Self Destruct Messages on Secret Chats Buying a new 5G smartphone? Here’s what to keep in mind In Telegram, you can adjust the color and background. If you like, you can even set up your own custom theme to make Telegram look exactly the way you like.
Next up, tap Sound and then choose your custom notification sound located under the Telegram Tones section. Make sure to tap Done at the top right to finish. Interestingly, Telegram names your custom notification sound as Cloud Tone and also allows you to upload any audio as a notification sound for a chat. Whether you no longer want to let redundant chats clutter the precious storage of your device or wish to shield your personal chats, the auto-delete timer is for you. When you set an auto-delete timer for a specific Telegram chat, all of its content including images, videos, and documents are automatically deleted after the timer expires. Send Uncompressed Media without Changing the File Extension Turn on Secret Chat
Telegram also includes useful security options in this menu, which differ in name slightly on Android and iPhone. Use Passcode Lock to keep people from reading your chats. You can review all Active Sessions and terminate any logins that you no longer use. Copy a Part of Text from a Message Telegram Messenger Tricks To mute a chat in Telegram, head over to the chat in question. Next, tap the name at the top and then hit the mute button. To use live locations and proximity alerts, go to the contact’s chat window and tap on the ‘Attach’ icon shaped like a paperclip. Choose the location button here, and choose ‘Share my Live Location’. You will be able to send live locations for either 15 minutes, 1 hour or 8 hours.
Telegram Saved Messages Cool and Best Telegram Messenger Tricks in 2022
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