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Today is "Spider-Man day". So let's watch some Spider-Man movies today. In 21st century there are best 3 Spider-Man World. In the first world Tobey Maguire acted as Spider-Man. In this world there are 3 movies The movies released in 2002, 2004 and 2007.
In the second world Andrew Garfield performed the main role. You can find 2 movies in the second world of Spider-Man movies. The movies released in 2012 and 2014. These movies named Amazing Spider-Man.
In the third world Tom Holland acted as Spider-Man. Up to now 2 films have been released in this world and the 3rd film will be premiered in 17th December in 2021. In this movie all three worlds of Spider-Man will be connected and I hope we can see all three actors.

Here these movies. Watch them and relax. I think you can find these movies yourselves.

Bugun "O'rgimchak odam kuni". Shunday ekan, keling, bugun o'rgimchak odam filmlarini ko'ramiz. 21-asrda o'rgimchak odamning eng yaxshi uchta Kino Olami mavjud. Birinchi olamda Tobi Maguayr o'rgimchak odam rolini o'ynagan. Bu Kino olamdagi kinolar 2002, 2004 va 2007 yillarda chiqarilgan.
Ikkinchi Olamda Endryu Garfild asosiy rolni o'ynagan. O'rgimchak odam filmlarining ikkinchi dunyosida 2 ta filmni topishingiz mumkin. Bular 2012 va 2014-yillarda chiqarilgan filmlar.
Uchinchi olamda Tom Holland o'rgimchak odam rolini o'ynaydi. Hozircha bu dunyoda 2 ta film mavjud va 3 -filmining premyerasi 2021-yil 17 -dekabrda bo'lib o'tadi. Bu filmda O'rgimchak odamning har uchala olami birlashadi va umid qilamanki, biz har uchala aktyorni ham ko'ramiz.

Mana sizga filmlar. Tomosha qiling va dam oling. Menimcha, bu filmlarni o'zingiz topa olasiz

Freedom writers
#hayotiy Facebook degan narsa zo'r-da. Butun dunyo foydalanadi. Men uning uning zo'rligini oxirgi bir hafta ichida his qildim😁. Bir qancha chet ellik tanishlar orttirdim. Bugun bir hindistonlik bola bilan tanishib qoldim. 9-sinf ekan. U ham musulmon ekan.…
Endi facebook zo'rmas. Hozir twitter zo'r men uchun. Bir yil oldin twitterga kirib boshladim. O'shandan boshlab feysbukka umuman kirmay qo'yganman. Parolim ham esimda yo'q. Asosan twitterda yozaman. Telegramda ham kamdan kam yozib boshladim.
Yana bir gap. O'ta shaxsiy va aytmasligim kerak bo'lgan ma'lumot. Bu o'zim uchun (kundalik sifatida). Yuqoridagi postda dinni o'rganishni umuman namozni o'zim yozda boshlayman degan ekanman. Yozda emas, aynan o'sha (2019) yili kuzda boshlaganman. Boshida faqat bomdod va juma namozlarini o'qib yurdim. 2020-yil yanvar oyidan besh vaqt namoz o'qib boshladim. O'shandan beri kanda qilganim yo'q, Alhamdulillah. Faqat orada 2-2.5 oy ba'zi sabablarga ko'ra o'qiy olmadim.
Hozircha shu...
Facebook isn't best anymore. Now twitter is perfect for me. I started to use twitter a year ago. Since then, I haven’t logged in to Facebook at all. I don't even remember my password. I mostly write on twitter. I also rarely started writing in the telegram.
One more thing. Very personal and information I shouldn’t say. This is for myself (as a diary). In the post above I said that I will start studying my religion in the summer myself. Not in the summer, but in the fall of the same year (2019). At first, I only prayed the morning and Friday prayers. From January 2020, I started praying five times a day. I haven’t left it since, Alhamdulillah. Only 2-2.5 months I couldn’t pray according to some reasons.
That's all now...
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Tolibon urush tugaganini e'lon qilibdi

At last, The trailer of the movie "Spiderman: No Way Home" came out. This is amazing. The premiere date is December 17th.

Va nihoyat, "O'rgimchak odam: Uyga yo'l yo'q" kinosining treyleri chiqdi. Ajoyib. Premiyera sanasi 17-Dekabr

Watch now👇
"Game of thrones" (Taxtlar o'yini) serialining 3-sezonini tugatdim.

Serial nimasi bilan zo'r? Serialdagi voqealarni oldindan taxmin qilolmaysiz va keyingi qismda nima sodir bo'lishiga qiziqib boraverasiz. Bundan tashqari serial O'rta asrlardagi muhitni real holatda sizga ko'rsatib beroladi. Bu serial O'rta asrlardagi voqealar haqidamas. Muhit o'sha davrniki. Bunda siz sehrgarlar, ajdarholar va odamlar bir paytda yashaganini ko'rasiz. O'sha paytdagi voqealar ishonarli chiqishi uchun qonli sahnalarga boy qilingan. Misol uchun kimdirni kallasini olib tashlash sahnasini to'liq ko'rishiz mumkin. Shuning uchun ham serial 18 yoshdan kattalarga tavsiya qilinadi. Bu serialni allaqachon ko'pchilik ko'rib bo'lgan. Ko'rmaganlarga esa tavsiya qilaman.

❗️Diqqat: Serial 18 yoshdan kattalarga tavsiya qilinadi.
I have just finished season 3 of the Game of Thrones series.

What makes the series great? You can’t predict the events in the series and keep wondering what will happen in the next episode. In addition, the series will show you the medieval environment in real time. This series is not about medieval events. The environment is from that period. In it, you see that wizards, dragons, and humans lived at the same time. The events of that time were enriched with bloody scenes to make it convincing. For example, you can see the whole scene of someone being beheaded. That is why the series is recommended for people over 18 years of age. This series has already been seen by many. I recommend to those who have not seen.

❗️Attention: The series is recommended for adults over 18 years old.
Vaksinaning har uchala dozasini olib bo'ldim.

I have been vaccinated all 3 doses.
Oxirgi paytlarda kinoxo'r, serialxo'r bo'b ketyapman. Bu yil ko'rgan seriallarim:

1. WandaVision (1 ta fasl, 9 qism)
2. Messiah (1 ta fasl, 10 qism)
3. Queen's Gambit (1 ta fasl, 7 qism)
4. Sherlock (3 ta fasl, umumiy 9+1 qism)
5. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (1 ta fasl, 6 qism)
6. Loki (1 ta fasl, 6 qism)
7. Dark (3 ta fasl, umumiy 26 qism).
8. Game of Thrones (uchinchi fasl, 10 ta qism)

Hozir ko'rayotgan seriallarim:

1. Game of Thrones (4-fasl)
2. What if...?

Endi ko'rmoqchi bo'lgan seriallarim:

1. Game of Thrones (5-6-7-8-fasllar)
2. Money heist (4 ta fasl)
3. The Mentalist
4. Dark serialini qayta ko'rish
5. Doktor Xaus

Mana shunaqa... Har kuni 1 tadan qism ko'rsam ham anchagina serial ko'rib qo'yarkanman. Bu Turk seriallarining "o'ldim-kuydim"laridan ancha yaxshi seriallar. Bu seriallarning ba'zilari fikrlashizniyam o'stiradi.

Ro'yhatdagilar orasidan siz qaysi seriallarni ko'rgansiz?

I've been a movie buff lately. Series I've seen this year:

1. WandaVision (1 season, 9 parts)
2. Messiah (1 season, 10 parts)
3. Queen's Gambit (1 season, 7 parts)
4. Sherlock (3 seasons, total 9 + 1 episode)
5. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (Season 1, Episode 6)
6. Loki (1 season, 6 parts)
7. Dark (3 seasons, total 26 episodes).
8. Game of Thrones (third season, part 10)

The series I'm watching now:

1. Game of Thrones (Season 4)
2. What if ...?

The series I want to watch now:

1. Game of Thrones (seasons 5-6-7-8)
2. Money heist (4 seasons)
3. The Mentalist
4. the Dark Series
5. Doctor MD (Doctor House)

That's it ... Even though I watch one episode every day, I watch a lot of TV series. These are much better series than the "dead-and-burned" series of Turkish series. Some of these series also make you think.

Which series have you seen on the list?
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Natasha Tor va Loki haqida:
- Afsonalarga ko'ra bu odamlar xudo hisoblanadi.

Kapitan Amerika:
- Faqatgina bitta Xudo bor. Ishonchim komilki, Xudo bunaqa kiyinmaydi.

Natasha tell about Thor and Loki:
- These guys come from legend, they are basically gods.

Capitan America:
- There is only one God, man. And I am pretty sure he doesn't dress like that.

"What if...?" animatsion serialining 3-qismi chiqdi.

Serialni ko'rish uchun👇
Shu paytgacha Youtubeda eng ko'p ko'rilgan video "Despacito" deb o'ylardim. U shu paytgacha 7.5 mlrd marta ko'rilgan edi. Yaqinda 3 yoshli ukam sharofati bilan undan ham ko'proq ko'rilgan videoni topdim. Yosh bolalar uchun mo'ljallangan "Baby shark" qo'shig'i 9.2 mlrd marta ko'rilgan ekan.

Untill now, I thought the most viewed video on YouTube was “Despacito”. It has been viewed 7.5 billion times so far. I recently found a video that was seen even more thanks to my 3-year-old brother. The song "Baby Shark" for young children has been viewed 9.2 billion times
Ona deganda ro'mol o'ragan uzun ko'ylakli ayolni tushunardik. Endi esa ona obrazini ro'molsiz, shimda tasavvur qilsayam bo'laveradi.

P.S. Kimdirni kiyinishiga aralashmoqchimasman. Faqat judayam yaqin o'tmish bn hozirni taqqosladim.
Semirib ketganim uchun parhez qilyapman. 2 haftada 3 kg ves tashladim. Bu bir oyda 3 kg ves yig'ishdan ancha yaxshi.

5-sentabrda Toshkentga kelganimda 80 kg edim, 1-oktabrlarda taroziga chiqsam, 83 kg bo'lib ketibman. Bu natijani qoringa qarab ham sezib turgandim. Bu ketish yoqmadi. Va 7-oktabrda parhez boshladim. Bugun yana 80 kg chiqdim. Maqsad 73-75 kilogacha tushish.
Kecha IELTS imtihoni topshirib chiqdim. Bu men uchun 1-martasi. Natijalar 11-fevralda chiqadi.

I took the IELTS exam yesterday. This is the first time for me. The results will be released on February 11th
Handmaiden (2016)
2024/09/26 22:54:33
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