM | 25G Disk
Network: 1T@1Gbps
Looking glass:
DDoS Protection: No
BGP Session: No
$5 / Monthly
Host Provider: turnkeyinternet
Specification: Dual X5650 | 8G RAM | 120G SSD
Network: 1Gbps Unmetered
Looking glass:
DDoS Protection: Free basic
BGP Session: No
$19.99 / Monthly
Host Testing and evaluation
Host Provider: 1984hosting Specification: 1vCore | 1G RAM | 25G Disk Network: 1T@1Gbps Looking glass: DDoS Protection: No BGP Session: No $5 / Monthly
冰岛 vps, 支持 BTC. 镜像都很新, 也可进行冷热快照. 面板简单易懂, 但是我忘记存初始密码了所以得重装下再来.
Host Testing and evaluation
Host Provider: 1984hosting Specification: 1vCore | 1G RAM | 25G Disk Network: 1T@1Gbps Looking glass: DDoS Protection: No BGP Session: No $5 / Monthly
没测完就中途去世了... (忘开 screen)
硬盘速度被限制得非常标准.. 本地 400Mbps, 大陆方向并不太好, 做玩具可以. 报告地址:
Host Provider: Krypt iON
Specification: 1 vCpu | 2G RAM | 40G SSD
Network: 1T@1Gbps
Looking glass: 见前文
DDoS Protection: None
BGP Session: No
$11.11 / Yearly

新母鸡的性能明显好了一些, 适合 电信/移动 个人使用.
测试者 AFF | 报告地址
本频道开始接受测试报告投稿. 测试者可提交带上自己 AFF 的购买链接.
Now accepting test report submissions. Testers can submit order link with their own AFF.

curl -fsSL | bash -s full

Format: 参考此前发布的报告. 需要提供如图的产品细节以及测试脚本输出的报告地址.

一天 20 小时 在(shui) 线(jiao) 的编辑会在审核后进行发布.

*不接受无特殊加成且无独立 IPv4 的产品投稿.
Host Provider: pacificrack
Specification: 1 vCpu | 512M RAM | 25G SSD
Network: 500G@1Gbps
Looking glass:
DDoS Protection: 3G
BGP Session: No
$12.49 / Yearly VPS50OFF
[ 测试者 AFF | 报告地址 ]
2024/09/28 23:25:38
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