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👨‍🦳: So, how do you like living so far away from where you grew up?

👳‍♂: It’s not great so far. I haven’t met anyone who seems like they could become a friend.

👨‍🦳: Don’t worry. You’ve only been there a week. You’ll meet more people as time goes on.

👳‍♂: Yeah, I guess so. But this city is really confusing, and the people are all terrible drivers here!

👨‍🦳: Buck up! You’ll get used to it.

👳‍♂: But what if it just gets worse and worse?

👨‍🦳: Then you can always move back here. But at least give the new place a fair chance. Don’t give up yet!

👳‍♂: Okay. I’ll try to stay at least six months.

👨‍🦳: So, how do you like living so far away from where you grew up?

اذا كيف لقيتها العيشة بعيد عن مسقط رأسك ؟

👳‍♂: It’s not great so far. I haven’t met anyone who seems like they could become a friend.

والله مالا منيحة كثير ، و ماني لاقي أي شخص يمكن انه يصبح صديقي

👨‍🦳: Don’t worry. You’ve only been there a week. You’ll meet more people as time goes on.
لاتقلق ، انت ماعندك اسبوع هناك راح تتعرف على كثير ناس مع الوقت

👳‍♂: Yeah, I guess so. But this city is really confusing, and the people are all terrible drivers here!
نعم اعتقد ذلك لكن المدينة مربكة شوي وناس هنا مجنونة في قيادة

👨‍🦳: Buck up! You’ll get used to it.
تفائل يارجل راح تتعود

👳‍♂: But what if it just gets worse and worse?
طيب واذا تعقدت الامور للأسوء

👨‍🦳: Then you can always move back here. But at least give the new place a fair chance. Don’t give up yet!
وقتها تقدر ترجع لبدك مرة ثانية لكن ماتستسلم اعطي لمكانك جديد فرصة

👳‍♂: Okay. I’ll try to stay at least six months.
راح احاول القى على الاقل ست شهور
What is the difference between :
ماالفرق بين :

1⃣ #All & 2⃣ #Whole


كلاهما تعني " كُل "

All = مجموعة
Whole = شيء واحد فقط
كلمات تنتهي بنفس لفظ القافية

1- All 👨‍👨‍👧‍👧

2- Call 📞

3- Hall 🏢

4- Tall 🚶🏿

5- Fall 🍃

6- Wall 🚪

7- Mall 🎈👒

8- Small 👶🏽

9- Install ⬇️

10- Basketball 🏀

11- Waterfall 💦


Hi, good morning
I am greeting you #all 👋🏿
أهلًا ، صباح الخير
أحييكم جميعاً

Stop talking for a moment. I am #calling my aunt ☎️

توقفوا عن الكلام لحظة. قاعد أكلم عمتي

This #hall is a little cold. Let's
move to another one 🏛

هذه القاعة برد شوية.
خلونا نروح لوحدة ثانية

Basem is #tall, but Ahmad is not.
باسم طويل ، لكن علي لأ

Adnan always #falls down. He never learns from his mistakes. 🤦🏻‍♂

عدنان دائماً يطيح. ما يتعلم من أخطاءه

The #fall season is my favorite one. 🍃
فصل الخريف فصلي المُفضل
2024/09/23 09:12:41
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