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Btw nk bagitau hampa yg esok lastday min Akan aktif dlm ni Insya Allah Akan Ada yg sambung buat quiz dgn yg lain ii min Minta tolong doakan min semoga terus berjaya dunia Dan akhirat ok 🥰.
Muhasabah Diri ok🤍
🌹Jom selawat!🌹

۞ اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ۞

𔘓 ↬ @doktortarbiah
🌹Zikir hari Jumaat🌹:

يَا ٱللّٰهُ
Maksud : Ya Allah.

Fadhilatnya : Allah akan memberi ketenangan hati bagi yang membacanya dan merasa kelazatan zikrullah.

𔘓 ↬ @doktortarbiah
أعظم النعم في الحياة راحة البال ،
إن شعرت بها فأنت تملك كل شيء.

Nikmat terbesar dalam hidup adalah ketenangan fikiran. Jika engkau merasakannya, maka kau memiliki segalanya

𔘓 ↬ @doktortarbiah
Tabarruj 🧵:

If you’ve come across the word tabarruj but don’t really know what it means, I really hope this thread will be of some benefit to you. I’ve noticed many sisters have not yet been properly educated on this topic and therefore don’t even realise how grave of a sin tabarruj is.

Tabarruj is the impermissible excessive display of a woman’s beauty in front of males, who are non mehram. This includes makeup, jewellery, perfume and showing off the body/ figure. (Mahram is a member of your family, whom marrying would be considered haram e.g; father, brother)

The prohibition of tabarruj can be found in the Quran [Surah An-Noor verse 60 and verse 31]

Another Quranic verse clarifying the severity of tabarruj is “And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves immorally (tabarruj) like that of the Days of Ignorance. And establish the prayer and give the Zakaat and obey Allaah and His Messenger” [Surah Al-Ahzaab: 33]

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“And the worst of your women are the ones who commit Tabarruj, who strut around in arrogance. They are the hypocrites” (Reported by al-Bayhaqi in his Sunan)

Abu Udhaynah reported: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “The best of your women are loving, fertile, suitable, and comforting, if they fear Allah. —

The worst of your women unveil their beauty, take pride in their appearance, and they are hypocrites. None of them will enter Paradise except as rarely as you see a red-beaked crow.”
Source: al-Sunan al-Kubrá 12480

Imam Al-Albanee (رحمه الله) said:

“Tabarruj is when a woman exposes her adornment, body features and all that she is obligated to cover which invites the desires of men” (Mar’at-il-Muslimah, page 54)

I know it can be hard to quit a sin like Tabarruj, especially if you were previously unaware of what it even is, but remember my sisters, this is all for the sake of Allah and you will be rewarded immensely for leaving this :(

The same rules for remaining modest, apply online too. This means not posting or having profile pictures that display your beauty, in front of non mahram. Preserve your beauty for the sake of Allah ﷻ. Men that are not permissible for you, do not need to see your beauty

Not only does this stop us from falling into the sin of tabarruj, but also protects us from insincere intentions from men. It also decreases the risk of us falling into haram with the opposite gender (engaging in unnecessary conversation or more)

Sisters, if you share other sisters’ pictures of themselves, where they are displaying their beauty, you also get the sin for it. Please avoid retweeting/ reposting anything with tabarruj in it and stop the further exposure of the sin إن شاء الله

There is always a wisdom behind the commands of Allah ﷻ, whether it is known to us or not. Anything that is fardh or haram, is always for the best and for our own good Alhamdulillah.

Obeying Allah and His messenger is a fardh on us all, and doing so will make our journey to Jannah (إن شاء الله) an easier one.

Quitting a sin like tabarruj is not an easy task, it’s something many of us struggle with but just remember even if no one sees your efforts, Allah ﷻ acknowledges them and will reward you. Make the sincere intention to change and slowly by surely it will happen إن شاء الله

My dear sisters, your beauty is so so precious and deserves to be preserved and kept away from lustful gazes. I hope this thread has benefited you in some way. If I have made any mistakes or if you have any questions, please let me know, JazakAllah Khayran

May Allah make it easy for us to adhere to His command and keep us steadfast, آمين 🤍

𔘓 ↬ @doktortarbiah
Sunnah jumaat🤍
Maaf semua sbb lambat update semua
Saya mintaa maaf sangat ii sbb saya busyu Kan esok saya dh kena masuk hostel
Air mata yang gugurnya dari seorang lelaki saat cinta hatinya sah menjadi kekasih abadinya. Itulah air mata tanda dia adalah seorang lelaki yang sejati.

𔘓 ↬ @doktortarbiah
Ulama berpesan, teruslah mengajak orang lain berubah ke arah kebaikan, walaupun diri kita masih lagi banyak melakukan perkara keburukan.

Sebab kita adalah manusia, takkan lepas dari melakukan kesilapan. Banyaknya aib kita, tapi Allah tutup.

𔘓 ↬ @doktortarbiah
😊 ليلة سعيدة 🌹

❤️Check List Sebelum tidur❤️ :

1) Jangan lupa baca surah al-Mulk .
2) Berwudhu'
3) Membaca doa sebelum tidur .
4) Mengibas tempat tidur terlebih dahulu .
5) Memaafkan orang lain
6)Delete gambar yang tidak menutup aurat.
7)Muhasabah diri

Selamat malam semua ❤️😍

𔘓 ↬ @doktortarbiah
Jangan lupa baca surah Al-mulk sebelum tidur 🌹

Sebagaimana diriwayatkan oleh Jabir r.a bahawa sudah menjadi kebiasaan Rasulullah SAW tidak akan tidur selagi tidak membaca Tabarakallazi biyadihil Mulk dan Alim Lam Miim Sajadah.

(Ahmad, Tirmizi dan Darimi)

𔘓 ↬ @doktortarbiah
Tiga amalan sebelum tidur:

1. Beristighfar sebanyak 3 kali.

2. Berselawat kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW sebanyak 10 kali.

3. Memaafkan semua kesalahan orang kepada diri kita.

Ustaz Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man

𔘓 ↬ @doktortarbiah
🌹Jom selawat!🌹

۞ اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ۞

𔘓 ↬ @doktortarbiah
🌹Zikir hari Sabtu🌹 :

لَا إلٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّه

Maksud : Tiada tuhan melainkan Allah.

Fadhilatnya : Allah akan hampir kepada kita dan akan memberi segala kebaikan hamba yang memujinya.

𔘓 ↬ @doktortarbiah
Ok semua harini min last hntq ii quote semua ye sbb min dh kena lapor diri dkt hostel terima kasih yg Masih sudi stay dlm channel yg X seberapa sangat Insya Allah Akan Ada yg sambung hntq ii quote and lain ii ok.stay Tune min Minta tolong hampa Doakan min ja semoga berjaya dunia akhirat Dan dpt ilmu yg berkat .min syg hampa semua 🥰❤️
Ha wokay semua Jaga diri leklok Jaga kesihatan Jangan lalai dgn dunia kejar akhirat selamanya kejar dunia hanya sementara takkan kekal ok.semiga hampa dipermudahkan urusan berjaya dunia Dan akhirat.nk menimba ilmu berguru lh dgn guru yg betui ii ye yg fhm agama bkn ajaran sesat wokay .selamat yg masuk sklh ok belajaq rajin ii hormat guru Insya Allah ilmu akn berkat fhm.Semua dh belajaq Kan Adab ii dgn that's all itu Dari min.min minta maaf kalau Ada Salah silap terkasaq Bahasa yg baik Tu semua Dari Allah yg buruk itu Dari saya sekian terima kasih kepada semua yg sudi support channel ni☺️.
2024/09/23 16:26:31
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