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2017-02-23 - 6 min - Gun control.mp3
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BBC 6 minute English

🗒Theme: Gun control




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Under the sea. (last)chapter-7.pdf
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📗 Name: 20 000 Leagues
Under the Sea

📗 Chapter 7(last)


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MAY-MIGHT English modal verbs


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Ingliz tilida 16 ta zamon bor, ularning hammasi ushbu formula asosida yasaladi. 👇👇👇

1. The Present Simple Tense. (Oddiy hozirgi zamon)
Positive- S+V.
Negative- S+do(does)+not+V.
Questions- Do(does)+S+V?

2. The Simple Past Tense. (Oddiy o’tgan zamon)
Positive- S+Ved.
Negative- S+did+not+V.
Questions- Did+S+V.

3. The Future Simple Tense. (Oddiy kelasi zamon)
Positive- S+will(shall)+V.
Negative- S+will(shall)+not+V.
Questions- Will(shall)+S+V.

4. The Simple Future in the Past Tense. (O’tgan zamondagi kelasi zamon)
Positive- S+would(should)+V.
Negative- S+would(should)+not+V.
Questions- Would(should)+S+V.

5. The Present Continuous Tense.(Hozirgi davom zamon)
Positive- S+to be+Ving.
Negative- S+to be+not+Ving.
Questions- To be+S+Ving.

6. The Past Continuous Tense. (O’tgan davom zamon)
Positive- S+was(were)+Ving.
Negative- S+was(were)+not+Ving.

7. The Future Continuous Tense. (Kelasi davom zamon)
Positive- S+will(shall)+be+Ving.
Negative- S+will(shall)+not+be+Ving.
Questions- Will(shall)+S+be+Ving.

8. The Future Continuous in the Past Tense. (O’tgan zamondagi kelasi davom zamon)
Positive- S+would(should)+be+Ving.
Negative- S+would(should)+not+Ving.

9. The Present Perfect Tense. (Hozirgi tugallangan zamon)
Positive- S+have(has)+P.P.
Negative- S+have(has)+not+P.P.

10. The Past Perfect Tense. (O’tgan tugallangan zamon)
Positive- S+had+P.P.
Negative- S+had+not+P.P.

11. The Future Perfect Tense. (Kelasi tugallangan zamon)
Positive- S+will(shall)+have+P.P.
Negative- S+will(shall)+not+have+P.P.

12. The Future Perfect in the Past Tense. (O’tgan zamondagi kelasi tugallangan zamon)
Positive- S+would(should)+have+P.P.
Negative- S+would(should)+not+have+P.P.

13. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense. (Hozirgi tugallangan davom zamon)
Positive- S+have(has)+been+Ving.
Negative- S+have(has)+not+been+Ving.

14. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense. (O’tgan tugallangan davom zamon)
Positive- S+had+been+Ving.
Negative- S+had+not+been+Ving.

15. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense. (Kelasi tugallangan davom zamon)
Positive- S+will(shall)+have+been+Ving.
Negative- S+will(shall)+not+have+been+Ving.
Questions- Will(shall)+S+have+been+Ving.

16. The Future Perfect Continuous in the Past Tense. (O’tgan zamondagi kelasi tugallangan davom zamon)
Positive- S+would(should)+have+been+Ving.
Negative- S+would(should)+not+have+been+Ving.

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📌1 dars 10 kun ichida ingliz tilida gapirishni o'rganish

Bu video orqali siz ingliz tilida sozlarni oqishni organib olasiz. 👇👇👇
Media is too big

Predloglar -bu ozbek tilidagi komakchilarga togri keladi. Ularni yod oling.

about -haqida
above - tepada
across - orqali, ichidan
after -keyin
against - qarshi
among -o’rtasida
around - atrofida, taxminan
as - o’xshab
at - ostida, ichida
before - oldin
behind - orqada
below - pastda
beneath - ostida
beside - yonma-yon
between - o’rtasida
beyond - orqasida, narigi tomonida
but - lekin
by - yonida, -da, -dan tomonidan
despite - ga qaramay
down - past tomoniga
during - davomida, mobaynida
except - dan tashqari
for - uchun
from…- dan
in - ichida
inside - ichida
into - ichiga
near - yonida
next - yonida, atrofida
of…. - ning
on - Ustida, ichida
opposite - qarama-qarshi
out….- dan
outside - tashqarida
over - tepasida, o’stida
per - uchun
plus - qo’shuv
round - taxminan
since…- dan beri
than… - dan ko’ra
through - orasidan, orqali
till - gacha
to….- ga
toward…- ga
under- tagida, pastida
unlike…- ga o’xshamasdan
until - gacha
up…- ga, …da
with - bilan
with in - ichida
without… - siz
two words - ikta so’zlar
according to…- ga qaraganda
because of - sababida, tufayli
close to - yaqinda
except for - dan tashqari
far from - dan uzoq
inside of…. - Ichida
instead of…- dan ko’ra
near to….- ga yaqin
next to… -dan keyin
outside of… - dan tashqari
prior to….- Gacha
three words - uchta so’zlar
as far as… - gacha
as well as… - ga o’xshab
in addition to…- ga qo’shimcha
in front of… - qarshisida
in spite of…- dan ko’ra
on behalf of…- nomidan
on top of… - tepasida


After all-Nihoyat, hullas
✏️ Always-Doim
✏️ Breakfast-Nonushta
✏️ Dinner-Kechgi ovqat
✏️ Egg-Tuxum
✏️ Evrybody-Hamma(Odamlarga nisbatan)
✏️ Get up-Uyqudan turmoq
✏️ Go-Bormoq
✏️ Half past-Yarim(Soatga nisbatan)
✏️ Have-bor bo'lmoq
✏️ Its-Uning (Hayvon va jonsiz narsalarga nisbatan)
✏️ Late-Kech
✏️ Later-Kechroq
✏️ Leave-Ketmoq, junamoq
✏️ Live-Yashamoq
✏️ Love-Sevmoq
✏️ Lunch-Tushlik
✏️ Meal-Ovqat, ovqat vaqti
✏️ Normally-Odayda
✏️ Office-Ofis
✏️ OurBizning
✏️ Primary school-Boshlangi'ch maktab
✏️ Speak-Gapirmoq
✏️ Teach-Dars bermoq
✏️ Then-Keyin
✏️ Their-Ularning
✏️ Town-Shahar
✏️ Work-Ishlamoq

📋 Hayvonlar


✴️Vocabulary Time✴️

(Hayvonlar va Xashorotlar)

1. 🐿Squirrel - Olmaxon
2. 🐀Rat - kalamush
3. 🐁Mouse - Sichqon
4. 🐇Rabbit - Quyon
5. 🕊Pigeon, Dove - Kabutar
6. 🦃Turkey - Kurka
7. 🐓Cock, Rooster - Xo'roz
8. 🐈Cat - Mushuk
9. 🐩Dog - Kuchuk
10. 🐑Ram - Qo'chqor
11. 🐐Goat - Echki
12. 🐖Pig - Cho'chqa
13. 🐎Horse - Ot
14. 🦍Monkey - Maymun
15. 🐘Elephant - Fil
16. 🐫Camel - Tuya
17. 🦌Deer - Kiyik
18. 🐄Cow - Sigir
19. 🐂Bull - Buqa
20. 🐅Tiger - Yo'lbars
21. 🐆Leopard - Leopard
22. 🐊Crocodile - Tumsox
23. 🐋Whale - Kit
24. 🦈Shark - Akula
25. 🐬Dolphin - Dilfin
26. 🐟Fish - Baliq
27. 🦀Crayfish - Qisqichbaqa
28. 🦂Scorpion - Chayon
29. 🦎Lizard - Kaltakesak
30. 🐍Snake - Ilon
31. 🐢Tortoise - Toshbaqa
32. 🕷Spider - O'rgimchak
33. 🐜Ant - Chumoli
34. 🐌Snail - Shillikqurt
35. 🦋Butterfly - Kapalak
36. 🐝Bee - Asalari
37. 🦇Bat - Ko'rshapalak
38. 🦅Eagle - Burgut
39. 🦆Duck - O'rdak
40. 🐥Chicken - Jo'ja
41. 🐧Penguin - Pingvin
42. 🐸Frog - Qurbaqa
43. 🦁Lion - Sher
44. 🐨Koala - Koala
45. 🐻Bear - Ayiq
46. 🐼Panda - Panda
47. 🦊Fox - Tulki
48. 🦑Octopus - Sakkizoyoq
49. 🦉Owl - Boyo'g'li
50. 🐲Dragon - Ajdarho

🔰Eng koʻp ishlatiladigan iboralar

Let's go. — qani ketdik
Me too. — men ham
My name is ... —mening ismim ....
Never mind. — qo'rqinchli emas
Next time. — keyingi safar
Nice to meet you. — tanishganimdan xursandman
No problem. — muammo yo'q
No, thank you. — yoʻq, rahmat
No way. — bo'lishi mumkin emas
Not yet. — hali emas
Nothing else. — Boshqa hech narsa
On the left. — chapga
On the right. — oʻngga
Over here. — bu erda
Over there. — ana u erda
Right here. — Mana shu yerda
Right there. — U erda
Rise and shine! — koʻtarilib va porlagan
See you later. — Ko'rishguncha
See you soon. — tezda koʻrishguncha
See you tomorrow. — Ertaga ko'rishguncha
Shut up! — Og'zingni yop
Sit down, please. — O'tiring marhamat
Stand back. — Orqaga turing
Start the car. — Avtomobilni boshlang
Step aside. —Bir chetga surib qo'ying
Take care. — oʻzingizni extiyot qiling

Learn English via Listening
Beginner Level
Lesson 1 | First Snow Fall
(audio + text)

Today is November 26th. It snowed all day today. The snow is beautiful. The snow finally stopped. My sister and I are excited. My Mom doesn't like the snow. My Mom has to shovel the drive way. My sister and I get to play. I put on my hat and mittens. My Mom puts on my scarf. My Mom zippers my jacket. My sister puts on her hat and mittens. My Mom puts on her scarf. My Mom zippers her jacket. My sister and I go outside. We begin to make a snow man. My Mom starts to shovel the snow. My sister and I make snow angels. My sister and I throw snowballs. It starts to snow again. We go inside for hot chocolate.

Vocabulary time

🔸CALL AROUND – tashrif buyurmoq
🔸CALL BACK – qaytib qo’ng’iroq qilmoq
🔸CALL ON – yordam so’ramoq
🔸CARRY OFF – g’alaba qilmoq, kasallikdan o’lmoq
🔸CATCH ON – mashxurlik qozonmoq
🔸CHARGE WITH – jinoyatda ayblamoq
🔸CHEER UP – undamoq, ruhlantirmoq
🔸CHILL OUT – dam olmoq
🔸CLEAR AWAY – manzilni tark etish
🔸CLOSE UP – to’liq yopish, birlashtirish, yaqinlashish
🔸COME DOWN WITH – kasal bo’lmoq
🔸CRY OFF – kelishuvni bekor qilish
🔸TAKE AFTER – o’xshamoq
🔸TUCK AWAY – xavfsiz joyga qo’yish
🔸TURN UP – ovozini ko’tarish, kelish, paydo bo’lish
🔸OWN UP TO – tan olish, bo’yniga olish
🔸OPT FOR – tanlamoq
🔸RECKON ON – eng kamida deb hisoblash
🔸RUN ON – hisobiga yurmoq
🔸ROPE IN – kimnidir yordam berishga jalb qilish
🔸SET ASIDE – sudda davo/hukmni bekor qilish
🔸SHOW OFF – maqtanib ko’z-ko’z qilmoq
🔸WEAR OUT – tamom bo’lgunicha ishlatish
🔸WEAR DOWN –kuchsizlantirish

2024/10/04 07:25:07
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