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See also: How to delete a Telegram account The aforementioned secret chats are where you can take part in end-to-end encrypted messaging with a contact. But that’s not its only benefit: Secret chats also don’t allow a person forward messages from there or take screenshots. Of course, someone could take a picture of the screen with another device, but it’s still discouraged, and it’s bolstered by another feature: self-destruct timers. According to the official Telegram FAQ section, You can create secret chats that use end-to-end encryption. This means only you and your chat partner can read those messages.

Telegram allows users to locate contacts nearby you, should they choose to be discovered. This allows you to quickly add someone close to you on Telegram without going through the hassle of first noting their number and saving the contact manually. Users can also use this feature to find and create groups of nearby users. Upload Multiple Profile Pictures to Telegram Polls are a feature of Telegram that work with channels and groups. They are used for a variety of things, from organizing leaderless protests to deciding where to have lunch. Scheduled and Silent messages

Telegram New Theme The reason for this is Telegram’s enhanced use of the cloud. Essentially, it stores all of your messages and photos on a secure server. This means you can access them from any connected device, making Telegram much more multi-platform friendly than other chat apps like WhatsApp. Turn on Secret Chat Finally, if you don't want to disturb the other person, choose Send without sound to silently deliver the message to the other party without them getting a notification.

Have you ever needed to change your phone number but worried about transferring all your contacts and other information to the new number? While this can be a lot of work, Telegram does it all for you. You can easily change the phone number attached to your account without losing any of your chats or contacts. Edit and replace pictures while sending

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