I started journaling (opened a portal I can't close) so now I have notes with blank pages because Dr Strange doesn't exist
"Its cold out there, keep your hands, and if possible, your hearts warm."
Am I the only one who slams a visualized door over memories and thought I prefer stay behind closed doors?
And it works
Would like to collect my memories in a jar, tamper-free because I seem to love rewriting them.
It'll probably get stolen though
Memories that are supposed to squeeze me into a warming hug now just squeeze at my straining heart
"Everything turns sad the longer you think of it."
Wrote my next 5 years resolution:
Survive 2024
She collected scents that teleported her to her favourite past lives
Until they rewired her brain and smelled like the present
"I am funny because I am tragic."
Superheroes that resolve to saving the world because its easier than saving themselves
"It bruised your ego
But it birthed
A greater understanding"
This goes out to the many things I've stopped loving after I stopped loving you
I'd wish for all your dreams to come true
But not all dreams hold whats best
Take a look at these words
Read me.. real... slow
Breathe like you haven't been told the craziest things lately

Now panic
You know, I'm never really moving forward when I get hit with hypermnesia like that

A casual foot forward then a sudden shove back

Do I get my footsteps back?

They're just a bit contaminated is all...
We can send future letter yet never past
The urge to write to my younger self that the world does not, in fact, wait for you to come live out your plans
It doesn't even write your plans for you
Its just asking you to wing it
Robbing myself of clarity because ignorance has suited me well
"Carry on," she waved.
"Just carry it all and go on."
I spend years analysing
Working on myself like governing a nation
But years of hard work can come crumbling down within hours let alone days
I felt it happen within me
I saw it happen around me

Reduced to something like a dandelion seed seemingly so meant to stay
Growing in one place for so long
Then blown off with a surge of wind
Because it really wasn't meant to stay!
2024/06/29 11:05:12
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