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【國際刑警提醒您 • COVID-19 • 行騙手法】
【 INTERPOL warns of financial fraud linked to COVID-19 】


國際刑警協調成員國調查30多宗與購買防護用品有關的騙案,凍結18個戶口內超過73萬美元的涉案資金。此外,國際刑警亦向194個成員國發出《紫色通報》(Purple Notice),提示相關欺詐手法。



As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads globally, there has been a spike in demand for medical supplies and face masks from people all over the world. Some criminals have capitalised on the situation to run a range of financial scams via phone calls or bogus websites.

To date, INTERPOL has assisted member countries with the investigation into over 30 cases of COVID-19 related fraud leading to the blocking of 18 bank accounts and freezing more than USD$730,000 in suspected fraudulent transactions. INTERPOL has also issued a Purple Notice alerting all of its 194 member countries to this new type of fraud.

Related website (In English):

INTERPOL calls on residents in all member countries to verify the sellers’ identities before purchasing any medical supplies online. They should also watch out for dubious websites and avoid clicking on hyperlinks or activating programs issued by any suspicious websites or emails.


【 多管齊下策略 • 改善交通情況 】
【 Multi-pronged Strategies to Improve Traffic Safety and Enforcement 】



To ensure smooth traffic flow and enhance road safety, the Police strive to improve traffic conditions by adopting inter-organisational and multi-pronged strategies.

The Police have been actively harnessing technology to assist frontline officers in enforcing traffic laws and regulations. Starting tomorrow (2020-03-16), the “e-Ticketing Pilot Scheme” will come into effect and will enhance the efficiency of traffic enforcement.

【 拘捕 • 販運危險藥物 • 案情簡報 】
【 Arrest • Trafficking in Dangerous Drugs • Media Briefing 】


Yesterday (2020-03-14), the Police mounted a joint Anti- Dangerous Drugs Operation with the Customs and Excise Department at the Hong Kong International Airport, which led to the arrest of two local females on suspicion of “Trafficking in Dangerous Drugs” and the seizure of 2.5 kilograms of suspected cocaine. Senior Inspector YEUNG Kwan-ho of the Narcotics Bureau is giving a briefing to the media.

【 關於電子定額罰款通知書先導計劃 · 大家要知道的事(一) 】



【 李桂華高級警司:反修例示威活動暴力升級 】
【 Senior Superintendent LI Kwai-wah: Escalation of violence during protests against extradition law amendment bill 】

在今日(3月17日) 監警會與警務處投訴警察課的聯席會議上,有組織罪案及三合會調查科高級警司李桂華簡介了過去九個月暴徒暴力升級的情況。他明確指出,暴力升級的目的,是要煽動更多人參與,搏取支持,透過營造恐慌,威脅他人就範。針對暴力威脅,警方會繼續嚴正執法以保障市民大眾的安全。

影片來源:獨立監察警方處理投訴委員會 (IPCC)

During the joint meeting of the Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC) and the Complaints Against Police Office (CAPO) held on 2020-03-17, Senior Superintendent LI Kwai-wah of the Organized Crime and Triad Bureau explained how rioters have escalated their violent acts over the past 9 months. He categorically pointed out that the motive behind the escalation of violence has been to incite more people to follow suit and gain widespread support, and that the rioters have created fear in order to intimidate others into submitting to their threats. The Police will continue to take resolute law enforcement against these violent acts, in a bid to ensure the safety and well-being of members of the public.

Video source: Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC)

【 隆重登場 • 電子定額罰款通知書先導計劃 】

電子定額罰款通知書先導計劃今日(3月16日) 正式推行,違例泊車人士有機會收到電子打印的定額罰款通知書。



2024/09/28 09:28:44
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