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በአማርኛችን ሰው ሰራሽ አስተውሎት ሲባል የምንሰማው ኤአይ ስነ-ግጥምን ጨምሮ በተለያዩ የጥበብ ዘርፎች ዙሪያ በርካታ ፈተናዎችን ከዕድሎች ጋር ይዞ መምጣቱ ብዙዎችን እንዳከራከረ አለ።

በርካቶች፣ ማሽን መጻፍ የሚችለው ግጥም ሰዋዊ ስሜት ይጎድለዋል፣ የሰውን ምናብና የፈጠራ አቅም ሊደርስበት አይችልም ሲሉ ይሞግታሉ።

እናንተስ ምን ትላላችሁ?
ልታጋሩ የወደዳችሁትን በክፍት መድረካችን ላይ እያቀረባችሁ ሰዋዊ ስነ-ግጥምን የማንገስ አቅማችሁን ለኩበት።

Some say that the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked debates about its potential impact on various creative domains, including poetry.
(MIT Technology Review)

Critics argue that AI-generated poetry lacks the emotional depth and personal experiences that human poets bring to their work, suggesting that it may never fully replace human creativity.
(The New York Times)

What do you say?
We have a test run while you perform yours this wednesday?
at Shifta
Forwarded from LinkUp Addis
Gitem Sitem has organized an Open Mic Circle. Happening this Wednesday 5 July 2023, this open mic circle seeks to answer the question of whether or not AI lacks the emotional depth and Personal experience poets bring to their work. Open to the public, this Gitem Sitem serves as a test run. This event is taking place at Shifta starting from 6:30pm.

Get daily updates on the LinkUp App:

ድምጽ ማጉያው እናንተን በመጠበቅ ላይ ነው።
ይህ ክፍት መድረክ ለአዳዲስ አጣሚያን፣ ዜመኞች፣ ራፐሮች፣ ኮማኪዎች እና ጨዋታ አዋቂዎች እንዲሁም ድጋፉን የማይሰስት ታዳሚ ፊት አዲስ የፈጠራ ሥራዎችን ለሞመከር ወደ ኋላ ለማይሉ የተከየነ ነው።

የሽፍታ ሰው ይበለን

Grab the mic and pour your soul into it.
This open mic event is for all the up and coming poets, singers, rappers, comedians, storytellers and all the artists who won't miss a chance to experiment an art form infront of a supportive audience.

Join us this Wednesday at Shifta
ዓመቱን መሰናበቻ ክፍት መድረካችንን ለሁላችሁም ጀባ ብለናል።

ከሐምሌ 25 እስከ ጷግሜን 5 ትግራይ ላሉ ተማሪዎች መጽሐፍትን በማሰባሰብ ላይ ለሚገኘው Tigray reads campaign መጽሐፍትን እንለግሳለን።
ውድ ወዳጃችን ቢንያም ጌታነህን እያስታወስን ቀሪ መንገደኞች አሁንም የጻፍነውን እያካፈልን ጉዞውን ልንቀጥል መገናኛችን ደረሰ
The 31st episode of our open mic circle of fun and poetry at the one and only Shifta

Do you enjoy creativity, self expression and sharing perspectives? Do you enjoy poetry when it's performed? Come through and share whatever you have in front of a very supportive audience.

31ኛው የግጥም ሲጥም የሽፍታው ክፍት መድረክ ቀኑ ደረሰ!

ፈጠራን፣ ጥበብን፣ ሐሳብንም ሆነ ስሜትን መግለጽን ለምታደንቁ ሁሉ ያላችሁን ማንኛውንም ነገር ማቅረብ የምትችሉበት፣ ከወሳኝ ሰዎች ጋር የምትተዋወቁበት፣ መድረክን የምትለማመዱበት እንዲሁም የዚህን ትውልድ የፈጠራ እና የጥበብ አቅም የምታዩበት ለሁላችሁም ክፍት የሆነ መሰናዶ ነውና ተከሰቱ!

#ግጥምሲጥም #gitemsitem #poetrylovers #ግጥምለምትወዱ #artinaddis #openmic #poetry #ግጥም
31ኛው ክፍት መድረካችን እንደወትሮው ሁሉ ጥዑም ሆኖ አልፏልና ለአጣሚዎቻችን በሙሉ ምስጋና ይድረስ!

ሳምንት ረቡዕ በ32ተኛው መድረካችን እንገናኛለን።
Forwarded from Tibeb Be Adebabay-TBA (Bemnet bebo Demissie)
Tibeb is back!

And you have guessed it? It's #7thEdition.

The Festival has opened on 27 November!

Are you ready? Because we are!

Titles ' #InclusiveCanvas ', we aim to illuminate the concept of #accessibility. Our talented artists are ready to break #barriers, #express, #learn and #engage.
Excited?! Stay tuned there is more to come from Tibeb be Adebabay 2023.
Forwarded from Tibeb Be Adebabay-TBA (Bemnet bebo Demissie)
Meet the Katim Disability Dance Group, a powerhouse of talent redefining the dance floor. Their performances aren't just about steps; they're a celebration of diversity, breaking barriers with every move. Here's to the beauty of inclusion and the universal language of dance! 🕺💙

#InclusiveArts #KatimDance #DanceBeyondLimits #TBA2023 #InclusiveCanvas #TibebAdebabay #InclusiveCanvas #StreetArt #ArtFestival #ArtCommunity #CreativityUnleashed #CommunityEngagement #UrbanArt #DisabilityAwareness #ArtForAll #CultureInMotion #DiverseExpressions #CityCanvas #CreativeDialogue #PublicArt #ArtisticJourney #AddisAbabaArts #EthiopianCreativity #UrbanCanvasAA #CultureEthiopia
2024/09/26 22:07:47
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