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The funny thing is,
people will be quick to notice when you're acting different
But they always fail to notice, what they did to make you start acting that way.
Life moves pretty fast so make sure you take a while to look around yourself & realise how blessed you are right in this moment that you're living in !! Be Grateful for all the things you have right now & sometimes also be grateful for the things that were denied by God because he was preventing you, protecting you from unwanted disasters/ barriers !!
PS - The more You're in State of Gratitude...The More Attract Things To Be Grateful For.!💙
Authorize God all the time and completely clear your mind, you have the determination to succeed and excel.
You know who you are when no one is watching!
Learn to take nothing personally !! It's not always about YOU ! Because maybe sometimes it's all about the surroundings, circumstances and other people or the things done by some other people... So don't take everything personally, don't blame yourself for the things which don't really relate with you !! 🤍
It doesn’t matter who you were 10 years ago.

It doesn’t matter who you were last year.

What matters is who YOU are NOW.

What matters is who you are becoming.

Let go of the past versions of yourself that don’t exist anymore.

Stay focused and remove anything in your life that’s not moving you forward.

If it doesn't help you grow, it needs to go.
Let's be realistic and practical, what isn't helping you to grow and evolve in your own life, in your own path of becoming the best version of yourself needs to leave your life ! ,and you need to let go of that shit no matter what it is a person a habit or situation a circumstance or anything like that !!

.. 🌸💙
Forwarded from English Writingsツ⚘
I don't see anyone as my competition.!!

We don't have the same dreams, goals, ambition, & for sure not the same brains!
There are no hacks for success.

There are no shortcuts to success.

There are no silver bullets.

The road is long, sometimes boring, and painful.

All you gotta do is show up and do the work.

Focus on fundamentals, not fads.

Strive for progress, not perfection.

And most importantly, don't forget to surround yourself with good people along the way.

These people want more for you, not more from you.
The power of thoughts can either cause you illness or recovery.

—Ibn Sin
Comfort is the worst addiction.

—Marcus Aureliu
"Sometimes we just feel bad, no matter how well our day went. Sometimes we still feel lost, sad and even jealous and we feel all of this at once, for no apparent reason. But please don't be too hard on yourself - while it is quite easy to control your thoughts, controlling your emotions is a particularly hard thing to do. Sometimes we feel that way and that's okay. Don't beat yourself up or convince yourself that you are failing again because you are absolutely not. You are doing incredibly fine and no bad day, no string of bad phases is ever going to erase your progress. Just allow yourself to feel and be if necessary and take good care. I love you."
It's very important for you to realize that other people's thoughts, words, actions, behaviour, and feelings are NOT your responsibility.

What you think about yourself is more important than what people think about you.

Love is not always perfect. It is not a fairytale or storybook and it does not always come easy.

Love is overcoming obstacles , facing challenges , fighting to be together , holding on and never letting go. It is a short word , easy to spell , difficult to define , and imposible to live without.

Love is work , but most of all , love is reallizing that every hour , every minute , and every second was worth it because you did it together.

.. 🌸💙
Never underestimate your strength and resilience.

You have proven time and time again that you can handle hard times and come out stronger.

Remember, you've survived 100% of the days you thought you wouldn’t.
Be proud of Yourself ! And never ever stop believing in Yourself. 💙
Avoid sharing personal experiences, feelings and opinions with people who lack compassion, who can't put themselves in other people's shoes and who can't grasp the concept of different perspectives.
It was sunsets that taught me that beauty sometimes lasts for a couple of moments, and it was a sunrises that showed me that all it takes is patience to experience it all over again..

.. 🌸🥀
Never, ever settle. You may think you aren’t gorgeous, smart and have too many insecurities to count. But there is going to be someone in the world who truly loves you for you. Don’t ever think that you’ve got to put up with someone who treats you wrong because they’re the first one in a long time to show some interest. You are beautiful in your own individual way so never lower your standards.ツ
Never settle for less when you KNOW you deserve the BEST!✌️🏼

I know I am the best WHATEVER happened to me, so stop comparing and remembering me, I am not sad and my self esteem has never been shaked..
When we stop conforming to the crowd, when we are doing what we believe, when our actions are in line with our values, when we stop compromising, when we are being our truest self, that’s when we start creating our path to success.
2025/03/18 04:34:12
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