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እቅድ በአዲስ አመት (አሁን)

አመት አይቆጠር ለለውጥ መነሻ
አሁን የሚለው ቃል ከተወሰነበት ያሳያል መድረሻ
ልባችን ቢያስተውል ቢገባው ትምህርቱ
ምሳሌ ነበረች ያምላክ ግሩም ፍጥረት ይች ክብ ጠሃይቱ
ጠዋት እንደወጣች መሽቶ ትገባለች
አዲስና አሮጌ ዘመን አትለይም ሁሌም ታበራለች
የሷ ብርሃን ደምቀት ቢመሰረት ኖሮ ባዲስ አመቱ ላይ
በሆነ ነበረ ወራቱ ጨለማ ስንደርስ አሮጌው ላይ
የሷ ብሩህ መሆን ሰለሚመሰረት አሁን በሚል ግዜ
ምድርን ስታፈካ ያሳቧን ስታደርስ የለባት አባዜ
እኛም ልክ እንደሷ ትርጉሙ ከገባን አሁን ሚባል ስሌት
የሚደሰት እንጂ የለንም በፍፁም የሚጎዳ ስሜት
ዘመን መለወጫን እናክብረው እንጂ አናርገው ማቀጃ
ይሄ ነው ፍቱኑ ወደ ፊት ለመጓዝ ለመቅደም በርምጃ
እኔም በበኩሌ አዲሱ አመት መጥቶ እቅዳቹ ሰምሮ፤
ብዬ አልመርቃችሁም
ፈጣሪም ሃኪምም የማይመክረው ምክር አልከትብላችሁም
ይልቅ አሁኑኑ በቁርጥ ወስናችሁ
ከስራው በኋላ ምስጋና አድረሳችሁ
እቅድዳችሁን ሁሉ፤
የሚፈፅም እንጂ ሚያወራ አያርጋችሁ
ለአዲሱ ዘመን ግን ቸር አምላክ ፈጣሪ እንኳን አደረሰን ፤ እንኳን ደረሳችሁ።

ተስፋን ምንቀበለው ለመሸከም ብቻ ሳይሆን እውን ለማድረግም ጭምር ነው!!!

መልካም አዲስ አመት!!!

መቅረዝ የኪነ-ጥበብ አፍቃርያን ህብረት
2017 ዓ.ም
Forwarded from Sabawi Technology
🌼 Surprise! The Moment You’ve Been Waiting For! 🌼

🎉 The Ethiopian New Year Giveaway Winners Are Here! 🎉

The time has finally come! We’re thrilled to announce the lucky winners of our holiday giveaway! 🥳 Thank you to everyone who participated—you made this celebration truly special! 🌼

And the winners are...

🥇 1st Place: feben_gerenew
🥈 2nd Place: tadebereket
🥉 3rd Place: nuhamintam

🌼 Congratulations to our winners! 🌼 Your prizes are just in time to make your New Year celebration even more joyous! We’ll be reaching out to you shortly with details on how to claim your rewards. 🎁

For everyone else, thank you for being a part of this amazing journey! Stay tuned—there’s always something exciting coming up! 🌟

Happy Ethiopian New Year from Sabawi Technology! 🌼
Forwarded from Serve for Society HU
🌼🌼እልል እልል ሲባል፣ ከበሮ ሲመታ
🌼🌼እኔም አንቺም ትውልድ፣ ምንድነው ዝምታ?

ማጌጥ  አያሳስብሽ ፣ ገዝቻለሁ አዝራር
ዛሬ አዲስ አመት ነው፣ ላጫውትሽ በክራር።

🗓🗓አዝራር Challenge በቅርብ ቀን

Join us 👇

መልካም አዲስ አመት
Forwarded from Ethio Jobs Hub
[ Fresh Graduates ] Job by Ethiopian Civil Service Commission Sep 11 2024

Fresh graduates of ONLY the year 2023/2015 or 2024/2016E.C. 

Bachelor's degree in Management Information System, Computer Science or related fields

Bachelor’s degree in Management, Economics, Leadership, Development Studies, Business Management or related fields

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Special Needs, EdPM, or related fields

Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering or related fields

Bachelor’s degree in Hydraulics Engineering, Water supply and sanitation Engineering, Civil Engineering or related fields

How to Apply online

Deadline: September 24th 2024
Forwarded from HU STUDENT UNION OFFICIAL (Essey piter)
🎉 New Year’s Message from the Hawassa University Students Union and Advisory Board 🎉

Dear Hawassa University community

As we step into the New Year, we take a moment to reflect on the challenges and achievements of the past year. Together, we have navigated through unprecedented times, showcasing resilience, unity, and an unwavering spirit of collaboration. Each of you has contributed to making our university a vibrant and inclusive place for learning and growth.

The New Year brings renewed hope and endless possibilities. It is a time for new beginnings, setting ambitious goals, and striving for excellence. We urge all students and members of our community to embrace this opportunity, support one another, and continue fostering an environment where everyone can thrive.

Let us work together to create a year filled with purpose, achievement, and positive change. Remember, your voice matters, and together we can make a lasting impact not only at Hawassa University but throughout Ethiopia.

Wishing you health, happiness, and success in 2017.

Warm regards, 
Hawassa University Students Union and Advisory Board

Stay connected with us for updates
LinkedIn :
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🏵ተፈጥሮ ለምድር፣ ብጫ ቀሚስ ሰትጠልፍ
እኛም ባዲስ ዘመን፣  በጎ አበባ  እንንደፍ🏵

         🥁   እውዬ እኸ እዋውዬ
              ከአሽከር ተዋውዬ
              ጌቶች አሉ ብዬ
              ባአዝራር አጌጥ ብዬ
              መጣሁ ሰተት ብዬ 🥁

አዝራር 🤔

ማገልገል መለያው የሆነው SFS መስጠት መልኩ ከሆነው  ከይርጋ አለሙ ቅንዲል ጋር በመሆን
አሁን ደግሞ ባዲስ ዘመን ባዲስ ፀሀይ እንደ ምዬ ተፈጥሮ ተማሪዎችን አዲስ እናልብስ  ይለናል.....

እስኪ ወንድሞች ወደ ጣሊታ የእንቁጣጣሽ አበባ እናድርስ ...

እህቶችም አበባዬሆሽ ብለን እንመረቅ...

በ25 ብር ብቻ የእህት ወንድሞቻችንን ዩኒፎርም እንስፋ።
ብዙ ባናደርግ እንኳን ለሸሚዛቸው ቁልፍ አናንስም።

አዝራራችንን እንዴት እናዋጣ

እንደተለመደው በ 1000224918268 የንግድ ባንክ አካውንት ቁጥር 25ብራችንን ልከን screenshot አድርገን በ @Yelealem እና @aka_traore የቴሌግራም አድራሻ እንልካለን።

🎁እንዳስለመድናችሁ ሽልማት አዘጋጅተናል🎁
Forwarded from ሐይቅ
ሰላም ውድ የRvc ቤተሰቦች እንሆ በአዲሱ አመት በመጀመሪያይቱ ቅዳሚት ከተፍ ብለናል።
እስቲ አዲሱ አመት ብሩህ ይሆንልን ዘንዳ እውቀትን በማወደስ እንጀምር።

1,እውቀት ምንድን ነው?በዕውኑ የምናውቀው ዕውቀት አለን?

2,ማወቅ በምን ይለካል? አዋቂነትስ ሚዛኑ ምንድን ነው?

3,ብዙውን ጊዜ የምንኖረው በልማዳችን ነው? ወይንስ በእውቀታችን?

4,በምናዉቀው ልክ መኖር ያልቻልነው ከምን የተነሳ ነው ?

5, የሰው ልጅ ብዙ ባወቀ ልክ ስለምን በአለም ላይ ያሉ ችግሮች በረከቱ?

6,እውቀትን በምን መልኩ ወደ ህይወት መተርጎም እና ወደ ችግር መፍቻ መሳሪያነት መለወጥ ያቻላል?

በጉጉት እንጠብቃችኋለን

📍🗺 አድራሻችን RVC Telegram channel ።

  የቴሌግራም ቻናላችንን ላልተቀላቀላቹ ከታች ባለው ሊንክ መቀላቀል እንዳይረሳ።

Forwarded from True Culture University HU-Chapter (ilham🤍)
እንኳን ለ1499ኛው የነቢዩ መሐመድ (ሰዐወ) የልደት በዓል (መውሊድ) በሰላም አደረሳችሁ። በዓሉ የሰላም: የፍቅር: የደስታና የአንድነት ይሁንላችሁ!

መልካም በዓል!

በመረጡት የአጭር ኮርስ ከመማር ባሻገር 5 ሰው ካስመዘገቡ የ3 ወር ኮርስ በነፃ የመማር እድል ያገኛሉ

በአጭር ግዜ ውስጥ የተመሰከረለት ባለሙያ ሆነው ይመረቃሉ
1 ህይወታችንን እያቀድን መኖር ነው ወይስ  ነገሮችን እንደያ መጣጣቸው መቀበል ነው ያለብን ?

2 ህይወታችንን በዕቅድ ነው የምንመራው ካልን ፈጣሪ ለኛ እንድንኖር ከፈቀደልን ህይወት ጋር አይጋጭም ወይ?

3 በማቀድ የምናምን ሰዎችስ ዘመን ሲለወጥ እየጠበቅን ማቀድ ለዕቅዳችን መሳካት ምን ያህል አስተዋፅኦ ያደርጋል ?

4 ዕቅዳችንን ሳንወጥን ለሌሎች ማጋራታችን የዕቅዱ አተገባበር ላይ ምን ያህል ተፅእኖ አለው ?

5 ሰዎች ዕቅዳቸውን እንዳያሳኩ የሚያግዷቸው ነገሮች ምን ምን ሊሆኑ ይችላሉ ?

6 ስኬታማ የ ሆኑ ሰዎች ስከታማ የሆኑበት ምክንያት በዕቅድ በመመራታቸው ነው ወይንስ ነገሮችን እንደያመጣጣቸው በመቀበላቸው ?

በጉጉት እንጠብቃችኋለን

📍🗺 አድራሻችን RVC Telegram channel ።

  የቴሌግራም ቻናላችንን ላልተቀላቀላቹ ከታች ባለው ሊንክ መቀላቀል እንዳይረሳ።

Forwarded from Sabawi Technology
Paid Job Alert!!

Company: Doqa Design

Job Type: Marketer and Promoter

Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Remote with occasional meetings)

Vacancies: 1 (Female candidates only)

Role Overview:

Doqa Design is looking for a creative and driven Marketer and Promoter to join our team. This position is perfect for someone passionate about marketing and promotion, with strong communication skills and the ability to work well in a team. You will assist in developing and implementing marketing strategies, conduct market research, design promotional materials, and monitor the effectiveness of campaigns. This is a paid internship, and there is a possibility of future employment if you excel in creating a positive work environment. The role is primarily remote, with one or two in-person meetings per week.


• Assist in developing and executing marketing strategies and campaigns.
• Conduct market research to identify trends and customer preferences.
• Help design promotional materials, such as flyers, brochures, and online ads.
• Monitor and report on the effectiveness of marketing efforts.
• Stay eager to learn about the latest marketing trends and best practices.


• Strong verbal and written communication skills.
• Ability to work collaboratively in a team setting.
• Creativity and innovative thinking for generating fresh marketing ideas.
• Interest in marketing and promotion.


• Paid internship with hands-on experience in marketing.
• Opportunity to contribute to impactful marketing campaigns.
• Potential for future employment based on performance.

Salary: Paid Internship

Opportunity for Hire: Based on performance and work environment contribution

Application Deadline: September 18, 2024

To Apply:
For More Information: Contact @schrutefam
Forwarded from Sabawi Technology
Discover the Benefits of Internships! 🚀

🌱 Clarify Your Career Goals – Explore your options and build a solid foundation for your future.
💡 Increase Productivity – Learn to work smarter and develop new skills in real-life settings.
🤝 Hands-On Experience – Practical learning that helps you prepare for your dream job.
🎯 Develop New Skills – Enhance communication, problem-solving, and technical abilities.
👩‍💼 Guidance & Support – Learn from industry professionals who help you grow.

Start your journey with Sabawi Tech today! 🌟

#InternshipBenefits #CareerGrowth #SabawiTech

Since The EHEISU encourages, mainly, the undergraduate students, don't hesitate to apply!


📌Project Team
📌Legal Team
📌Planning Team
📌Digital Team
📌Tech Team

Apply now! ➡️

Submit your resume (CV) and motivational letter through the Google Form provided.
. Your motivational letter should not exceed one page.
Deadline: Sept 30, 2024

For any questions or inquiries
please contact [email protected]

Hawassa university students' Union Head Office
Hello family

We encourage everyone to bring the items which are listed above from home to help our children.
Don’t forget that each and everything has a value to add.s
You can contact us for more info and new registration
098 223 8897

Thank you❣️
Forwarded from Blattenaw
⚪️ 📌 Here's Online job for you!!

📌 You can work from anywhere only using your phone!!!

It is an affiliate marketing job, in which you find people that are interested in learning and working in affiliate or Digital marketing!!!

The course include:

1. How to create master card and paypal and recive money.
2. How to promote product and gain customer for massive sales.

3. Introducing two Companies that are ready to hire affiliate marketers.

1ኛ: የዚ Course ዋጋ 2000 ብር ሲሆን ይህን Course መማር የሚፈልጉና የሚገዙ ሰዎችን በማምጣት ብቻ በአንድ ሰው 300 birr Commission መስራት ትችላላችሁ!!

2ኛ፡ በተጨማሪም እያንዳንዱን Step በግልፅ የሚያሳየውንይሄን Course በመውሰድ ከትምህርታችሁ ጎን ለጎን በስልካችሁ ብቻ online ስራዎችን በመስራት ቤተሰብ ከሚልክላችሁ ተጨማሪ ገንዘብ ምታገኙበትን መንገዶች መማር ትችላላችሁ!!

ለተጨማሪ መረጃና Courseኡን ለማግኘት የሚከተሉትን የtelegram usernames ተጠቀሙ:

@Zewdnssh @Meagain0
2024/09/27 19:20:44
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