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Assalomu alaykum hurmatli obunachilar bugundan boshlab kanalizmiz yana o'z faoliyatini boshlaydi...
📚At first, firstly, first

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🔰About Myself

First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Taras.

I'm seventeen years old.

I'm at 11-th grade.

There are two more kids in the family besides me — my elder brother Oleg and my younger sister Marija.

Oleg is twenty-one, he attends a University, he will be a dentist.

Marija is only twelve, she is a schoolgirl.

I forgot to mention one more member of our family.

It's our favourite poodle Tim.

My parents are not old at all.

My Mum is forty, she works for a newspaper.

My Dad is forty-four, he is an engineer in computers.

My parents love their jobs very much.

I'm doing quite well at school.

My parents are proud of my marks.

I go in for sports. I play basket-ball.

In summer time I like yachting and windsurfing.

I take part in different basket-ball competitions.

In a year I shall finish my school and I have to decide what occupation to choose.

I have been studying English for seven years.

I want to be a military interpreter.

My grandparents are already retired.

They like gardening and spend all their time growing tomatoes, potatoes, onions, strawberries, raspberries.

1. Do you go to school?
2. What grade are you at?
3. How old are your parents?
4. Are you the only child in the family?
5. Do you have a pet?
6. Are your grandparents still alive?
7. Do you go in for sports?
8. Do you like reading?


to introduce — tanishtirmoq

let me introduce myself — ruxsatingiz bilan o'zimni tanishtiray

residential — aholi yashaydian

residential areas — aholi yashash joyi

grade — daraja

to attend university — univesitetga qabul qilinmoq

kid — bola

favourite — sevimli

poodle — pudle ( it turi)

to forget — unutmoq

job — kasb

proud — g'ururlanmoq

to be proud of smth — biror narsa bilan faxrlanmoq

to go in for sports — sport bilan shug'ulanmoq

occupation — vaqtinchalik shug'ullanmoq

military - harbiy

interpreter — tarjimon

to retire —
nafaqaga chiqmoq

50 самых полезных фразы для разговора на английском

1. Look here - Послушайте.
2. What can I do for you? - Чем я могу помочь Вам?
3. Keep in touch. - He пропадай (будь на связи).
4. Good job! - Молодец!
5. It is a good idea. - Это хорошая идея.
6. I don't саге. - Мне все равно / наплевать.
7. It doesn't matter. - Не имеет значения.
8. Look out. - Берегись.
9. Be careful. - Будь внимателен.
10. Don't worry. - He беспокойся.
11. Aahh, where have you been? Ааа, где ж ты пропадал?
12. My goodness, long time no speak (see) О боги, столько времени не виделись!
13. What's his nickname? Какое у него прозвище?
14. My name is... / I am... Меня зовут...
15. My friends call me...Друзья называют меня...
16. You can call me... Можешь называть меня...
17. How do you spell your name? Как пишется ваше имя?
18. Haven't we met (before)? Разве мы уже не встречались (раньше)?
19. I'm going to call you Bill for short. Для краткости я буду звать вас Билл.
20. I think we've already met. Думаю, мы уже встречались.
21. Nice to see you. / Good to see you. Рад тебя видеть.
22. I don't mind - ничего не имею против
23. I think so - согласен
24. You'll make it - у тебя получится
25. That's the whole point - в этом все и дело
26. Easy - полегче
27. Calm down - успокойся
28. It makes things easier - так легче (переживать/переносить боль)
29. I havent given it much thought - я пока/еще не думал об этом ( насчет планов на будущее)
30. It serves you/smb. right - так себе/кому-либо и надо.
31. You'll hear from me - я дам вам знать/сообщу о себе
32. It's going to be all right - все будет хорошо
33. You bet - еще спрашиваешь!
34. Sounds good to me - это меня устраивает
35. Hear me out - выслушайте меня
36. I couldn't reach you - я не мог дозвониться до тебя
37. Let happen whatever would happen - будь, что будет
38. It never crossed my mind, (that) - мне никогда не приходило в голову, что...
39. Don't mention that - не надо об этом
40. Get out of my way - уйди с дороги
41. Get lost - исчезни
42. You have a point there - тут вы правы/тоже верно
43. I mean it - серьезно
44. Let's get to the point/Let's hold a reason - давайте ближе к делу
45. So far so good - пока что все идет хорошо
46. It's not that I don't - не то, чтобы я не...
47. I rely on you.- Я расcчитываю на тебя -
48. When shall we cross (meet)? -Когда встретимся?
49. Spare me two minutes - Удели мне пару минут -
50. - I would like (I'd like)
Я бы хотел...

2024/10/01 22:49:34
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