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From 5.5to 6.5 or other
πŸ”°About Myself

First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Taras.

I'm seventeen years old.

I'm at 11-th grade.

There are two more kids in the family besides me β€” my elder brother Oleg and my younger sister Marija.

Oleg is twenty-one, he attends a University, he will be a dentist.

Marija is only twelve, she is a schoolgirl.

I forgot to mention one more member of our family.

It's our favourite poodle Tim.

My parents are not old at all.

My Mum is forty, she works for a newspaper.

My Dad is forty-four, he is an engineer in computers.

My parents love their jobs very much.

I'm doing quite well at school.

My parents are proud of my marks.

I go in for sports. I play basket-ball.

In summer time I like yachting and windsurfing.

I take part in different basket-ball competitions.

In a year I shall finish my school and I have to decide what occupation to choose.

I have been studying English for seven years.

I want to be a military interpreter.

My grandparents are already retired.

They like gardening and spend all their time growing tomatoes, potatoes, onions, strawberries, raspberries.

1. Do you go to school?
2. What grade are you at?
3. How old are your parents?
4. Are you the only child in the family?
5. Do you have a pet?
6. Are your grandparents still alive?
7. Do you go in for sports?
8. Do you like reading?


to introduce β€” tanishtirmoq

let me introduce myself β€” ruxsatingiz bilan o'zimni tanishtiray

residential β€” aholi yashaydian

residential areas β€” aholi yashash joyi

grade β€” daraja

to attend university β€” univesitetga qabul qilinmoq

kid β€” bola

favourite β€” sevimli

poodle β€” pudle ( it turi)

to forget β€” unutmoq

job β€” kasb

proud β€” g'ururlanmoq

to be proud of smth β€” biror narsa bilan faxrlanmoq

to go in for sports β€” sport bilan shug'ulanmoq

occupation β€” vaqtinchalik shug'ullanmoq

military - harbiy

interpreter β€” tarjimon

to retire β€”
nafaqaga chiqmoq


- weather events (a storm, flood, hurricane, tornado, earthquake)
We stayed at home during the storm.

- types of weather (good, bad, foul, stormy cloudy, humid, wet, dry, hot, cold, sticky)
in the rain;

in the snow
They swim in good weather.
He walked home in the rain.
The children played in the snow.

- types of days, periods of the day (nice days, sunny mornings, humid nights, rainy weekends)

I sit on the balcony on sunny mornings.
We play cards on rainy weekends.

Exercise 4
Fill in the Blanks with the Correct Prepositions:

1. I don't like to go out ___ bad weather.

2. The children love to play ___ the snow.

3. They have to stay inside ___ the storm.

4. We often go to the beach ___ sunny days.

5. She loves to walk ___ the rain.

6. She gets depressed ___ rainy days.

7. ___ the hurricane we stayed in the basement.

8. ___ cold days you have to wear a warm coat, a hat, and gloves.

9. ___ cold weather it is nice to sit by the fire.

10. What do you do ___ snowy evenings?
Idiom of the day

O'zbek tilida og'zaki nutqda 'noldan boshlash' degan ishlatiladigan ibora mavjud va ushbu ibora ishni eng boshidan boshlash degan ma'noni bildiradi.

β–ͺ️Ingliz tilida ham shunday ma'noni 'to start from stratch' yoki 'from stratch' iborasi bilan ifodalash mumkin.
πŸ”Έ I ruined the cake I just baked. Now I have to start from scratch. (Men hozirgina tayyorlagan tortni buzib qo'ydim. Endi boshidan boshlashim kerak)
Ben built the shed from scratch. (Ben omborxonani noldan qurdi)

️Cambridge lug'atida bu iboraga 'from the beginning, without using anything that already exists' deb izoh berilgan.

Forwarded from English | Grammar | Test | Vocabulary | IELTS (Furqat Abdurayimov)
Thousands of people have seen the exhibition … it opened last month .
Anonymous Poll
b) when
c) until
d) since
Forwarded from English | Grammar | Test | Vocabulary | IELTS (Furqat Abdurayimov)
. The bad smell in the kitchen was really … . We were all …
Anonymous Poll
A) Disgusting / disgusted
b) disgusting / disgust
c) Disgusted / disgusting
d) disgust/ disgusting
ACCESS Grammar 3+.pdf
153.5 MB
Kanalga qo'shiling πŸ‘‡



A: Is
Alice available?
B: You’re talking to her.
A: I’ve called you a hundred times today.
B: I was busy doing something. I apologize.
A: No problem.
B: Did you need something?
A: Did you want to do something tomorrow?
B: Is there somewhere special you wanted to go?
A: How about a movie?
B: A movie sounds good.
A: Call me tomorrow then.
B: I will see you tomorrow.


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🎧IELTS listening practise πŸ•’β°
πŸŽ₯format: 720p, 49.9mb
πŸ–‹title: Important❗️

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🎧IELTS listening practise πŸ•’β°
πŸŽ₯format: 480p, 55.9mb
πŸ–‹title: Get 35+

Media is too big
English Speaking Practice - Most Common Questions and Answers in English β†’
Ingliz tilida odatiy suhbatda ishlatiladigan savollar va ularning javoblari.Bu orqali siz savol berish va unga to'g'ri javob berishni o'rganasiz

You Came To Me
Sami Yusuf
Sami Yusuf 🎀
You came to me
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English Presentation Fear

A: How’s it going?
B: I’m doing well. How about you?
A: Never better, thanks.
B: So how have you been lately?
A: I’ve actually been pretty good. You?
B: I’m actually in school right now.
A: Which school do you attend?
B: I’m attending PCC right now.
A: Are you enjoying it there?
B: It’s not bad. There are a lot of people there.
A: Good luck with that.
B: Thanks.


2024/10/02 16:21:35
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