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You are good enough. Actually, you’re probably overqualified. But let’s start the week off humble.

Positive Corners
The real flex is staying grateful even when times are tough.

- Soul Vibes -
You don't need an audience to achieve greatness. You need to focus.
Dress well.
Work hard.
Stay busy.
Make money.

- Collect Beautiful Moments -
You have nothing to prove to anyone. Live your life on your own term.

- Snow -
Normal people don't go around destroying other people.
Discipline is doing what needs to be done, even if you don’t want to do it.
Sudah kulangitkan semua,
tinggal menanti aturan Pengatur semesta.

Tentang Langit dan Aturan
Ujian tidak datang kalau kau tidak kuat. Kau kuat sebab itu kau selalu diuji.
You can’t change a toxic workplace by staying longer.
Some people don’t understand that sitting in your own house alone in peace, eating snacks and minding your own business is priceless.

Quote Remedy
If you’re serious about change, you have to go through uncomfortable situations. Stop trying to dodge the process. It’s the only way to grow.
Be soft in heart and beautiful in soul.
I hope when love comes to you, it comes with peace.
Avoid people who are close with people who dislike you.
One who is truly connected with their higher self will never look down on anybody else.

Erin Chatters
My standards are high because I can provide what I require.
Read that again.

Soul in Ink
When I was kid I used to admire educated people, but now I realised well mannered people are better than well educated ones.
الحمد لله
Wish people well. Their success will not limits yours.
2024/09/27 09:37:42
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