Telegram Web Link
title : レミリア
artist : O絃
url :
tags: #東方 #東方Project #レミリア・スカーレット
I heard Durov was arrested by French police for allowing child porn and other harmful information to spread. I wish our channel wasn't considered as evidence of that. And fxxk Europe, I will probably leave here too. Admin didn't intend to leave China to jump into another Soviet Union.

I will keep it running as long as this channel exists even though the future of Telegram isn't very bright.

惊闻Durov因纵容平台传播儿童色情和其他有害信息被法国警方逮捕。希望本频道没有被算进犯罪证据里面(笑)。fxxk Europe,或许该挪坑了。Admin离开China并不是为了跳进另一个苏联。

妈的,channel bot好像也挂了,まじで最悪のタイミング。

Damn it channel bot seems to be broken too. This really is the worst timing.
The bot has come back.
title : 8月のマリアリ
artist : biasandvariance
url :
tags : #nijijourney #アリス・マーガトロイド #霧雨魔理沙 #マリアリ
2024/09/21 01:18:29
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