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📗 The Prestige
👤 Christopher Priest


📖 Description:
The protagonists are acclaimed 19th century stage magicians. The two talented men turn from partners into sworn enemies. Each of them will do anything to learn the secrets behind the magic tricks of his rival. So the main characters spend their lives trying to destroy each other. Finally, all the secrets are revealed. With its high tension, endless plot twists and provoking themes, this novel is rightfully considered one of the best modern books.

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📗 Wicked and Humorous Tales
👤 Saki


📖 Description:
This is a collection of six incredible stories from the master of sarcasm Hector Hugh Munro, who is more famous as Saki.The book starts from the story "The opened window". A young man comes to his sister to the countryside, where he wants to improve his health. He goes to his neighbors and gets into a strange situation.

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📗 Marley and Me
👤 John Grogan


📖 Description:
John and Jenny are young and in love with each other. One day they decide to buy a puppy. It changes their lives forever. Marley is not an obedient calm puppy. He doesn't not listen to commands, doesn't not try to behave well. But he is not a boring dog and makes the life of his owners much more fun. This story tells about the life of Marley - from a puppy to an old wise dog.

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📗 Journey to the Center of the Earth
👤 Jules Verne


📖 Description:
The famous professor of geology and his nineteen-year personal assistant, nephew Axel found seven-hundred years old book in an old bookshop. This book was written in a dead language from Iceland and said about an old princes from Norway. Professor couldn’t read it. Next steps to solving this puzzle was a journey to Denmark. It was planned as fantastic journey but turned at something even more.

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📗 The Third Party
👤 William Trevor


📖 Description:
The law is: a third person is a person who was involved in the situation by the first two people. Often, a third party is necessary for divorce. But there are other situations. And it is not always possible to immediately understand who the third person is.

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📗 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
👤 Jules Verne


📖 Description:
It was in 1867 when first rumors about dangerous and horrible monster that lives somewhere in sea depths appeared. According to witnesses, this creature was enormous and could sink any ship. Many people claimed that it was just a very big whale, but this beast was twice bigger than the biggest known whale.

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📗 The Damned Thing
👤 Ambrose Bierce


📖 Description:
It was a deep night. Eight people gathered in a small house. They were sitting around a simple wooden table. One man was reading a book under the light of an old desk lamp. There was also the ninth person - the owner of the house. He was laying under a white rag dead. They had to understand how the owner of the house died.

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Почему на Кипре живет больше 100 тысяч русскоязычных?

Средиземное море, мягкий климат, дружелюбные киприоты - еще с 90-х это привлекало наших эмигрантов.

А сейчас это и вовсе один из последних способов получить ПМЖ, а в дальнейшем и гражданство Евросоюза и дать детям международное образование.

Марина уже 23 года живет на Кипре, рассказывает о жизни на острове, ВНЖ/ПМЖ и инвестициях в недвижимость.

В ее канале вы найдете:

— как легко получить кипрский ПМЖ ;
— как работает медицина, образование и какое отношение к релокантам;
— как подготовиться к релокации и безопасно перевести активы;
каталог лучших вариантов недвижимости на острове.

Подписывайся на @antariahomes и узнай всё о Кипре!
📗 Why Didn't They Ask Evans
👤 Agatha Christie


📖 Description:
Bobby and his fellow doctor are playing golf together. From the top of the hill, he sees a man lying on the ground. The man dies, but before death, he says a mysterious phrase: "Why did not they ask Evans?" In his pocket, Bobby finds a photo of a beautiful woman. These are the only two keys to understand, who that late man was. Bobby and his friend Frankie are starting their own investigation.

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📗 The Festive Season in a Part of Africa
👤 Tod Collins


📖 Description:
A poor African farmer has a very hard life. She has only one thin cow and is obliged to ensure that the cow is not ill and feels good. If it gets sick, she will have to call a vet for it. This will cost a lot of money. But the farmer still will have to call a vet, because the death of this cow will be a huge tragedy for a poor person.

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📗 Crime and Punishment
👤 Fyodor Dostoyevsky


📖 Description:
It is one of the most difficult works in the creativity activity of the writer and in Russian classical literature. The young student Rodion Raskolnikov commits a crime. He kills an old woman. He does it not because he is poor and cannot pay for his education or flat. He does it to prove himself that he has the right to commit such acts. But all the acts have their consequences.

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📗 Walkabout
👤 James Vance Marshall


📖 Description:
The plane crashed in the wilderness. There were neither people nor buildings around. Only two young children survived this accident. The brother asked the girl where they were. But the girl could not answer - she did not know. Only the Australian desert was visible. It was getting dark and cold. But there were still many kilometres ahead and dozens of difficult ordeals to overcome.

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📗 Time Machine
👤 H. G. Wells


📖 Description:
Story starts with the time traveler telling his friends he has invited to dinner that the mathematics he is about to explain is much different from the usual ideas. The book is written from one of the guests’ viewpoint. He claims that as soon as he presses the lever, the time machine will disappear into the future. He presses the lever shortly thereafter, and the machine does disappear…

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📗 Romeo and Juliet
👤 William Shakespeare


📖 Description:
Romeo and Juliet is a tragic play written early in the career of William Shakespeare about two teenage "star-cross'd lovers" whose untimely deaths ultimately unite their feuding households. It was among Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal "young lovers".

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📗 Body on the Rocks
👤 Denise Kirby


📖 Description:
The gardener was working with the roses, but suddenly noticed a strange man standing nearby. The man rang the doorbell. He talked to the maid for a while and she invited him in. The gardener was surprised. Unfortunately, he could not hear the conversation. Soon he heard screams. The man was pushed out of the house. The gardener realized that something unusual had happened. But he did not know what.

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📗 The Lady in the Lake
👤 Raymond Chandler


📖 Description:
In The Lady in the Lake, hardboiled crime fiction master Raymond Chandler brings us the story of a couple of missing wives—one a rich man's and one a poor man's—who have become the objects of Philip Marlowe's investigation. One of them may have gotten a Mexican divorce and married a gigolo and the other may be dead. Marlowe's not sure he cares about either one, but he's not paid to care.

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📗 The Hound of the Baskervilles
👤 Conan Doyle


📖 Description:
This legend has been passing from age to age of Baskervilles family. Two hundreds years ago at Baskerville Hall near bog was living Sir Hugo Baskerville. He was an aristocrat, alcoholic and rowdy. Once he was killed by a big black dog with shining eyes and mouth nearby of bogs. This dog punished his evil. Put a point in this deadly history would try Sherlock Holms.

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📗 Shakespeare - His Life and Plays
👤 Will Fowler


📖 Description:
A lifetime adventure expecting you on these pages, from Shakespeare’s birth to his death. Phenomenal writer left us an immortal legacy. But what had influenced of his development like actor and writer? Who were the prototypes of heroes in his works? It’s all about William’s career, private life and lot of other interesting facts which you would not find at Wikipedia. Shakespeare in fashion forever.

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📗 Farewell my lovely
👤 Raymond Chandler


📖 Description:
If anyone could rob a bank on his own, it's Moose Malloy. He's as hard as stone and as big as a bus. Now he's out of prison, and he wants two things: to know who gave his name to the police eight years ago, and to find his girlfriend. Moose means trouble, and it's the sort of trouble a private detective should stay away from.

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2024/07/01 02:15:19
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