Enable Auto-Night Mode Set Telegram Pass code in Telegram features If you like to use dark themes only in the night so that the app doesn’t blind you, enabling auto-night mode can save you a lot of hassle. Once you turn the auto-night mode on, the app will automatically switch to dark mode at the scheduled time. To enable auto-night mode go to Settings-> Chat Settings-> Themes and tap on Auto-Night Mode. Here you can select between Automatic and Scheduled.
Premium subscriptions help Telegram pay not only for the additional expenses of premium features, but also support the free version of Telegram for everyone. Telegram Change Number Polls and Quiz Mode Send Uncompressed Media
Even better, thanks to Cloud Themes, you can share your custom themes (or try themes created by others) using a link. If the owner updates the theme, everyone using it through that link will see the changes. Long-press on a theme and choose Share to make it available to others. Secret Chats They offer a great opportunity to reach people directly, sending notifications to their devices with every post. Users can join and leave channels at any time. And once they join a channel, they can see its entire message history. The platform offers three kinds of polls:
This is a handy feature for users who want to save disk space. To access it, go to the “Settings”, “Data and Storage”, and then tap “Storage Usage”. You will find four options: keep media on your device for three days, one week, one month, or forever. Terminate old sessions
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