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እንደ ሰው መሆናችን፣ እንደ አፍሪካዊነታችን፣ እንደ ኢትዮጵያዊነታችን. . . እንደ'ራሳችን ሆነን የምንቀርብበት 'እንደራስ'
የሮፍናን የኔ ትውልድ ኮንሰርት ደግፎት የሚቀርበው ይህ ዝግጅት የተመረጡ ግጥሞች፣ ስዕል፣ ቅርጻቅርጽ፣ ሙዚቃ እና ሌሎችንም ይዞ እንደተለመደውም በክፍት መድረክ የታጀበ።

ኑ እንደየራሳችን እንገለጥ!

Self expression is the core of what we do.
We are here once again for a curated poetry and art event accompanied by an open mic at Shifta foods , Expression

@rophnan 's my generation concert gave us the opportunity to bring you this one of a kind event, it's an honor!

Let's express!!!

Forwarded from ROPHNAN
Allow me to walk you through the exiting and beautiful three weeks we gonna have together. I’m so happy to tell you that MY GENERATIIION concert is more than just a one-night performance, it’s more about all of us, The super talented artists, dreamers & thinkers of our generation.

In the coming 3 weeks, different talented young artists will showcase their art and passion through poetry, Music , Gaming, Calligraphy, Meditation, Volunteering and different ways on multiple events we organized leading up to the main concert. Everyone is welcome to attend any of the performances or even produce your own with us.

A generation comes together for a party of a lifetime.

የኔ ትውልድ - #rophnan
@walia beer
Forwarded from Weyra
The first Weyra Workshop is here!
Registration Link Below.
ሁሉም ሰው የራሱን ቀለም እና ተሰጥዖ አውጥቶ እንዲያሳይበት 'እንደራስ' ስንል የሰየምነው የሮፍናን ኮንሰርት (የኔ ትውልድ) አካል የነበረው ዝግጅታችን በሶስት አንጓዎች ተከፍሎ በክፍት መድረኩ ደግሞ ከገጣሚያን በተጨማሪ ኮሜድያንን እና ሙዚቀኞችን ሰይሞ ባማረ ሁኔታ ሽፍታ ሬስቶራንት ውስጥ ተካሂዷል።

እራሳችሁን በመግለጥ መድረኩን ላጣማችሁልን ሁሉ ምስጋና ይድረሳችሁ!

ጥቅምት 19 በኔ ትውልድ ኮንሰርት ሚሊኒየም አዳራሽ እንገናኝ!

'Expression', The My Generation event we hosted at Shifta had singers and standup comedians alongside poets (of course 🙄), in the open mic section.

Thank you all for using the platform to express yourselves and show your talents!

See you all on October 29th at My Generation concert

A generation comes together for a party of a lifetime

Forwarded from Woini Creatives
Lets have fun making our marks, Experimenting with ge'ez letters and mingle.

at Atmosphere 251  23rd October, 2022  Afternoon  4 - 8 pm

@rophnan 's my generation concert gave us the opportunity to bring you this one of a kind event.

Let's have fun!!!

ከቀለም እና ውበት መጽሐፍ ግጥሞችን እያነበብን እራሷን ሔለን ፋንታሁንን እያስፈረምን ልዩ ጊዜን በሳበኝ እናሳልፋለን።

ለታዳጊዎች ቤተመጽሐፍት ለማደራጀት የሚደረግ የወጣቶች እንቅስቃሴን እያገዝን ነውና የቻላችሁትን ያህል መጽሐፍ ይዛችሁ እንድትመጡ ተጋብዛችኋል።

ልብ በሉ!
ይህን መሰናዶ የሚታደሙ ሁሉ ቀጣዩ መድረካችን ላይ መግቢያ አይጠየቁም።
የኸው ክፍት መድረካችን ተመልሶ መጣ!

የሽፍታው ግጥም ሲጥም ለሁላችሁም ክፍት ሆኖ የሚጠብቃችሁ ልዩ የጥበብ መሰናዶ

12 ሰዓት ላይ በቦታው የተገኙትን ብቻ እንመዘግባለን፣ ልክ ተኩል ሲል ማቅረብ ይጀምራሉ

ኑ አቅርቡ ፣ ኑ አጣጥሙ!

በዛውም ደግሞ ለታዳጊዎች ቤተተመጽሐፍት በማቋቋም ላይ ያሉ ቀና ወጣቶችን በማገዝ ላይ በመሆናችን የተቻላችሁን ያህል መጽሐፍ በማምጣት እንድትለግሱ ጥሪ እናቀርባለን

Here we are again with our November edition
Gitem Sitem at Shifta, an open.mic circle of fun and poetry

Sign up starts at 6 pm and performers will bless the mic starting from 6:30pm

Come perform, come witness

#poetry #artinaddis #gitemsitem #poeticsaturdays #linkupaddis #krinfud #arada #shifta #heransyoga
Ye bet Tata

Small is scarce
Beauty in eyes
Sound of music
Lost as mystic

Compose for yours
This is my music
And the genre is ......Dagmawi
U strolled
On My fall ....u down
Mine spit ye swallowed
till judgement day
U stole my extreme

Cursed be your guts
Woe your speed
The day that emptied
What I've tried to build
To mend
To forgive
Only my avenge costed
Gods silence
U amongst a crowd
When plenty alive not worth
As simple as to kill
Orchard to heal
Blood governed your death
Your moms touch
Paid my dads truth
His dews
A duel I wasn't a part of
Would have spared a wolf
Longing to breathe

Only a man
Stolen from I
Costed plenty....

an eight ball
''Deliver us from evil ''
But the evil ears, tongues and swallows
I patiently wait
For the God above
My weakness saddened

Bekel Ye Igziabher Newe
Dedait the Sinner!
Bekel Ye Igziabher New

©Dedait Hadera
2024/09/27 09:36:45
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