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【 今日重點 • 處長話你知 】



【 溫馨「蹄」示 · 網購口罩要小心 】
【 A warm reminder from artiste Celine Ma · Be careful when buying face masks online 】




Since the emergence of the epidemic, the Police have received over 1,000 reports of fraudulent sales of face masks on the Internet. Fully aware of the concern of citizens, the Police have delegated the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau to gather relevant intelligence. Such effort has led to the arrest of 21 males and 5 females to date, who had defrauded their victims of over HKD$280,000.

The Police would like to remind members of the public to choose reputable stores on the Internet, if you must purchase your face masks online.

To avoid falling prey to scams, artiste Celine Ma has the following tips for you!


【 拘捕 • 無牌管有槍械、管有仿製槍械及販運危險藥物 • 案情簡報 】
【 Arrest • Possession of Firearms without Licence, Possession of Imitation Firearms and Trafficking in Dangerous Drugs • Media Briefing 】



【 澄清 • 2月19日 • 將軍澳拘捕非法集結男子 】
【 Clarification • 2020-02-19 • Male arrested for Unlawful Assembly in Tseung Kwan O 】

別有用心的人於網上發布影片 (顯示日期為2月19日22時45分),誣捏便衣警員在將軍澳體育館外下車「綁架」一名男子,捏造「手足」突然「被失蹤」及「被自殺」之指控。

事實是兩星期前(即2月19日), 數十名暴徒在將軍澳寶康路與唐明街交界非法集結、堵路,癱瘓附近交通。警方隨即前往現場進行驅散及拘捕行動。




Some ill-intentioned people posted a video clip (shown to be filmed at 22:45 on 2020-02-19) onto an online forum, and went on to allege that some plainclothes police officers had alighted from a vehicle outside the Tseung Kwan O Sports Centre and “kidnapped” a man. By fabricating such a narrative, those people accused the Police of making their comrade vanish and killing him.

What had really happened was that two weeks ago (2020-02-19) scores of rioters had blocked traffic at the junction of Po Hong Road and Tong Ming Street in Tseung Kwan O and engaged in an unlawful assembly at that location. The Police immediately rushed to the scene to disperse the crowd and make arrests.

At one point, officers of the Tseung Kwan O Task Force arrived by car, and pursued about 30 rioters that were fleeing the scene. The officers successfully intercepted a 24-year-old local male and arrested him for “Unlawful Assembly”. The man is currently released on bail pending further investigation and is required to report back to the Police later this month.

The Police reiterate that plainclothes officers will adopt appropriate measures to subdue suspects when carrying out their duties. Meanwhile, when the officers make arrests, they will declare their identities and also produce their warrant cards as soon as the situation allows.

The Force categorically points out that there have been rumourmongers spreading bogus information, with the aim to smear the Police. The accusation that someone was killed or made to vanish by the Police is preposterous, and members of the public should never take rumours at face value.

【 警務處處長出席分區撲滅罪行委員會主席簡報會 】



【 澄清 • 出席東區區議會會議 • 警務人員配戴工作人員證以資識別 】




【 拘捕 • 十五歲男子涉嫌意圖造成身體嚴重傷害而淋腐蝕性液體 • 案情簡報 】


【 拘捕 • 15歲男子涉嫌意圖造成身體嚴重傷害而淋腐蝕性液體 】

警方今晚(3月4日) 於牛頭角拘捕一名15歲本地男子,他涉嫌於3月1日晚,在其牛頭角上邨住所,從高處掉下裝有腐蝕性液體的容器。 當時一名正在牛頭角上邨常逸樓,處理另一單案件的軍裝警員,被腐蝕性液體濺中,導致他的面、頸及手部灼傷(見圖)。



【香港科技大學:下周起逐步恢復行政運作 繼續網上教學安排】




A “Police Anti-coronavirus Contingent” has been established to support other Government departments in the fight against the epidemic. Currently, there are 200 serving and retired police officers volunteering to join the Contingent. The Contingent’s main duties are to assist in the enforcement of quarantine orders in Boundary Control Points and a Quarantine Centre.

【 拘捕 • 警方「暗蜂行動」打擊偽鈔集團 • 慎防偽鈔 】




另外,警方發現網上流傳一些尺寸較真鈔小的懷疑偽鈔。雖然警方商業罪案調查科暫時未接獲有關報案,但希望提醒市民如收到尺寸、形狀及顏色異常的鈔票,請即報警求助,並切勿嘗試使用。行使偽鈔為刑事罪行,一經定罪最高可被監禁 14年。

【 Arrest • Operation Duskybee to crack down on counterfeit banknote syndicate • Watch out for fake notes 】

Between last October and February this year, the Police had been carrying out “Operation Duskybee” targeting counterfeit banknote syndicates, and found that fraudsters had passed fake HKD$100, HKD$500 and HKD$1,000 banknotes at least 17 times . Yesterday (2020-03-04), the Police arrested 10 members of the syndicate in connection with offences including “Custody or control of counterfeit notes” and “Passing counterfeit notes”.

The mastermind of the syndicate is a foreign male who obtained the counterfeit notes via illegal channels, then resold them to syndicate members at one-tenth of their face value. The syndicate members subsequently made purchases at convenience stores or paid taxi fares with the fake notes. The scammers deliberately chose to use the notes in poorly lit environments or rushed transactions. In the process, they would even mix the fake banknotes with genuine ones, which made it more difficult to differentiate between them.

The counterfeit banknotes concerned are of poor quality and have no anti-counterfeiting capabilities. Some of them even have the words “Training Note” printed on them. The Police call on members of the public to closely inspect the banknotes they receive, to see if they bear anti-counterfeiting features such as “windowed metallic thread”, “dynamic shimmering pattern” and “embossed feel”.

Meanwhile, the Police have noticed that the size of the counterfeit notes are smaller than genuine banknotes. Although the Police’s Commercial Crime Bureau has yet to receive any reports regarding such banknotes, we appeal to the public to immediately inform the Police if they receive banknotes in unusual sizes, shapes or colours. Citizens should also refrain from trying out these banknotes, as using counterfeit notes is a criminal offence that carries a maximum sentence of 14 years on conviction.

【 遵從警務人員指示 切勿跟車太貼 】




【 電台節目訪問 • 處長ON AIR 】





2024/09/28 09:36:30
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