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Tim was the strongest man in the town. When he played sports, he always won. He performed and exercised in thpublic park. He did this to show everyone how strong he was. Most people liked him, but one man didn’t. His name was Jack.

exercise [ˈɛksəsʌɪz] v.

To exercise is to run or play sports so that you can be healthy.

 You should exercise every day

perform [pəˈfɔːm] v.

To perform is to do something in front of people who watch.

He will perform a song for the class.

public [ˈpʌblɪk] adj.

If something is public, it is meant for everyone to use.

 I went to the public park to play with my friends

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Jack hated Tim. Jack was a movie critic and the smartest man in town. He could solve complex math problems. But no one cared. Jack wanted to be famous like Tim.
critic [ˈkrɪtɪk] n.

A critic is someone who give their opinions about movies, books, plays.

The wine critic tasted the wine so he could give his opinion.
complex [ˈkɒmplɛks] adj.

If something is complex, it has many small parts. It is hard to understand.

 A jig-saw puzzle can be complex because it has so many pieces.
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One day, there was an unusual event. A big storm came suddenly. Snow covered the town. No one could get out. They needed food. The people said, “This is a task for a strong man.” Tim was under pressure to save them. But Jack wanted to be the hero, so they both went. Tim said, “You can’t help because of your lack of strength.”
🔑 task [tɑːsk] n.

task is work that someone has to do.
 Who has the task of building the brick wall?
🔑 pressure [ˈprɛʃə] n.

Pressure is what you apply to make someone do something.

They put pressure on him to change his mind
🔑 lack [lak] n.

If there is a lack of something, there is not enough of it.

His only problem is a lack of money
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But Jack found some small passages under the snow. One of them led toward another town. That town had food. Because Tim was so big and strong, he almost couldn’t fit inside. They walked until there was a block of ice in their way. Jack said, “We can’t get past it. But if you strike it, it might break.” Tim knew that was probable.
🔑 passage [ˈpasɪdʒ] n.

passage is a long area with walls that goes from one place to another.

 The long passage led us to the other side of the field.
🔑 fit [fɪt] v.

If something fits, it is small enough or the right size to go there.

The colorful eggs fit into the box.
🔑 block [blɒk] n.

block is a solid piece of wood, stone or ice.

 I saw a block of ice on the floor.
🔑 strike [strʌɪk] v.

To strike someone or something is to hit them.

 She struck the other girl in the face.
🔑 probable [ˈprɒbəb(ə)l] adj.

If something is probable, it is likely to happen.

 It is probable that you will get a good grade if you study for the test.

He broke it. When there were more ice blocks, Tim broke them. That made him tired. He couldn’t walk anymore. Jack said, “Let’s unite and support each other. I’ll get the food alone. You rest here.”
unite  [juːˈnʌɪt] v.

To unite is to get together to do something.

 If we unite, we can finish our project faster.
2024/10/04 05:32:38
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