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📱 Online test soat 21:10 da boshlanadi!

Kanalimizga do‘stlaringizni taklif qiling👇


Bugun kanalimizda Tarixdan online test o‘tkazamiz!

Testlar soni👉 15 ta

📱 Online test soat 21:10 da boshlanadi!

Kanalimizga do‘stlaringizni taklif qiling👇


Predloglar -bu ozbek tilidagi komakchilarga togri keladi. Ularni yod oling.

about -haqida
above - tepada
across - orqali, ichidan
after -keyin
against - qarshi
among -o’rtasida
around - atrofida, taxminan
as - o’xshab
at - ostida, ichida
before - oldin
behind - orqada
below - pastda
beneath - ostida
beside - yonma-yon
between - o’rtasida
beyond - orqasida, narigi tomonida
but - lekin
by - yonida, -da, -dan tomonidan
despite - ga qaramay
down - past tomoniga
during - davomida, mobaynida
except - dan tashqari
for - uchun
from…- dan
in - ichida
inside - ichida
into - ichiga
near - yonida
next - yonida, atrofida
of…. - ning
on - Ustida, ichida
opposite - qarama-qarshi
out….- dan
outside - tashqarida
over - tepasida, o’stida
per - uchun
plus - qo’shuv
round - taxminan
since…- dan beri
than… - dan ko’ra
through - orasidan, orqali
till - gacha
to….- ga
toward…- ga
under- tagida, pastida
unlike…- ga o’xshamasdan
until - gacha
up…- ga, …da
with - bilan
with in - ichida
without… - siz
two words - ikta so’zlar
according to…- ga qaraganda
because of - sababida, tufayli
close to - yaqinda
except for - dan tashqari
far from - dan uzoq
inside of…. - Ichida
instead of…- dan ko’ra
near to….- ga yaqin
next to… -dan keyin
outside of… - dan tashqari
prior to….- Gacha
three words - uchta so’zlar
as far as… - gacha
as well as… - ga o’xshab
in addition to…- ga qo’shimcha
in front of… - qarshisida
in spite of…- dan ko’ra
on behalf of…- nomidan
on top of… - tepasida

Assalomu alaykum!

Siz Learn English 🌐ONLINE |<IELTS> kanalining vizitka kanalidasiz. Shunchaki pastdagi ko'k yozuv ustiga bosing va asosiy kanalga obuna bo'ling.
Forwarded from 🇬🇧ENGLISH: Fast and easy (Furqat Abdurayimov)
1. Our government pays great attention _ the education _ the
A) -/of B) of/of C) to/to
D) to/of E) by/of
2. _ summer holidays many boys and girls like to go _ the
country _ their teachers.
A) at/by/to B) into/at/with C) -/to/to
D) during/to/with E) during/to/by
3. The girl saw a beautiful garden _ the end of the corridor with
red flowers _ it.
A) at/in B) at/on C) to/in
D) in/in E) of/on
4. At night when there are no clouds _ the sky you can see many
A) on B) in C) at
D) to E) a/an
5. He is very good _ maths.
A) in B) at C) -
D) about E) with
6. He’s got a very good head _ his shoulders.
A) over B) beyond C) on
D) since E) for
7. I asked him _ help.
A) in B) about C) for
D) by E) with
8. Father was very angry _ his son: “You’ll be punished according
_ the seriousness _ your guilt.
A) to/-/of B) for/to/to C) to/to/to
D) with/to/of E) with/-/of
9. An electric lamp hangs from the centre _ the ceiling _ the
A) to/in B) of/above C) to/on
D) in/from E) on/near
10. Everybody wanted to come here _ time.
A) by B) for C) in
D) without E) at
11. It is very warm. I am going to take _ my scarf.
A) out B) in C) off
D) for E) of
12. There is something very attractive _ him.
A) in B) about C) with
D) by E) at
13. What is there _ the ground floor _ your school?
A) in/in B) on/at C) on/of
D) in/at E) near/in
14. They will be fighting _ political reforms.
A) in B) on C) at
D) by E) for
15. It’s better to wait for five minutes before crossing the street than
stay _ a month at the hospital.
A) at B) on C) for
D) of E) till

Forwarded from 🇬🇧ENGLISH: Fast and easy (Furqat Abdurayimov)
Online test sinovi

🔐 Test kodi: 1079

📮 Javoblaringizni
@check_testsbot ga yuboring

🧾 Namuna: 1079:abca

🔴 ⌛️Tugash vaqti: 16:30
🍔My favorite restaurant

The name of my favourite restaurant is The Lotus flower which is situated right in the centre of my city. Actually, I have had some of my birthday parties there with my college friends and family. The restaurant is three stories high and looks quite elegant. The frontal view of the restaurant is very distinguishing. There are paintings of famous artists on the walls. The interior decoration is charming and it gives a pleasant feeling. The ground floor is spacious and can accommodate more than 50 cars. The restaurant offers several dishes including food specific to Vietnam, China and Thailand. The prices are reasonable and the service is very good. In fact, the food is served very quickly. Also the customers can leave feedback about the food and the service they received. What I also like about the restaurant is they always play music that is soft and slow. In short, this is a really nice restaurant to go to if you want to enjoy delicious food and great service.

Worksheet 3 - Useful Phrases.pdf
54.3 KB
#Writing Task 1 - General
Worksheet - Lesson 5 – Useful Phrases

Media is too big
Writing Task 2
📚 Lesson 2
Forwarded from 🇬🇧ENGLISH: Fast and easy (Qurbonova Kamola)
The Browns have got three ..., two ...and one ...
Anonymous Quiz
Children /boys/girls
Forwarded from 🇬🇧ENGLISH: Fast and easy (Qurbonova Kamola)
Autumn is coming .The ...are starting to fall from the ...
Anonymous Quiz
Leaves /trees
Leaf /tree
Leaves /tree's
Media is too big
Writing Task 2
📚 Lesson 3
Media is too big
Writing Task 2
📚 Lesson 4
Forwarded from 🇬🇧ENGLISH: Fast and easy (Qurbonova Kamola)
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How to learn new vocabulary quickly.
🗣IELTS SPEAKING Part 1 : Shopping

🔹Do you often go shopping for personal items?
🔹Are there many shops where you live?
🔹Do you enjoy shopping?

IELTS Speaking part 2

Describe a time when you bought something for someone. You should say

when this was
🔸what was that you bought
🔸who you bought it for
🔸and say how you felt about buying it for them.

🗣 IELTS Speaking part 3

🔺Do you think we will stop using paper money in the future?
🔺How do companies encourage the consumer to spend their money?
🔺What do you think shops need to do to create a positive shopping experience?
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What's the difference between 'hear' and 'listen'
2024/10/04 17:15:29
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