"What if...?" animatsion serialining 3-qismi chiqdi.
Serialni ko'rish uchun👇
Serialni ko'rish uchun👇
Shu paytgacha Youtubeda eng ko'p ko'rilgan video "Despacito" deb o'ylardim. U shu paytgacha 7.5 mlrd marta ko'rilgan edi. Yaqinda 3 yoshli ukam sharofati bilan undan ham ko'proq ko'rilgan videoni topdim. Yosh bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan "Baby shark" qo'shig'i 9.2 mlrd marta ko'rilgan ekan.
Untill now, I thought the most viewed video on YouTube was “Despacito”. It has been viewed 7.5 billion times so far. I recently found a video that was seen even more thanks to my 3-year-old brother. The song "Baby Shark" for young children has been viewed 9.2 billion times
Untill now, I thought the most viewed video on YouTube was “Despacito”. It has been viewed 7.5 billion times so far. I recently found a video that was seen even more thanks to my 3-year-old brother. The song "Baby Shark" for young children has been viewed 9.2 billion times
Ona deganda ro'mol o'ragan uzun ko'ylakli ayolni tushunardik. Endi esa ona obrazini ro'molsiz, shimda tasavvur qilsayam bo'laveradi.
P.S. Kimdirni kiyinishiga aralashmoqchimasman. Faqat judayam yaqin o'tmish bn hozirni taqqosladim.
P.S. Kimdirni kiyinishiga aralashmoqchimasman. Faqat judayam yaqin o'tmish bn hozirni taqqosladim.
Semirib ketganim uchun parhez qilyapman. 2 haftada 3 kg ves tashladim. Bu bir oyda 3 kg ves yig'ishdan ancha yaxshi.
5-sentabrda Toshkentga kelganimda 80 kg edim, 1-oktabrlarda taroziga chiqsam, 83 kg bo'lib ketibman. Bu natijani qoringa qarab ham sezib turgandim. Bu ketish yoqmadi. Va 7-oktabrda parhez boshladim. Bugun yana 80 kg chiqdim. Maqsad 73-75 kilogacha tushish.
5-sentabrda Toshkentga kelganimda 80 kg edim, 1-oktabrlarda taroziga chiqsam, 83 kg bo'lib ketibman. Bu natijani qoringa qarab ham sezib turgandim. Bu ketish yoqmadi. Va 7-oktabrda parhez boshladim. Bugun yana 80 kg chiqdim. Maqsad 73-75 kilogacha tushish.
Kecha IELTS imtihoni topshirib chiqdim. Bu men uchun 1-martasi. Natijalar 11-fevralda chiqadi.
I took the IELTS exam yesterday. This is the first time for me. The results will be released on February 11th
I took the IELTS exam yesterday. This is the first time for me. The results will be released on February 11th
Freedom writers
Kecha IELTS imtihoni topshirib chiqdim. Bu men uchun 1-martasi. Natijalar 11-fevralda chiqadi. ____ I took the IELTS exam yesterday. This is the first time for me. The results will be released on February 11th
Natija (The result)
Listening - 6.0
Reading - 6.5
Speaking - 6.0
Writing - 6.0
Overall - 6.0
Listening - 6.0
Reading - 6.5
Speaking - 6.0
Writing - 6.0
Overall - 6.0
Movie - A trip to the Moon (1902)
This film had a huge influence on today's modern movies. There is no sound and color. This french movie lasts just 15 minutes. But It was made in 1902. It is about scientists and their expedition to the Moon in a capsule. At that time nobody went to the Moon, so the film was based on theories. The graphics and the idea was perfect for that time.
IMDb - ⭐️8.5
This film had a huge influence on today's modern movies. There is no sound and color. This french movie lasts just 15 minutes. But It was made in 1902. It is about scientists and their expedition to the Moon in a capsule. At that time nobody went to the Moon, so the film was based on theories. The graphics and the idea was perfect for that time.
IMDb - ⭐️8.5
Media is too big
📹 A Trip to the Moon - the 1902 Science Fiction Film by Georges Méliès