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IELTS Writing Task 2
IELTS Essay - Reducing the need for people to travel from home to reduce traffic

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

The only way to reduce the amount of traffic in cities today is by reducing the need for people to travel from home to work, shopping and education.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words. 

Sample Answer 2: [Partial agreement]

Urbanization has brought the term traffic congestion into existence. A school of thought believes that traffic can only be controlled by limiting daily commuters' need for travel. However, I am not convinced that this is the only or the best way.

Apparently, reasons that substantiate the claim "the less frequently people travel in a city, the fewer traffic jam they create" - require thorough analysis. Firstly, city dwellers commute daily primarily for their study, business, job, shopping and social needs. Some of these could be done from home through e-learning, online shopping and work from home concept due to the advancement of technology. This will reduce traffic to a certain extent. To illustrate, a survey conducted by Australian Traffic Authority outlines that 75% commuters in private cars travel for shopping, job and education and it is clear that if people can work from home, do online shopping and enrol in online courses, traffic congestion would be reduced, if not solved.

However, working from home is not permissible for a great number of professionals such as nurses, doctors, police and so on. Therefore, they must travel to and from their workplaces daily. Moreover, online learning cannot replace classroom-based education system and online shopping is yet to substitute the traditional shopping method. Thus it is evident that controlling the necessity of travel for the day to day activities of citizens is not the only way to manage traffic problems. Improving public transportation, carpooling and encouraging pedestrians and cyclists could be some great solutions.

To conclude, limiting city dwellers needs for their daily commute may help control traffic problems to some extent but other measures should be in place. The government should encourage people to use eco-friendly transportations to tackle both bad traffic and pollution.

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Motivation time
🎬 Kill fear in 5seconds
πŸ”Ή making you feel that something evil, dangerous, or illegal is happening or will happen

πŸ“ŒπŸŽ§ Bad guys in most movies have sinister laughs.😈
Her dark eyes and evil laugh made her seem sinister.
πŸ“Œ The man was dressed in a black suit and wore dark glasses. There was something sinister about him.

πŸ”Ή to perfect a talent or skill

πŸ“ŒπŸŽ§ Lisa honed her chess skills by hours and hours of practice. β™Ÿ
Because Jessica wants to hone her cake baking ability, she can usually be found in the kitchen.
πŸ“Œ The soccer players will work hard to hone their strengths before the championship match.

✍️Verbs β†’ Informal & Formal

say sorry βž– apologize, apologise
go up βž– increase
go down βž– decrease
set up βž– establish
look at βž– examine
blow up βž– explode
find out βž– discover
bring about βž– cause
put off βž– postpone, delay
rack up βž– accumulate
make up βž– fabricate
stand for βž– represent
find out βž– discover, ascertain
leave out βž– omit
point out βž– indicate
go against βž– oppose
get in touch with βž– contact
It’s about βž– It concerns, It’s in regards to
need to βž– required
think about βž– consider
get βž– obtain
put up βž– tolerate
deal with βž– handle
seem βž– appear
show βž– demonstrate, illustrate, portray
start βž– commence
keep βž– retain
free βž– release
get on someone’s nerves βž– bother
ring up βž– call
show up βž– arrive
let βž– permit
fill in βž– substitute, inform
block βž– undermine
give the go ahead, greenlight βž– authorize, authorise
πŸ”– Xayrlashuv so'zlari

πŸ’  All the best ! - Ishlaringizga omad tilayman !

πŸ’  Good luck!- Omad!

πŸ’  Have a good trip! - Oq yo'l !

πŸ’  I hope to see you soon. - Tez orada uchrashamiz deb umid qilaman

πŸ’  Till we meet again ! - Yana uchrashguncha

πŸ’  Write to us- xat yozib turing

πŸ’  Here's my address -
Bu mening manzilim.

πŸ’  I have a new address- Mening manzilim o'zgardi

πŸ”Ή to stop someone from doing something, by making them realize it will be difficult or have bad results

πŸ“ŒπŸŽ§ Icy roads deter people from driving their cars.
πŸ“Œ The company’s financial difficulties have deterred potential investors.
πŸ“Œ Once he decided to compete in the IronMan, nothing could deter his resolve to reach his best fitness level ever. πŸš΅β€β™‚οΈ

Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that many cities in the world are now 'one big traffic' jam.
How true do you think this statement is?
What measures can governments take to discourage people from using their cars?

The number of cars has reached its peak these days, and this has created several problems such as traffic congestion on roads. To my mind, the main reason for this trend might be related to the development in the car industry. Effective solutions for this problem can be increasing the cost of cars as well as restricting private car ownership to one per family.

Over the last decades, car manufacturing factories have increased their productivity level considerably. Because of the competitive environment in automobile industry, the average cost of cars has become more reasonable for the public. However, only a limited number of people could afford to purchase cars thirty years ago. In contrast, cars are not as costly as in the past and they can be possessed even by ordinary households today. Therefore, it is natural that more people have an intention to own cars.

Obviously, this needs to be controlled by governments to provide society with safety and reduce traffic congestion. To address this problem governments should raise the cost of owning cars by introducing higher taxes for vehicle property and fuel consumption. By this way, people might reduce the excessive use of cars in order to save their money.

In addition, governments should limit the number of cars that can be owned by a particular family, because it is very common to have more than one car in a household nowadays. If this restriction is implemented, roads might be congested less in those cities that experience heavy traffic.

To sum up, this problem should be taken into account and the approaches mentioned above can be the most proper ones.
πŸ“‹ Xursandchilik, xazil.

✏️ Not funny-Kulgili emas

✏️ Due to the fact that is was so intereating I did not understand how time flew- Qiziq bo'lgani uchun vaqt qanday o'tganini bilmay qoldim

✏️ It waa not interesting-Qiziqarli bo'ldi

✏️ Do you want to smoke?-Siz chekishni hohlaysizmi?

✏️ The best day in my life-Mening hayotimdagi eng yaxshki kun

✏️ I am glad-Juda xursandman

✏️ I liked your words-Bu gapingiz menga yoqdi

✏️ I have a stomach ache because of I laugh to much-Ko'p kulganimdan qornim og'riyapti

✏️ Joke-Hazil

✏️ Do not joke-Hazillashmang

✏️ Do not scare me-Meni qo'rqitmang

✏️ I'm not in the mood to joke-Hazillashadigan kayfiyatda emasman

✏️ Not a joke. I'm talking seriously-Hazil emas. Jiddiy gapiryabman

✏️ I was surprised-Hayron bo'ldim

✏️ I am glad that you agreed-Rozi bo'lganinggizdan xursandman.
#Do_you_know 😱

☝️ 's qoshilganda u 4 xil tarjima qilinishi mumkin. Faqat qo'shiladigan so'ziga qarab:
1⃣ Inson 's + ot = -ning
βœ… Frank's book = Frankning kitobi
2⃣ Inson 's = -niki
βœ… My house is bigger than Frank's
3⃣ Joy nomi 's = -dagi
βœ… The club's party = klubdagi bazm
4⃣ Vaqt ko'rsatkichi 's = -gi, -lik
βœ… Tomorrow's paper = ertangi gazeta

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