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Here, Telegram will give you some information about what happens when you change your number. Basically, all your messages will be moved to the new number and your new number will be automatically added to all your existing Telegram contacts, barring the blocked contacts. It’s way easier then re-sharing your new number with everyone. To change the number, tap on the “Change Number”, enter the new number and follow the process on your screen. Custom themes The standard emojis on Telegram can be presented in an animated avatar to further enhance their emotional value. These are different from GIFs you send in the app. To enable animated emojis, head over to Settings/Chat Settings/ Large Emojis.

To use this feature, head over to the hamburger menu by swiping right and choose Contacts. Choose ‘Find People Nearby’ and here you will see a list of contacts who have chosen to be visible. You can also scroll down to see all nearby groups and the option to create your own. Users who wish to be discovered by this feature can turn it on in the hamburger menu/People Nearby/Make myself visible. When you turn on that feature, the app automatically switches to dark mode. Go to Settings > Chat Settings and toggle on Auto-Night Mode. Thank You Bots on Telegram can help you take quizzes, accept payments and even replace whole websites. Bot developers can now include a photo or video in the “What can this bot do?” section of their bots to show off their features.

Take Advantage of Telegram Chat Tools The company has redesigned the reaction panel, making it expandable. The app will also show reactions that a user frequently uses at the top. Premium Telegram Premium users can pick reactions from an infinite selection of custom emoji. Users can attach up to 3 reactions per message. These changes to reactions are currently available in groups and 1-on-1 chats. Group admins can control whether custom reactions may be used in their groups. According to the official Telegram FAQ section, You can create secret chats that use end-to-end encryption. This means only you and your chat partner can read those messages. Turn off/on the auto-night mode

Utilize Telegram Bots Go to Settings > Chat Settings to create your own theme.

Хон Чхон Ги / Алые небеса | Родной Город | Клетки Юми | Чёрное солнце | Дорамы ♡̷̷ us

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