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የኸው ክፍት መድረካችን ተመልሶ መጣ!

የሽፍታው ግጥም ሲጥም ለሁላችሁም ክፍት ሆኖ የሚጠብቃችሁ ልዩ የጥበብ መሰናዶ

12 ሰዓት ላይ በቦታው የተገኙትን ብቻ እንመዘግባለን፣ ልክ ተኩል ሲል ማቅረብ ይጀምራሉ

ኑ አቅርቡ ፣ ኑ አጣጥሙ!

በዛውም ደግሞ ለታዳጊዎች ቤተተመጽሐፍት በማቋቋም ላይ ያሉ ቀና ወጣቶችን በማገዝ ላይ በመሆናችን የተቻላችሁን ያህል መጽሐፍ በማምጣት እንድትለግሱ ጥሪ እናቀርባለን

Here we are again with our November edition
Gitem Sitem at Shifta, an open.mic circle of fun and poetry

Sign up starts at 6 pm and performers will bless the mic starting from 6:30pm

Come perform, come witness

#poetry #artinaddis #gitemsitem #poeticsaturdays #linkupaddis #krinfud #arada #shifta #heransyoga
Ye bet Tata

Small is scarce
Beauty in eyes
Sound of music
Lost as mystic

Compose for yours
This is my music
And the genre is ......Dagmawi
U strolled
On My fall ....u down
Mine spit ye swallowed
till judgement day
U stole my extreme

Cursed be your guts
Woe your speed
The day that emptied
What I've tried to build
To mend
To forgive
Only my avenge costed
Gods silence
U amongst a crowd
When plenty alive not worth
As simple as to kill
Orchard to heal
Blood governed your death
Your moms touch
Paid my dads truth
His dews
A duel I wasn't a part of
Would have spared a wolf
Longing to breathe

Only a man
Stolen from I
Costed plenty....

an eight ball
''Deliver us from evil ''
But the evil ears, tongues and swallows
I patiently wait
For the God above
My weakness saddened

Bekel Ye Igziabher Newe
Dedait the Sinner!
Bekel Ye Igziabher New

©Dedait Hadera
Our Open Mic Circle of Poetry and Fun at Shifta
Something not to miss
ለልጆች ማበርከት የምንችላቸው ዕልፍ ነገሮች አሉን - ደስታውም መልሶ ለእኛው ነው !

የፊታችን እሁድ ከ8፡00 ሰዓት ጀምሮ በስለእናት የህጻናት ማሳደጊያ ብንገናኝ ግጥምን ከቡና ጋር ታጣጥማላችሁ፣ የተቋሙን ስራዎች ትረዳላችሁ፣ ስራችሁን ማቅረብ የምትፈልጉም ክፍት መድረክ ታገኛላችሁ እንዲሁም ከልጆች ጋር ትጫወታላችሁ።

ተቋሙ ለሚያሳድጋቸው ልጆች የሚጠቅሙ ቁሶችን እንድትለግሱ የምንማጸን ሲሆን እዚህ ዝግጅት ላይ ተገኝቶ ልጆቹ ሰው እንዳይርባቸው ማድረግም እንደልገሳ ይቆጠራል።

ኑ ቡና ጠጡ
ኑ ግጥም ቅመሱ
"የተሻለ የልጅነት ጊዜ ለሁሉም ህጻናት!"
Here we go again!

Another epic night of creativity, vulnerability, sensitivity, poetic expressions and so much more!

Come through and witness
Join us and express yourselves
ግጥም ሲጥም በሳበኝ

አራተኛው የመጽሐፍ ማንበብያ እና ማስፈረሚያ መሰናዶ መላኩ ደምሴን ገላና ገላ ከተሰኘችው መጽሐፉ ጋር ይዞላችሁ መጥቷል።

ኑ መጽሐፍ እናንብ እያበቡ ያሉ የዛሬ ጀግኖችን እያበረታን ለታሪክ የሚቀመጥ ፊርማቸውን አግኝተን፣ ግጥማቸውን ከሌሎችም ከራሳቸውም አንደበት አጣጥመን እና ማስታወሻ ፎቶ ተነስተን በብዙ የምናተርፍበት ማለፊያ ጊዜ እናሳልፍ።

Melaku Demise will be with us for the fourth book signing and reading event on November 26 at Sabegn

We will be reading from his debut book titled 'Gelana Gela' , get his signature and share so much more

#Melaku_Demise #gitemsitem #Sabegn #Akwaba #poetry #book #booksigning #booksigningevent #bookreading #HibreQal
Another episode of open mic poetry night at Atmosphere!

Join us to witness this generation expressing itself through poetry and other artforms, mingle with the poets and share your pieces and creativity.
ጡሩንባዉ ተነፍቷል
እነሆኝ የ 2022 መዝግያ የሆነዉ የክፍት መድረካችን በደጅ ነዉ።

የሽፍታዉ ግጥም ሲጥም ለሁላችንም በሮቿን ከፍታ በመጠበቅ ላይ ናት

ከምሽቱ አስራሁለት(12) ሰዓት ላይ በስፍራዉ የተገኙትን ብቻ እንመዘግባለን÷ ልክ ተኩል ሲል ማቅረብ ይጀምራሉ።

ኑና ተንፍሱ ÷ ኑ አጣጥሙ!

It is the sound of the rings of December marking the end of an era and the beggining of a new.

The closing of 2022's open mic has now arrived.

Opening its gates is Gitem Sitem at shifta with an open mic for a circle of fun and poetry

Sign up starts at 6pm and performers will bless the mic starting from 6:30pm.

Come and breath, come and witness.
There's something in the air, can you feel it?? It's a poetry night released to the atmosphere

Ready to breath your scribbles out to the world? Then comeby on the 15th of December at gitimsitem's Atmosphere edition. We will be waiting.

Sign up starts exactly at 6pm and the show begins at 6:30pm

Come lets breath, come let's change the atmosphere
የሚሰማዉ ሙዚቃ፣ የሚሰማው ግጥም
የሚሰማዉ ክራር የሚሰማዉ ሁሉም
ታሽጎ ሳይላክ ፖስታ ቤት እንገኝ!

በአሁኗ ቅዳሜ ጥበብ በ አደባባይ 2022 በጉጉት የሚጠበቀዉን የግጥም እና የሙዚቃ ዝግጅት አቀናብሮ ከግጥም ሲጥም ጋር በፖስታ ቤት መጥተዋል።

የተዘጋጁ አቅራቢዎች ከተወዳጁ የግጥም ሲጥም የክፍት መድረክ ጋር ከዕለቱ 8፡00 ሰዓት ተከፍቶ ይጠብቃችኋል።

ኑ! ጥበብን በአደባባይ ግለጡ÷ በክፍት መድረክ ዉስጣችሁን አፍስሱ ከተዘጋጁላችሁ አቅራቢዎች ተካፈሉ!

Can you hear the music? Can you hear the poems? Can you hear them both?
You know what that means! It has arrived.

Tibeb Be Adebabay 2022 is here with a beautiful event jammed with music and poetry this Saturday at Ethiopost (PostaBet).

The program starts at 2pm, a lot of performers have already started tuning their voices to present for you. Do you also want to take part? You know it. Gitim Sitem's famous open mic is already ready for you.

Come spread your music at Tibeb Be Adebabay 2022, flow your words at the open mics and share a voice with the performers.
Forwarded from Tibeb Be Adebabay-TBA (Bemnet bebo Demissie)
Tibeb is back! 

The annual #tibebbeadebabay is back. This year's theme is "Lasting Change" focusing on #sustainability.

#Tibeb2022 will host six sessions, four of which will be #physicalsessions in different part of the #city.

#TibebBeAdebabay brings a range of physical, digital, and hybrid cultural and # creative experiences featuring the works of #artists, #creatives & #curators from different walks of life. 

This year’s experience aims to support cultural networks within #Ethiopia, facilitate knowledge sharing and build the capacities of creative professionals.

#tibeb2022 #tibebbeadebabay #tibebonline #tba #art #music #poetry #fashion #visualarts #game #workshop #discuss #outdoor #indoor #ethiopostoffice #goethe #atmosphere #theurbancenter #guarogrill #addisababa #Ethiopia
2024/11/15 09:41:29
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