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With the latest updates, Telegram also allows users to have multiple accounts. This is great for people like me who like to keep their work and personal accounts separate. To add a new account, tap on the arrow beside your name and tap on Add Account. One of the things that I love about Telegram is that the service gives me an easy way to change my phone number attached to my account without making me lose all my previous chats. If you also want to switch your Telegram number, it’s pretty easy to do. First, tap on Settings and then tap on your mobile number. Launch the Telegram app on your device and navigate to Settings -> Data and Storage. Prices start as low as Rs 2.5 per day
Faster and Stronger A great way to organize your chats inside a group or channel is by using hashtags. When you use a hashtag in a message, that word becomes searchable allowing you to see all the messages relating to that topic. For example, if the group is discussing the new Avengers movie, everyone can use the Avengers hashtag. If you want to see all the messages in one location, you can just tap on the hashtag and all the messages with that hashtag will come up. And under Advanced, you can change how much time must pass with no activity before Telegram will automatically delete your account. Telegram allows edit, unsend sent messages even for the other people on the same chat. It allows to unsend messages shared with the first 48 hours after sending.
Telegram also has an auto-night mode that you can use to save your eyes at night! For times when you may wish to concentrate on your work or just want to keep alerts from certain Telegram chats away to prevent them from becoming distractions, you can choose to mute chats. Yeah, this is exactly what you should use to reign in the annoying chats that keep bombarding you with unnecessary messaging. Depending on your needs, you can choose to mute individual chats for specific time durations like for 1 hour, 8 hours, 1 day, 7 days, or mute until a preferred date and time.
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