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A great way to organize your chats inside a group or channel is by using hashtags. When you use a hashtag in a message, that word becomes searchable allowing you to see all the messages relating to that topic. For example, if the group is discussing the new Avengers movie, everyone can use the Avengers hashtag. If you want to see all the messages in one location, you can just tap on the hashtag and all the messages with that hashtag will come up. If you are a group admin and it’s getting hard for you to manage the group due to the sheer amount of messages, you can use utilize the slow mode feature. Self-destruct is a popular feature on Telegram, but it has been limited to the separate β€œSecret Chat” option only. However, with the recent update, now you can self-destruct media like photos and videos on normal chats too. Just select a photo or video and then tap on the β€œtimer” button. Now, you can choose the time after which the media will be deleted from everywhere.

Read: 8 Most Common Encryption Techniques To Save Private Data Telegram has a unique feature called Channels that allow you to broadcast messages to large audiences. Unlike Groups, Telegram Channels can have an unlimited amount of subscribers, and only admins have the right to post content. To change your default folder, press and hold a folder in your chat list > Reorder > and drag your preferred folder to the first space. To enable or disable this service, go to β€œSettings”, β€œNotification and Sounds”, and swipe down to the β€œOther” section. You will also find a β€œRepeat Notifications” option, which you can select as per your convenience.

For maximum privacy, you can create secret chats that use end-to-end encryption. These aren't stored on Telegram's servers, so you can only access them with your specific phone. If one party deletes a message, it disappears on both devices. And you can specify a self-destruct period for all media if you like. Tap your profile picture here to see everything you've uploaded in the past. You can scroll across them; tap the Set as Main Photo option that appears on the top-right menu (as three dots on Android or Edit on iPhone) to set an older image as your current profile picture. Finally, Telegram has brought a list view for search results in chronological order. Earlier, finding something by incessantly tapping on β€œnext” was a tiring exercise. Now, you can just search for the term and tap on the β€œsearch bar” at the bottom to find all the search results in the list view. App Passcode Options

That’s far from saying Telegram will protect you from all privacy terrors the online world presents β€” you should check out our Android privacy guide for a broader look at that. Telegram just offers a good marriage of popularity and security for those with concerns over other messaging apps. @RateStickerBot – allows you to rate random stickers and discover new sticker sets.

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