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📗 The Death of Karen Silkwood
👤 Joyce Hannam


📖 Description:
The book is based on a true story that took place in Oklahoma in1970s. Karen leaves her position of a secretary and finds a new job at one nuclear factory. The salary is good and the job is interesting. Karen makes many new friends and finds a boyfriend. She really likes the job. But everything changes when one evening the alarm system activates.

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📗 Sink or Swim
👤 Andy Cowle


📖 Description:
Eddie was slowly drinking champagne. He was standing on the deck of a cruise liner, looking at the waves overboard. Soon his wife came to the deck. She looked great and the couple began to flirt, as at the beginning of dating. The musicians were playing instruments in the corner, the lighting created a comfortable atmosphere. Several couples were dancing.

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📗 Psycho
👤 Robert Bloch


📖 Description:
The young woman Marion Crane has stolen 40 thousand dollars. During the flight, tired of the stress and driving, she decided to turn off the highway and spent the night in a secluded motel. This motel was run by a young guy Norman Bates who lived nearby with his mother. Norman immediately has felt in love with Marion, but his mother was against this girl.

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📗 Death on Harris
👤 R. E. Syme


📖 Description:
Angus Flemming came back home. The writer remembered his childhood, the school years and his friends. The town hadn't changed at all. But his friends left it looking for better life. Everybody, except Stuart – his schoolmate. Stuart's father died the day before Angus arrived. The writer decided to support his friend in such hard times.

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📗 The Blue Cross
👤 John Escott


📖 Description:
Valentine was one of the most famous detectives on the planet. He was also a French policeman. This man arrived in London to arrest an elusive villain. The police officers from three countries chased Flambeau, but no one could catch him.

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📗 The Birthmark
👤 Nathaniel Hawthorne


📖 Description:
Aylmer sincerely loved his spouse, but still science remained the main passion of the young man. One day, he looked at his wife and asked if she knew that he could remove the birthmark from her cheek. This mole looked like a small handprint. Her parents said that the fairy stroked her cheek in the childhood. Even after this Aylmer did not calm down. He became obsessed with the birthmark.

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📗 Alien at School
👤 Michelle Brown


📖 Description:
Jennifer Dale is sixteen years old American teenager who is dreaming about journalist career. She is excited about starting education at a high school. She and her friends dream about handsome and nice teachers, preferably men. They got some male, but their expectations weren't justified completely.

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📗 Nonstop
👤 Tad Williams


📖 Description:
Henry hated to fly. He was supposed to fly to Dallas with his wife, but she was not able to go with Henry due to problems at work. This greatly upset the man, but there was no choice. The wife knew how much he hated planes, but did not support her husband. She stayed in the office. So he had to drink a sedative before the flight.

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📗 The Story of the Internet
👤 Stephen Bryant


📖 Description:
As we know the Internet appeared only a few decades ago. This book shows a wonderful journey in time. The readers can follow the history of the Internet from the idea of its creation to the present days. They can even speculate what kind of future might wait for this undoubtedly great invention.

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📗 Three is a Lucky Number
👤 Margery Allingham


📖 Description:
Ronald Torbay is a killer. His plan is simple: he uses a false name and goes at the weekend there where nobody knows him. Then he finds a middle-aged woman who has a lot of money. He offers her to marry him. The next step is to murder his wife and get her fortune. Will everything go as smoothly as before?

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📗 The Railway Children
👤 E. Nesbit


📖 Description:
One day some people came to one happy family and took their father away. The children did not understand what had happened. The childish attention was fully attracted by the railway station. The curious children even made a friend with an old man, who rode a 9:15 train every day. The girl found out their father was accused of spying.

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📗 The Kite-maker
👤 Anu Kumar


📖 Description:
It's hard to hope or dream when there is a war on. "The Kite-Marker" is about one married couple Ahmed Rasool and Zaheera. Clare West has managed to answer the main question in the small story - what is the most important thing in life? This story shows that when love and hope live in the family, nothing will destroy it - neither war, nor hunger, nor fear…

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📗 The Extraordinary Miss Sunshine
👤 Jane Cammack


📖 Description:
Not every person's childhood is very happy. Not always school is a carefree period. Alice May moves to another city with her parents. An eleven-year-old girl is excited. But she faces bullying in her new school. Alice doesn't want to tell her parents about this.

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📗 Business at the Speed of Thought
👤 Bill Gates


📖 Description:
This book inspires everybody to take actions for their future. The greatest billionaire, the head of a huge computer company "Microsoft" Bill Gates wrote it. The book is addressed to those people who do not want to stop on the achieved results but prefer to use new technologies for their business, to bring it to automatism.

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📗 Vanity Fair
👤 William Makepeace Thackeray


📖 Description:
Amelia is a daughter of successful businessman. Becky is an orphan, daughter of an artist and a French dancer. Amelia and Rebecca are friends. But Amelia is a rich and she can’t understand Becky’s problems. Amelia is going to be married to officer Osborn. She loves him very much. Rebecca was offered job of a governess in an aristocratic family. But before it she was invited to visit in Amelia’s house. Miss Sharp met Amelia’s brother and wanted to marry him but this cannot be done…

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2024/06/28 22:04:05
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