@ImageBot – sends pictures related to your keywords. Telegram has a unique feature called Channels that allow you to broadcast messages to large audiences. Unlike Groups, Telegram Channels can have an unlimited amount of subscribers, and only admins have the right to post content. Possibly the biggest disadvantage Telegram has over more popular messages is simply that: popularity. Despite its hundreds of millions of fans, Telegram is still leagues behind WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and WeChat in active monthly users.
Telegram allows users to locate contacts nearby you, should they choose to be discovered. This allows you to quickly add someone close to you on Telegram without going through the hassle of first noting their number and saving the contact manually. Users can also use this feature to find and create groups of nearby users. Live Location Sharing Enable Auto-Night Mode Custom Folders
Improved External Sharing on iOS Besides these security enhancements, you can set a self-destruct timer of duration varying from one second to one week. Furthermore, you or the other person cannot forward messages that you receive within the Secret Chat and taking screenshots (or screen recordings) is completely blocked. Currently, the Secret Chat is limited to conversations between only two people and Secret Groups are not supported within Telegram. Secret Chats SUBSCRIBER ONLY STORIESView All
Read also: WhatsApp vs Telegram vs Signal: Which messaging app should you use? Use These Great Telegram Features to Become a Pro
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